Code of Virginia
Chapter 13 - Railroad Corporations
§ 56-417. Repealed

Repealed by Acts 1996, cc. 114 and 157.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 56 - Public Service Companies

Chapter 13 - Railroad Corporations

§ 56-339. Repealed

§ 56-345. Repealed

§ 56-345.1. Notice; consolidation, merger, abandonments, or discontinuances

§ 56-346. Certain powers conferred by law on railroad corporations

§ 56-347. Power of condemnation; limitation

§ 56-348. Repealed

§ 56-349. Repealed

§ 56-352. Railroad to have an insurable interest in property along its route

§ 56-353. Railroad company may appoint police agents

§ 56-354. Conductors, etc., to be conservators of the peace

§ 56-355. Repealed

§ 56-355.1. Repealed

§ 56-355.2. Definitions

§ 56-356. Repealed

§ 56-359. Repealed

§ 56-362. Right of railroad to cross watercourse, intervening railroad, etc.

§ 56-363. Crossing of a railroad or public highway by another railroad; crossing of a railroad by a public highway

§ 56-364. Repealed

§ 56-365.1. Closing and or consolidation of grade crossings

§ 56-366. Repealed

§ 56-366.1. Proceedings to avoid or eliminate grade crossings by grade separation or to widen, strengthen, remodel, relocate or replace existing crossing structures on public highways

§ 56-366.2. Repealed

§ 56-366.3. Proceedings to alter, rebuild or replace existing grade separation structure destroyed or rendered unusable

§ 56-367. Repealed

§ 56-368.1. Subsequent maintenance of underpasses and overpasses

§ 56-369. Elimination of public grade crossings by change of alignment of public highways or construction of replacement public highways

§ 56-370. Repealed

§ 56-371. Repealed

§ 56-383. Railroad company may construct and maintain telegraph or telephone line

§ 56-384. Repealed

§ 56-390. Repealed

§ 56-405. Railroad companies to maintain grade crossings of public highways and approaches; repair by Commissioner of Highways or public road authority; recovery of cost from railroad company

§ 56-405.01. Repealed

§ 56-405.02. Railroads to adjust certain public highways at grade crossings

§ 56-405.1. Agreements with Commissioner of Highways or public road authority representative for maintenance and repair of public grade crossings

§ 56-405.2. Construction and maintenance of crossbucks

§ 56-405.3. Repealed

§ 56-406. Repealed

§ 56-406.1. Proceedings for installation and maintenance of automatically operated gates, signals and other automatic crossing warning devices

§ 56-406.2. Proceeding for fixing cost of maintaining such warning devices at public grade crossings

§ 56-407. Repealed

§ 56-408. Signs similar to crossing signs prohibited

§ 56-409. Repealed

§ 56-411. Removal of brush and trees from right-of-way

§ 56-412. When trains shall be stopped before getting to railroad crossing

§ 56-412.1. Railroad cars obstructing street or road; standing vehicle on railroad track

§ 56-412.2. Ordinances conflicting with § 56-412.1

§ 56-412.3. Maintenance of certain roadways by Buchanan County

§ 56-413. Repealed

§ 56-413.01. Locomotive and rail car standards

§ 56-413.1. Repealed

§ 56-414. Bell and whistle or horn; when sounded

§ 56-415. Penalty for violation of § 56-414

§ 56-416. Effect of failure to give statutory signals

§ 56-417. Repealed

§ 56-417.1. Clearance to be provided in construction, etc., of railroad structures

§ 56-418. Repealed

§ 56-419. Duplicate switch keys of railroads; unlawful making, etc.; punishment

§ 56-419.1. Repealed

§ 56-419.2. Safety requirements applicable to vehicles transporting railroad employees

§ 56-420. Repealed

§ 56-426. Repealed

§ 56-426.1. Repealed

§ 56-427. Repealed

§ 56-428. Railroads liable for damage from fires set out by their engines or trains

§ 56-429. Company to erect fences along roadbed; cattle guards, etc.

§ 56-430. Construction of § 56-429; burden of proof

§ 56-431. When company not liable for injury on enclosed track

§ 56-432. Liability for injury on track not enclosed

§ 56-433. Cattle guards; remedy of aggrieved landowner; penalty

§ 56-434. When cattle guards may be discontinued

§ 56-435. Appeal from general district court to circuit court in cattle-guard cases

§ 56-436. Board of appraisers to appraise injured or killed livestock; duty of appraisers

§ 56-437. Effect of appraisal in case of suit; costs

§ 56-438. Fee of appraisers

§ 56-439. Application of §§ 56-436 through 56-438

§ 56-439.1. Notice of injury or death of certain livestock; penalty

§ 56-440. Penalty for failure to remove cause of complaint in cities or towns

§ 56-441. Liability for injury to employee

§ 56-442. Repealed

§ 56-445. Repealed

§ 56-446. Information to State Corporation Commission; penalty

§ 56-446.1. Limitations on passenger rail transportation liability

§ 56-447. Repealed

§ 56-451.1. Keeping unused tracks in place

§ 56-451.2. Repealed