Code of Virginia
Chapter 14 - Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
§ 51.5-177.1. Vocational rehabilitation and employment services for law-enforcement officers with a disability

A. The Department shall make information regarding vocational rehabilitation programs and employment services available to assist former law-enforcement officers who have a disability as a result of their service with preparing for, obtaining, and maintaining suitable employment, including information on the types of programs available and the process by which former law-enforcement officers who have a disability as a result of their service can access such programs and services, available to law-enforcement agencies in the Commonwealth.
B. Every law-enforcement agency in the Commonwealth shall provide to every law-enforcement officer who separates from the agency due to a disability resulting from his service information regarding vocational rehabilitation programs and employment services available to assist former law-enforcement officers who have a disability as a result of their service with preparing for, obtaining, and maintaining suitable employment, including information on the types of programs available and the process by which such law-enforcement officers may access such programs and services.
2020, c. 553.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 51.5 - Persons with Disabilities

Chapter 14 - Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services

§ 51.5-116. Definitions

§ 51.5-117. Declaration of purpose; Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services created

§ 51.5-118. Department designated as state agency for purpose of cooperation with federal government

§ 51.5-119. Department designated as state agency for purpose of coordinating rehabilitative services

§ 51.5-120. Cooperation of Department with other state departments

§ 51.5-121. Authority of Department to request and receive information from other agencies; use of information so obtained

§ 51.5-122. Confidential records and information concerning adult services and adult protective services; penalty

§ 51.5-123. Community Rehabilitation Case Management System

§ 51.5-124. Eligibility for community rehabilitation case management

§ 51.5-125. Gifts and donations

§ 51.5-126. Donation of equipment

§ 51.5-127. Commonwealth Council on Aging; purpose; membership; terms

§ 51.5-128. Duties of the Commonwealth Council on Aging

§ 51.5-129. Creation of State Rehabilitation Council; purpose; membership

§ 51.5-130. Commissioner for Aging and Rehabilitative Services

§ 51.5-131. Powers and duties of Commissioner

§ 51.5-132. Commissioner to establish regulations regarding human research

§ 51.5-133. Cooperation with local authorities

§ 51.5-134. Definitions

§ 51.5-135. Powers and duties of Department with respect to aging persons; area agencies on aging

§ 51.5-136. Strategic long-range planning for aging services; four-year plan; report

§ 51.5-137. Administrative responsibilities of Department regarding aging services

§ 51.5-138. Coordination of local aging services and long-term care by localities

§ 51.5-139. Repealed

§ 51.5-143. Powers and duties of Department relating to universal design and visitability features

§ 51.5-144. Definitions

§ 51.5-145. Responsibility of the Department for adult services

§ 51.5-146. Adult services

§ 51.5-147. Appeal to Commissioner regarding home-based and adult foster care services

§ 51.5-148. Establishment of Adult Protective Services Unit; powers and duties

§ 51.5-149. Policy statement; Virginia Public Guardian and Conservator Program established; definitions

§ 51.5-149.1. Public Guardian and Conservator Advisory Board; purpose; membership; terms

§ 51.5-149.2. Powers and duties of the Board

§ 51.5-150. Powers and duties of the Department with respect to public guardian and conservator program

§ 51.5-151. Minimum requirements for local programs; authority

§ 51.5-152. Powers and duties of the Department with respect to Alzheimer's disease and related disorders

§ 51.5-153. Alzheimer's and Related Diseases Research Award Fund

§ 51.5-154. (Expires July 1, 2023) Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Commission; report

§ 51.5-155. Repealed

§ 51.5-159. Definitions

§ 51.5-160. Auxiliary grants program; administration of program

§ 51.5-161. Awarding of grants; purposes; eligible applicants

§ 51.5-162. Independent living services

§ 51.5-163. Centers for independent living

§ 51.5-164. Statewide Independent Living Council created

§ 51.5-165. Repealed

§ 51.5-166. Eligibility criteria

§ 51.5-167. Participation by clients in cost of services

§ 51.5-168. Rights of clients

§ 51.5-169. Cooperative agreements with community services boards and schools

§ 51.5-169.1. Long-Term Employment Support Services and Extended Employment Services

§ 51.5-169.2. Employment Service Organization Steering Committee; membership; terms

§ 51.5-170. Eligibility

§ 51.5-171. Assessment

§ 51.5-172. Individualized plan for employment

§ 51.5-173. Services for individuals

§ 51.5-174. Services for groups

§ 51.5-175. Case closure in extended employment

§ 51.5-176. Participation by clients in cost of services

§ 51.5-177. Client rights regarding services

§ 51.5-177.1. Vocational rehabilitation and employment services for law-enforcement officers with a disability

§ 51.5-178. Definitions

§ 51.5-179. Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative Trust Fund established

§ 51.5-180. Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative Advisory Board established; membership; terms; duties and responsibilities

§ 51.5-181. Procedures for grant applications

§ 51.5-182. Responsibility for complaints and investigations

§ 51.5-183. Access to clients, patients, individuals, providers, and records by Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman; interference, retaliation, and reprisals against complainants

§ 51.5-184. Confidentiality of records of Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman

§ 51.5-185. Protection for representatives of the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman; interference, retaliation, and reprisals