Code of Virginia
Chapter 13 - Railroad Corporations
§ 56-434. When cattle guards may be discontinued

Every railroad company, after erecting the fences mentioned in § 56-429, may discontinue all cattle guards enclosed by such fences, except such as are provided for at public or private crossings, and in lieu thereof the owners of contiguous lands may connect their fences with those of the company at such place or places as they may desire.
Code 1919, § 3951.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 56 - Public Service Companies

Chapter 13 - Railroad Corporations

§ 56-339. Repealed

§ 56-345. Repealed

§ 56-345.1. Notice; consolidation, merger, abandonments, or discontinuances

§ 56-346. Certain powers conferred by law on railroad corporations

§ 56-347. Power of condemnation; limitation

§ 56-348. Repealed

§ 56-349. Repealed

§ 56-352. Railroad to have an insurable interest in property along its route

§ 56-353. Railroad company may appoint police agents

§ 56-354. Conductors, etc., to be conservators of the peace

§ 56-355. Repealed

§ 56-355.1. Repealed

§ 56-355.2. Definitions

§ 56-356. Repealed

§ 56-359. Repealed

§ 56-362. Right of railroad to cross watercourse, intervening railroad, etc.

§ 56-363. Crossing of a railroad or public highway by another railroad; crossing of a railroad by a public highway

§ 56-364. Repealed

§ 56-365.1. Closing and or consolidation of grade crossings

§ 56-366. Repealed

§ 56-366.1. Proceedings to avoid or eliminate grade crossings by grade separation or to widen, strengthen, remodel, relocate or replace existing crossing structures on public highways

§ 56-366.2. Repealed

§ 56-366.3. Proceedings to alter, rebuild or replace existing grade separation structure destroyed or rendered unusable

§ 56-367. Repealed

§ 56-368.1. Subsequent maintenance of underpasses and overpasses

§ 56-369. Elimination of public grade crossings by change of alignment of public highways or construction of replacement public highways

§ 56-370. Repealed

§ 56-371. Repealed

§ 56-383. Railroad company may construct and maintain telegraph or telephone line

§ 56-384. Repealed

§ 56-390. Repealed

§ 56-405. Railroad companies to maintain grade crossings of public highways and approaches; repair by Commissioner of Highways or public road authority; recovery of cost from railroad company

§ 56-405.01. Repealed

§ 56-405.02. Railroads to adjust certain public highways at grade crossings

§ 56-405.1. Agreements with Commissioner of Highways or public road authority representative for maintenance and repair of public grade crossings

§ 56-405.2. Construction and maintenance of crossbucks

§ 56-405.3. Repealed

§ 56-406. Repealed

§ 56-406.1. Proceedings for installation and maintenance of automatically operated gates, signals and other automatic crossing warning devices

§ 56-406.2. Proceeding for fixing cost of maintaining such warning devices at public grade crossings

§ 56-407. Repealed

§ 56-408. Signs similar to crossing signs prohibited

§ 56-409. Repealed

§ 56-411. Removal of brush and trees from right-of-way

§ 56-412. When trains shall be stopped before getting to railroad crossing

§ 56-412.1. Railroad cars obstructing street or road; standing vehicle on railroad track

§ 56-412.2. Ordinances conflicting with § 56-412.1

§ 56-412.3. Maintenance of certain roadways by Buchanan County

§ 56-413. Repealed

§ 56-413.01. Locomotive and rail car standards

§ 56-413.1. Repealed

§ 56-414. Bell and whistle or horn; when sounded

§ 56-415. Penalty for violation of § 56-414

§ 56-416. Effect of failure to give statutory signals

§ 56-417. Repealed

§ 56-417.1. Clearance to be provided in construction, etc., of railroad structures

§ 56-418. Repealed

§ 56-419. Duplicate switch keys of railroads; unlawful making, etc.; punishment

§ 56-419.1. Repealed

§ 56-419.2. Safety requirements applicable to vehicles transporting railroad employees

§ 56-420. Repealed

§ 56-426. Repealed

§ 56-426.1. Repealed

§ 56-427. Repealed

§ 56-428. Railroads liable for damage from fires set out by their engines or trains

§ 56-429. Company to erect fences along roadbed; cattle guards, etc.

§ 56-430. Construction of § 56-429; burden of proof

§ 56-431. When company not liable for injury on enclosed track

§ 56-432. Liability for injury on track not enclosed

§ 56-433. Cattle guards; remedy of aggrieved landowner; penalty

§ 56-434. When cattle guards may be discontinued

§ 56-435. Appeal from general district court to circuit court in cattle-guard cases

§ 56-436. Board of appraisers to appraise injured or killed livestock; duty of appraisers

§ 56-437. Effect of appraisal in case of suit; costs

§ 56-438. Fee of appraisers

§ 56-439. Application of §§ 56-436 through 56-438

§ 56-439.1. Notice of injury or death of certain livestock; penalty

§ 56-440. Penalty for failure to remove cause of complaint in cities or towns

§ 56-441. Liability for injury to employee

§ 56-442. Repealed

§ 56-445. Repealed

§ 56-446. Information to State Corporation Commission; penalty

§ 56-446.1. Limitations on passenger rail transportation liability

§ 56-447. Repealed

§ 56-451.1. Keeping unused tracks in place

§ 56-451.2. Repealed