Code of Virginia
Chapter 1 - Department of Criminal Justice Services
§ 9.1-150.1. Definitions

In addition to the definitions set forth in § 9.1-101, as used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Special conservator of the peace" means any individual appointed pursuant to § 19.2-13 on or after September 15, 2004.
2003, c. 922.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 9.1 - Commonwealth Public Safety

Chapter 1 - Department of Criminal Justice Services

§ 9.1-100. Department of Criminal Justice Services

§ 9.1-101. (For contingent expiration date, see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Definitions

§ 9.1-101. (For contingent effective date, see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Definitions

§ 9.1-101.1. Certified mail; subsequent mail or notices may be sent by regular mail

§ 9.1-102. (Effective until January 1, 2023) Powers and duties of the Board and the Department

§ 9.1-102. (Effective January 1, 2023) Powers and duties of the Board and the Department

§ 9.1-102.1. Photo-identification cards

§ 9.1-103. Direct operational responsibilities in law enforcement not authorized

§ 9.1-104. Establishment of victim and witness assistance programs; purpose; guidelines

§ 9.1-105. Intensified Drug Enforcement Jurisdictions Fund

§ 9.1-106. Regional Criminal Justice Academy Training Fund; local fee

§ 9.1-107. Powers and duties of Director

§ 9.1-108. Criminal Justice Services Board membership; terms; vacancies; members not disqualified from holding other offices; designation of chairmen; meetings; compensation

§ 9.1-108.1. Executive Committee; authority; effect of certain actions

§ 9.1-109. Administration of federal programs

§ 9.1-110. School Resource Officer Grants Program and Fund

§ 9.1-111. Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Prevention; membership; terms; quorum; compensation and expenses; duties

§ 9.1-112. Committee on Training; membership

§ 9.1-112.1. Criminal justice training academies; curriculum

§ 9.1-113. Compliance with minimum training standards by certain officers; exceptions

§ 9.1-114. Compliance with minimum training standards by officers employed after July 1, 1971, by officers appointed under § 56-353 after July 1, 1982, and by part-time officers

§ 9.1-114.1. Compliance with minimum training standards by school resource officers

§ 9.1-114.2. Compliance with minimum training standards and reporting requirements for detector canine handlers and detector canines

§ 9.1-115. Forfeiture of office for failing to meet training standards; termination of salary and benefits; extension of term

§ 9.1-116. Exemptions of certain persons from certain training requirements

§ 9.1-116.1. Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Victim Fund; purpose; guidelines

§ 9.1-116.2. Advisory Committee on Sexual and Domestic Violence; membership; terms; compensation and expenses; duties

§ 9.1-116.3. Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Program Professional Standards Committee

§ 9.1-116.4. Virginia Prevention of Sex Trafficking Fund; purpose; guidelines

§ 9.1-116.5. Sex Trafficking Response Coordinator; duties; report

§ 9.1-116.6. Virginia Gun Violence Intervention and Prevention Fund; purpose; guidelines

§ 9.1-116.7. (Expires July 1, 2023) Body-Worn Camera System Fund

§ 9.1-117. Repealed

§ 9.1-126. Application and construction of article

§ 9.1-127. Repealed

§ 9.1-128. (For contingent expiration see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Dissemination of criminal history record information; Board to adopt regulations and procedures

§ 9.1-128. (For contingent effective date, see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Dissemination of criminal history record information; Board to adopt regulations and procedures

§ 9.1-129. Participation of state and local agencies in interstate system; access to system limited

§ 9.1-130. Procedures to be adopted by agencies maintaining criminal justice information systems

§ 9.1-131. Annual audits

§ 9.1-132. Individual's right of access to and review and correction of information

§ 9.1-133. Certain information not subject to review or correction

§ 9.1-134. (For contingent expiration see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Sealing of criminal history record information

§ 9.1-134. (For contingent effective date, see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Sealing of criminal history record information

§ 9.1-135. Civil remedies for violation of this chapter or Chapter 23 of Title 19.2

§ 9.1-136. Criminal penalty for violation

§ 9.1-137. Article to control over other laws; exceptions

§ 9.1-138. Definitions

§ 9.1-139. Licensing, certification, and registration required; qualifications; temporary licenses

§ 9.1-140. Exceptions from article; training requirements for out-of-state central station dispatchers

§ 9.1-140.01. Exemption from training requirements; central station dispatchers employed by central stations certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory

§ 9.1-140.1. Registration; waiver of examination; locksmiths

§ 9.1-141. Powers of Board relating to private security services business

§ 9.1-142. Powers of Department relating to private security services businesses

§ 9.1-143. Private Security Services Advisory Board; membership

§ 9.1-144. Insurance required

§ 9.1-145. Fingerprints required; penalty

§ 9.1-146. Limitation on powers of registered armed security officers

§ 9.1-147. Unlawful conduct generally; penalty

§ 9.1-148. Unlawful procurement of a license; penalty

§ 9.1-149. Unlicensed activity prohibited; penalty

§ 9.1-149.1. Unlawful advertisement for regulated services; notice; penalty

§ 9.1-150. Monetary penalty

§ 9.1-150.1. Definitions

§ 9.1-150.2. Powers of Criminal Justice Services Board relating to special conservators of the peace appointed pursuant to § 19.2-13

