Code of Virginia
Chapter 1 - Department of Criminal Justice Services
§ 9.1-108. Criminal Justice Services Board membership; terms; vacancies; members not disqualified from holding other offices; designation of chairmen; meetings; compensation

A. The Criminal Justice Services Board is established as a policy board within the meaning of § 2.2-2100, in the executive branch of state government. The Board shall consist of 32 members as follows: the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, or his designee; the Attorney General or his designee; the Superintendent of the Department of State Police; the Director of the Department of Corrections; the Director of the Department of Juvenile Justice; the Chairman of the Parole Board; the Executive Director of the Virginia Indigent Defense Commission or his designee; and the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia. In those instances in which the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia, the Superintendent of the Department of State Police, the Director of the Department of Corrections, the Director of the Department of Juvenile Justice, or the Chairman of the Parole Board will be absent from a Board meeting, he may appoint a member of his staff to represent him at the meeting.
Twenty members shall be appointed by the Governor from among citizens of the Commonwealth. At least one shall be a representative of a crime victims' organization or a victim of crime as defined in subsection B of § 19.2-11.01, one shall be a representative of a social justice organization that is engaged in advancing inclusion and human rights, one shall be a mental health service provider, and two shall represent community interests, at least one of whom shall represent the community interests of minority individuals from one of the four groups defined in subsection F of § 2.2-4310. The remainder shall be representative of the broad categories of state and local governments, criminal justice systems, and law-enforcement agencies, including but not limited to, police officials, sheriffs, attorneys for the Commonwealth, defense counsel, the judiciary, correctional and rehabilitative activities, and other locally elected and appointed administrative and legislative officials. Among these members there shall be two sheriffs representing the Virginia Sheriffs' Association selected from among names submitted by the Association; one member who is an active duty law-enforcement officer appointed after consideration of the names, if any, submitted by police or fraternal associations that have memberships of at least 1,000; two representatives of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police appointed after consideration of the names submitted by the Association, if any; one attorney for the Commonwealth appointed after consideration of the names submitted by the Virginia Association of Commonwealth's Attorneys, if any; one person who is a mayor, city or town manager, or member of a city or town council representing the Virginia Municipal League appointed after consideration of the names submitted by the League, if any; one person who is a county executive, manager, or member of a county board of supervisors representing the Virginia Association of Counties appointed after consideration of the names submitted by the Association, if any; one member representing the Virginia Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators appointed after consideration of the names submitted by the Association, if any; one member of the Private Security Services Advisory Board; and one representative of the Virginia Association of Regional Jails appointed after consideration of the names submitted by the Association, if any.
Four members of the Board shall be members of the General Assembly appointed as follows: one member of the House Committee on Appropriations appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates after consideration of the recommendation by the committee's chairman; one member of the House Committee for Courts of Justice appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates after consideration of the recommendation by the committee's chairman; one member of the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules after consideration of the recommendation of the chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations; and one member of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules after consideration of the recommendation of the chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. The legislative members shall serve terms coincident with their terms of office and shall serve as ex officio, nonvoting members. Legislative members may be reappointed for successive terms.
B. The members of the Board appointed by the Governor shall serve for terms of four years, provided that no member shall serve beyond the time when he holds the office or employment by reason of which he was initially eligible for appointment. Gubernatorial appointed members of the Board shall not be eligible to serve for more than two consecutive full terms. Three or more years within a four-year period shall be deemed a full term. Any vacancy on the Board shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment, but for the unexpired term.
C. The Governor shall appoint a chairman of the Board for a two-year term. No member shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms as chairman. The Board shall designate one or more vice-chairmen from among its members, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board.
D. Notwithstanding any provision of any statute, ordinance, local law, or charter provision to the contrary, membership on the Board shall not disqualify any member from holding any other public office or employment, or cause the forfeiture thereof.
E. The Board shall hold no less than four regular meetings a year. Subject to the requirements of this subsection, the chairman shall fix the times and places of meetings, either on his own motion or upon written request of any five members of the Board.
F. The Board may adopt bylaws for its operation.
G. Legislative members of the Board shall receive such compensation as provided in § 30-19.12 and nonlegislative citizen members shall receive such compensation as provided in § 2.2-2813 for the performance of their duties. All members shall be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as provided in §§ 2.2-2813 and 2.2-2825. Funding for the costs of compensation and expenses of the members shall be provided by the Department of Criminal Justice Services.
1981, c. 632, § 9-168; 1984, cc. 30, 515, 538, 734; 1986, c. 519; 1987, c. 144; 1989, c. 733; 1990, c. 98; 1991, cc. 59, 685; 1993, c. 415; 1994, cc. 20, 226; 1997, cc. 32, 795, 883; 1999, c. 495; 2001, c. 844; 2004, c. 1000; 2005, cc. 594, 672; 2011, cc. 594, 681, 691, 714; 2012, cc. 803, 835; 2017, c. 206; 2020, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 28, 37; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 467.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 9.1 - Commonwealth Public Safety

