Code of Virginia
Chapter 10 - Entities Conducting Trust Business
§ 6.2-1065. Definitions

As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Acquisition of a trust office" means the acquisition of a trust office located in a host state, without acquiring the trust institution of such office.
"Bank" has the meaning assigned to it in 12 U.S.C. § 1813 (a)(1) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. § 1811 et seq.), as amended.
"Bank supervisory agency" means: (i) any agency of another state with primary responsibility for chartering and supervising a trust institution and (ii) the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and any successor to these agencies.
"Home state" means (i) with respect to a federally chartered trust institution, the state where such institution maintains its principal office and (ii) with respect to any other trust institution, the state that chartered such institution.
"Home state regulator" means the bank supervisory agency with primary responsibility for chartering and supervising an out-of-state trust institution.
"Host state" means a state, other than the home state of a trust institution, in which the trust institution maintains or seeks to acquire or establish an office.
"New trust office" means a trust office located in a host state that (i) is originally established by the trust institution as a trust office and (ii) does not become a trust office of the trust institution as a result of (a) the acquisition of another trust institution or trust office of another trust institution or (b) a merger, consolidation, or conversion involving any such trust institution or trust office.
"Office" with respect to a trust institution means the principal office or a trust office, but not a branch.
"Out-of-state bank" means a bank chartered to act as a fiduciary whose home state is a state other than the Commonwealth.
"Out-of-state trust company" means a trust company or trust subsidiary whose home state is a state other than the Commonwealth.
"Out-of-state trust institution" means a trust institution whose home state is a state other than the Commonwealth.
"Principal office" with respect to (i) a state trust company, means a location designated by such trust company as its main office pursuant to § 6.2-1028 or 6.2-1047 or (ii) a trust institution other than a state trust company, means its principal place of business in the United States.
"State bank" or "Virginia state bank" means a bank chartered under the laws of the Commonwealth and permitted to engage in the trust business pursuant to § 6.2-819.
"State trust company" means a corporation organized or reorganized as a trust company under Article 2 (§ 6.2-1013 et seq.) or Article 3 (§ 6.2-1047 et seq.) of this chapter.
"State trust institution" means a trust institution having its principal office in the Commonwealth.
"Trust company" means a state trust company or any other entity chartered to act as a fiduciary that is not a bank.
"Trust institution" means a bank or trust company chartered by a state bank supervisory agency or by the Office of the Comptroller of Currency.
"Trust office" means an office at which a trust institution engages in a trust business and not in the banking business.
1999, c. 835, § 6.1-32.32; 2010, c. 794.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 6.2 - Financial Institutions and Services

Chapter 10 - Entities Conducting Trust Business

§ 6.2-1000. Definitions

§ 6.2-1001. Entities authorized to engage in trust business

§ 6.2-1002. Powers of trust institutions

§ 6.2-1003. When security not required; payment of probate taxes and fees

§ 6.2-1004. Who may take oath for corporate fiduciary

§ 6.2-1005. Deposit or other use of trust funds

§ 6.2-1006. Custody of trust securities to be kept separate; federal securities and obligations

§ 6.2-1007. Investment of trust funds

§ 6.2-1008. Dealings with self or affiliates

§ 6.2-1009. Common trust and collective investment funds

§ 6.2-1010. Holding stock or other securities as fiduciary

§ 6.2-1011. Voting of bank shares held by trust institution as fiduciary; when disqualified

§ 6.2-1012. Suspension or prohibition of trust institutions

§ 6.2-1013. Definitions

§ 6.2-1014. Certificate required

§ 6.2-1015. Application for certificate; fee

§ 6.2-1016. Bond required

§ 6.2-1017. Procedure for granting or denying certificate

§ 6.2-1018. Minimum capital; state of incorporation; form of entity

§ 6.2-1019. Issuance of shares; subscriptions to stock; stock option plans

§ 6.2-1020. Certain transactions by affiliated trust companies prohibited

§ 6.2-1021. Commissions or fees for sale of stock not permitted

§ 6.2-1022. Reacquisition of shares; dividends

§ 6.2-1023. Acquisition of stock; application

§ 6.2-1024. Restrictions on control, officers and directors

§ 6.2-1025. Report to Commission of election of director

§ 6.2-1026. Removal of director or officer; appeals; penalty

§ 6.2-1027. Bonds required of officers and employees; blanket bond

§ 6.2-1028. Offices

§ 6.2-1029. Directors

§ 6.2-1030. Discount by officer, director, or employee of refused paper

§ 6.2-1031. Reports

§ 6.2-1032. Investigations; examinations

§ 6.2-1033. Fees

§ 6.2-1034. Regulations

§ 6.2-1035. Audits

§ 6.2-1036. Commission's remedial powers

§ 6.2-1037. Effect of surrender or revocation of certificate

§ 6.2-1038. Appointment of receiver

§ 6.2-1039. Engaging in trust business without authority; Commission may examine accounts of suspected person; penalty