§ 9.1-150.3. Powers of Department of Criminal Justice Services relating to special conservators of the peace appointed pursuant to § 19.2-13

§ 9.1-150.4. Unlawful conduct; penalties

§ 9.1-151. Court-Appointed Special Advocate Program; appointment of advisory committee

§ 9.1-152. Local court-appointed special advocate programs; powers and duties

§ 9.1-153. Volunteer court-appointed special advocates; powers and duties; assignment; qualifications; training

§ 9.1-154. Immunity

§ 9.1-155. Notice of hearings and proceedings

§ 9.1-156. Inspection and copying of records by advocate; confidentiality of records

§ 9.1-157. Cooperation of state and local entities

§ 9.1-158. Repealed

§ 9.1-161. Crime prevention specialists; duties

§ 9.1-162. Eligibility for crime prevention specialists

§ 9.1-163. Repealed

§ 9.1-165. Definitions

§ 9.1-166. Local governments to receive state funds for law enforcement

§ 9.1-167. Calculation of adjusted crime index; use

§ 9.1-168. Eligibility for funds

§ 9.1-169. Total amount and method of distribution of funds to counties and cities

§ 9.1-170. Distribution of funds to towns

§ 9.1-171. Distribution of discretionary fund

§ 9.1-172. Periodic determination of weights and constants

§ 9.1-173. Purpose

§ 9.1-173.1. Procedures for treatment of veterans and active service members

§ 9.1-174. Establishment of a community-based probation services agency

§ 9.1-175. Board to prescribe standards; biennial plan

§ 9.1-176. Mandated services; optional services and facilities

§ 9.1-176.1. Duties and responsibilities of local community-based probation officers

§ 9.1-177. Form of oath of office for local community-based probation officers

§ 9.1-177.1. Confidentiality of records of and reports on adult persons under investigation by, or placed on probation supervision with a local community-based probation services agency

§ 9.1-178. Community criminal justice boards

§ 9.1-179. Withdrawal from services

§ 9.1-180. Responsibilities of community criminal justice boards

§ 9.1-181. Eligibility to participate

§ 9.1-182. Funding; failure to comply; prohibited use of funds

§ 9.1-183. City or county to act as administrator and fiscal agent

§ 9.1-184. Virginia Center for School and Campus Safety created; duties

§ 9.1-185. Definitions

§ 9.1-185.1. Inapplicability of this article

§ 9.1-185.2. Powers of the Criminal Justice Services Board relating to bail bondsmen

§ 9.1-185.3. Powers of Department of Criminal Justice Services relating to bail bondsmen

§ 9.1-185.4. Limitations on licensure

§ 9.1-185.5. Bail bondsman licensure requirements

§ 9.1-185.6. Licenses; renewal

§ 9.1-185.7. Licensure of nonresidents

§ 9.1-185.8. Professional conduct standards; grounds for disciplinary actions

§ 9.1-185.9. Solicitation of business; standards; restrictions and requirements

§ 9.1-185.10. Collateral received in the course of business; standards and requirements

§ 9.1-185.11. Firearms, training and usage; standards and requirements

§ 9.1-185.12. Uniforms and identification; standards and restrictions

§ 9.1-185.13. Documentation and recordkeeping standards and requirements

§ 9.1-185.14. Reporting standards and requirements

§ 9.1-185.15. Recovery of bailees; methods of capture; standards and requirements; limitations

§ 9.1-185.16. Department submission to the State Corporation Commission

§ 9.1-185.17. Department submissions to local and regional correctional facilities

§ 9.1-185.18. Penalties

§ 9.1-186. Definitions

§ 9.1-186.1. Inapplicability of article

§ 9.1-186.2. Powers of Department and Board relating to bail enforcement agents

§ 9.1-186.3. Powers of Department relating to bail enforcement agents

§ 9.1-186.4. Limitations on licensure

§ 9.1-186.5. Bail enforcement agent license; criminal history records check

§ 9.1-186.6. Licenses; renewal

§ 9.1-186.7. Licensure of nonresidents

§ 9.1-186.8. Professional conduct standards; grounds for disciplinary actions

§ 9.1-186.9. Firearms, training and usage; standards and requirements

§ 9.1-186.10. Uniforms and identification; standards and restrictions

§ 9.1-186.11. Reporting standards and requirements

§ 9.1-186.12. Recovery of bailees; methods of capture; standards and requirements; limitations

§ 9.1-186.13. Penalties, criminal and monetary

§ 9.1-186.14. Expired

§ 9.1-187. Establishment of crisis intervention team programs

§ 9.1-188. Crisis intervention training program

§ 9.1-189. Crisis intervention team protocol

§ 9.1-190. Crisis intervention team program assessment

§ 9.1-191. Virginia sexual assault forensic examiner coordination program

§ 9.1-192. Community Policing Reporting Database; annual report

§ 9.1-193. Mental health awareness response and community understanding services (Marcus) alert system; law-enforcement protocols