Chapter 1 - Department of Criminal Justice Services

§ 9.1-100. Department of Criminal Justice Services

§ 9.1-101. (For contingent expiration date, see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Definitions

§ 9.1-101. (For contingent effective date, see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Definitions

§ 9.1-101.1. Certified mail; subsequent mail or notices may be sent by regular mail

§ 9.1-102. (Effective until January 1, 2023) Powers and duties of the Board and the Department

§ 9.1-102. (Effective January 1, 2023) Powers and duties of the Board and the Department

§ 9.1-102.1. Photo-identification cards

§ 9.1-103. Direct operational responsibilities in law enforcement not authorized

§ 9.1-104. Establishment of victim and witness assistance programs; purpose; guidelines

§ 9.1-105. Intensified Drug Enforcement Jurisdictions Fund

§ 9.1-106. Regional Criminal Justice Academy Training Fund; local fee

§ 9.1-107. Powers and duties of Director

§ 9.1-108. Criminal Justice Services Board membership; terms; vacancies; members not disqualified from holding other offices; designation of chairmen; meetings; compensation

§ 9.1-108.1. Executive Committee; authority; effect of certain actions

§ 9.1-109. Administration of federal programs

§ 9.1-110. School Resource Officer Grants Program and Fund

§ 9.1-111. Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Prevention; membership; terms; quorum; compensation and expenses; duties

§ 9.1-112. Committee on Training; membership

§ 9.1-112.1. Criminal justice training academies; curriculum

§ 9.1-113. Compliance with minimum training standards by certain officers; exceptions

§ 9.1-114. Compliance with minimum training standards by officers employed after July 1, 1971, by officers appointed under § 56-353 after July 1, 1982, and by part-time officers

§ 9.1-114.1. Compliance with minimum training standards by school resource officers

§ 9.1-114.2. Compliance with minimum training standards and reporting requirements for detector canine handlers and detector canines

§ 9.1-115. Forfeiture of office for failing to meet training standards; termination of salary and benefits; extension of term

§ 9.1-116. Exemptions of certain persons from certain training requirements

§ 9.1-116.1. Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Victim Fund; purpose; guidelines

§ 9.1-116.2. Advisory Committee on Sexual and Domestic Violence; membership; terms; compensation and expenses; duties

§ 9.1-116.3. Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Program Professional Standards Committee

§ 9.1-116.4. Virginia Prevention of Sex Trafficking Fund; purpose; guidelines

§ 9.1-116.5. Sex Trafficking Response Coordinator; duties; report

§ 9.1-116.6. Virginia Gun Violence Intervention and Prevention Fund; purpose; guidelines

§ 9.1-116.7. (Expires July 1, 2023) Body-Worn Camera System Fund

§ 9.1-117. Repealed

§ 9.1-126. Application and construction of article

§ 9.1-127. Repealed

§ 9.1-128. (For contingent expiration see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Dissemination of criminal history record information; Board to adopt regulations and procedures

§ 9.1-128. (For contingent effective date, see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Dissemination of criminal history record information; Board to adopt regulations and procedures

§ 9.1-129. Participation of state and local agencies in interstate system; access to system limited

§ 9.1-130. Procedures to be adopted by agencies maintaining criminal justice information systems

§ 9.1-131. Annual audits

§ 9.1-132. Individual's right of access to and review and correction of information

§ 9.1-133. Certain information not subject to review or correction

§ 9.1-134. (For contingent expiration see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Sealing of criminal history record information

§ 9.1-134. (For contingent effective date, see Acts 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 524 and 542) Sealing of criminal history record information

§ 9.1-135. Civil remedies for violation of this chapter or Chapter 23 of Title 19.2

§ 9.1-136. Criminal penalty for violation

§ 9.1-137. Article to control over other laws; exceptions

§ 9.1-138. Definitions

§ 9.1-139. Licensing, certification, and registration required; qualifications; temporary licenses

§ 9.1-140. Exceptions from article; training requirements for out-of-state central station dispatchers

§ 9.1-140.01. Exemption from training requirements; central station dispatchers employed by central stations certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory

§ 9.1-140.1. Registration; waiver of examination; locksmiths

§ 9.1-141. Powers of Board relating to private security services business

§ 9.1-142. Powers of Department relating to private security services businesses

§ 9.1-143. Private Security Services Advisory Board; membership

§ 9.1-144. Insurance required

§ 9.1-145. Fingerprints required; penalty

§ 9.1-146. Limitation on powers of registered armed security officers

§ 9.1-147. Unlawful conduct generally; penalty

§ 9.1-148. Unlawful procurement of a license; penalty

§ 9.1-149. Unlicensed activity prohibited; penalty

§ 9.1-149.1. Unlawful advertisement for regulated services; notice; penalty

§ 9.1-150. Monetary penalty

§ 9.1-150.1. Definitions

§ 9.1-150.2. Powers of Criminal Justice Services Board relating to special conservators of the peace appointed pursuant to § 19.2-13