§ 6.2-1040. Unlawful use of terms indicating that business is trust company; penalty

§ 6.2-1041. Civil penalties for failure to comply with § 62-1031 or 62-1032

§ 6.2-1042. Making derogatory statements affecting trust companies; penalty

§ 6.2-1043. Use of trust company name, logo, or symbol for marketing purposes; penalty

§ 6.2-1044. Offenses by officer, director, agent or employee of trust company; penalties

§ 6.2-1045. Officers, directors, agents and employees violating or causing trust company to violate laws; civil liability not affected

§ 6.2-1046. Civil penalties for violation of Commission's orders

§ 6.2-1047. Definitions

§ 6.2-1048. Organization of subsidiary trust companies

§ 6.2-1049. Permissible business

§ 6.2-1050. Directors

§ 6.2-1051. Report to Commission of election of director

§ 6.2-1052. Removal of director or officer; appeals; penalty

§ 6.2-1053. Bonds required of officers and employees; blanket bond

§ 6.2-1054. Certificate required

§ 6.2-1055. Trust offices

§ 6.2-1056. When security not required of trust subsidiaries

§ 6.2-1057. Deposits held or received by trust subsidiaries or subsidiary bank with affiliate banks

§ 6.2-1058. Substitution of trust subsidiary as fiduciary

§ 6.2-1059. Substitution of subsidiary bank as fiduciary

§ 6.2-1060. Trust subsidiaries to have same powers and restrictions as bank trust departments

§ 6.2-1061. Reports; investigations and examinations; civil penalties

§ 6.2-1062. Offenses by officer, director, agent or employee of trust subsidiary; penalties

§ 6.2-1063. Officers, directors, agents and employees violating or causing trust subsidiary to violate laws; civil liability not affected

§ 6.2-1064. Civil penalties for violation of Commission's orders

§ 6.2-1065. Definitions

§ 6.2-1066. Interstate trust offices by Virginia state banks

§ 6.2-1067. Trust business of out-of-state trust institution

§ 6.2-1068. Establishing or acquiring an interstate trust office; additional trust offices; notice of closure

§ 6.2-1069. Filing requirements

§ 6.2-1070. Conditions for approval

§ 6.2-1071. Examinations; periodic reports; cooperative agreements; assessment of fees

§ 6.2-1072. Enforcement

§ 6.2-1073. Regulations; fees

§ 6.2-1074. Definitions

§ 6.2-1075. Organization; minimum capital; notice to Bureau; control

§ 6.2-1076. Operation and powers

§ 6.2-1077. Reacquisition of shares or interests; dividends

§ 6.2-1078. Offices

§ 6.2-1079. Directors or managers

§ 6.2-1080. Limitation on powers

§ 6.2-1081. Definitions

§ 6.2-1082. Applications for permission to offer trust services

§ 6.2-1083. Commission to issue certificate; powers of associations authorized to offer trust services

§ 6.2-1084. Continuation of trust powers in the event of consolidation or merger of two or more associations

§ 6.2-1085. When security not required

§ 6.2-1086. Association's operation and supervision of trust department

§ 6.2-1087. Books and accounts

§ 6.2-1088. Investment of funds and assets held as fiduciary

§ 6.2-1089. Funds awaiting investment or distribution

§ 6.2-1090. Dealings with self or affiliates

§ 6.2-1091. Voting of financial institution stock held by association as fiduciary; when association disqualified from voting

§ 6.2-1092. Transactions between trust accounts

§ 6.2-1093. Custody of assets and investments held in trust

§ 6.2-1094. Establishment of common trust funds and collective investment funds; court accountings

§ 6.2-1095. Compensation of association acting as fiduciary

§ 6.2-1096. Surrender of trust powers by association

§ 6.2-1097. Effect on trust accounts of appointment of receiver for association or of voluntary dissolution of association

§ 6.2-1098. Revocation of trust powers

§ 6.2-1099. Trust powers of state savings banks