§ 9.1-150.3. Powers of Department of Criminal Justice Services relating to special conservators of the peace appointed pursuant to § 19.2-13

§ 9.1-150.4. Unlawful conduct; penalties

§ 9.1-151. Court-Appointed Special Advocate Program; appointment of advisory committee

§ 9.1-152. Local court-appointed special advocate programs; powers and duties

§ 9.1-153. Volunteer court-appointed special advocates; powers and duties; assignment; qualifications; training

§ 9.1-154. Immunity

§ 9.1-155. Notice of hearings and proceedings

§ 9.1-156. Inspection and copying of records by advocate; confidentiality of records

§ 9.1-157. Cooperation of state and local entities

§ 9.1-158. Repealed

§ 9.1-161. Crime prevention specialists; duties

§ 9.1-162. Eligibility for crime prevention specialists

§ 9.1-163. Repealed

§ 9.1-165. Definitions

§ 9.1-166. Local governments to receive state funds for law enforcement

§ 9.1-167. Calculation of adjusted crime index; use

§ 9.1-168. Eligibility for funds

§ 9.1-169. Total amount and method of distribution of funds to counties and cities

§ 9.1-170. Distribution of funds to towns

§ 9.1-171. Distribution of discretionary fund

§ 9.1-172. Periodic determination of weights and constants

§ 9.1-173. Purpose

§ 9.1-173.1. Procedures for treatment of veterans and active service members

§ 9.1-174. Establishment of a community-based probation services agency

§ 9.1-175. Board to prescribe standards; biennial plan

§ 9.1-176. Mandated services; optional services and facilities

§ 9.1-176.1. Duties and responsibilities of local community-based probation officers

§ 9.1-177. Form of oath of office for local community-based probation officers

§ 9.1-177.1. Confidentiality of records of and reports on adult persons under investigation by, or placed on probation supervision with a local community-based probation services agency

§ 9.1-178. Community criminal justice boards

§ 9.1-179. Withdrawal from services

§ 9.1-180. Responsibilities of community criminal justice boards

§ 9.1-181. Eligibility to participate

§ 9.1-182. Funding; failure to comply; prohibited use of funds

§ 9.1-183. City or county to act as administrator and fiscal agent

§ 9.1-184. Virginia Center for School and Campus Safety created; duties

§ 9.1-185. Definitions

§ 9.1-185.1. Inapplicability of this article

§ 9.1-185.2. Powers of the Criminal Justice Services Board relating to bail bondsmen

§ 9.1-185.3. Powers of Department of Criminal Justice Services relating to bail bondsmen

§ 9.1-185.4. Limitations on licensure

§ 9.1-185.5. Bail bondsman licensure requirements

§ 9.1-185.6. Licenses; renewal

§ 9.1-185.7. Licensure of nonresidents

§ 9.1-185.8. Professional conduct standards; grounds for disciplinary actions

§ 9.1-185.9. Solicitation of business; standards; restrictions and requirements

§ 9.1-185.10. Collateral received in the course of business; standards and requirements

§ 9.1-185.11. Firearms, training and usage; standards and requirements

§ 9.1-185.12. Uniforms and identification; standards and restrictions

§ 9.1-185.13. Documentation and recordkeeping standards and requirements

§ 9.1-185.14. Reporting standards and requirements

§ 9.1-185.15. Recovery of bailees; methods of capture; standards and requirements; limitations

§ 9.1-185.16. Department submission to the State Corporation Commission

§ 9.1-185.17. Department submissions to local and regional correctional facilities

§ 9.1-185.18. Penalties

§ 9.1-186. Definitions

§ 9.1-186.1. Inapplicability of article

§ 9.1-186.2. Powers of Department and Board relating to bail enforcement agents

§ 9.1-186.3. Powers of Department relating to bail enforcement agents

§ 9.1-186.4. Limitations on licensure

§ 9.1-186.5. Bail enforcement agent license; criminal history records check

§ 9.1-186.6. Licenses; renewal

§ 9.1-186.7. Licensure of nonresidents

§ 9.1-186.8. Professional conduct standards; grounds for disciplinary actions

§ 9.1-186.9. Firearms, training and usage; standards and requirements

§ 9.1-186.10. Uniforms and identification; standards and restrictions

§ 9.1-186.11. Reporting standards and requirements

§ 9.1-186.12. Recovery of bailees; methods of capture; standards and requirements; limitations

§ 9.1-186.13. Penalties, criminal and monetary

§ 9.1-186.14. Expired

§ 9.1-187. Establishment of crisis intervention team programs

§ 9.1-188. Crisis intervention training program

§ 9.1-189. Crisis intervention team protocol

§ 9.1-190. Crisis intervention team program assessment

§ 9.1-191. Virginia sexual assault forensic examiner coordination program

§ 9.1-192. Community Policing Reporting Database; annual report

§ 9.1-193. Mental health awareness response and community understanding services (Marcus) alert system; law-enforcement protocols