Code of Virginia
Chapter 14 - Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
§ 51.5-164. Statewide Independent Living Council created

The Statewide Independent Living Council is hereby created to develop and sign the Statewide Plan for Independent Living in accordance with Title VII of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 796 et seq.) and to perform other activities as provided in such Act. Membership and duties shall be constructed according to federal provisions. The Department shall provide staff support for the Council.
1994, c. 81, § 51.5-25.1; 2006, cc. 110, 169; 2007, cc. 473, 556; 2011, cc. 7, 166; 2012, cc. 803, 835; 2016, c. 27.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 51.5 - Persons with Disabilities

Chapter 14 - Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services

§ 51.5-116. Definitions

§ 51.5-117. Declaration of purpose; Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services created

§ 51.5-118. Department designated as state agency for purpose of cooperation with federal government

§ 51.5-119. Department designated as state agency for purpose of coordinating rehabilitative services

§ 51.5-120. Cooperation of Department with other state departments

§ 51.5-121. Authority of Department to request and receive information from other agencies; use of information so obtained

§ 51.5-122. Confidential records and information concerning adult services and adult protective services; penalty

§ 51.5-123. Community Rehabilitation Case Management System

§ 51.5-124. Eligibility for community rehabilitation case management

§ 51.5-125. Gifts and donations

§ 51.5-126. Donation of equipment

§ 51.5-127. Commonwealth Council on Aging; purpose; membership; terms

§ 51.5-128. Duties of the Commonwealth Council on Aging

§ 51.5-129. Creation of State Rehabilitation Council; purpose; membership

§ 51.5-130. Commissioner for Aging and Rehabilitative Services

§ 51.5-131. Powers and duties of Commissioner

§ 51.5-132. Commissioner to establish regulations regarding human research

§ 51.5-133. Cooperation with local authorities

§ 51.5-134. Definitions

§ 51.5-135. Powers and duties of Department with respect to aging persons; area agencies on aging

§ 51.5-136. Strategic long-range planning for aging services; four-year plan; report

§ 51.5-137. Administrative responsibilities of Department regarding aging services

§ 51.5-138. Coordination of local aging services and long-term care by localities

§ 51.5-139. Repealed

§ 51.5-143. Powers and duties of Department relating to universal design and visitability features

§ 51.5-144. Definitions

§ 51.5-145. Responsibility of the Department for adult services

§ 51.5-146. Adult services

§ 51.5-147. Appeal to Commissioner regarding home-based and adult foster care services

§ 51.5-148. Establishment of Adult Protective Services Unit; powers and duties

§ 51.5-149. Policy statement; Virginia Public Guardian and Conservator Program established; definitions

§ 51.5-149.1. Public Guardian and Conservator Advisory Board; purpose; membership; terms

§ 51.5-149.2. Powers and duties of the Board

§ 51.5-150. Powers and duties of the Department with respect to public guardian and conservator program

§ 51.5-151. Minimum requirements for local programs; authority

§ 51.5-152. Powers and duties of the Department with respect to Alzheimer's disease and related disorders

§ 51.5-153. Alzheimer's and Related Diseases Research Award Fund

§ 51.5-154. (Expires July 1, 2023) Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Commission; report

§ 51.5-155. Repealed

§ 51.5-159. Definitions

§ 51.5-160. Auxiliary grants program; administration of program

§ 51.5-161. Awarding of grants; purposes; eligible applicants

§ 51.5-162. Independent living services

§ 51.5-163. Centers for independent living

§ 51.5-164. Statewide Independent Living Council created

§ 51.5-165. Repealed

§ 51.5-166. Eligibility criteria

§ 51.5-167. Participation by clients in cost of services

§ 51.5-168. Rights of clients

§ 51.5-169. Cooperative agreements with community services boards and schools

§ 51.5-169.1. Long-Term Employment Support Services and Extended Employment Services

§ 51.5-169.2. Employment Service Organization Steering Committee; membership; terms

§ 51.5-170. Eligibility

§ 51.5-171. Assessment

§ 51.5-172. Individualized plan for employment

§ 51.5-173. Services for individuals

§ 51.5-174. Services for groups

§ 51.5-175. Case closure in extended employment

§ 51.5-176. Participation by clients in cost of services

§ 51.5-177. Client rights regarding services

§ 51.5-177.1. Vocational rehabilitation and employment services for law-enforcement officers with a disability

§ 51.5-178. Definitions

§ 51.5-179. Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative Trust Fund established

§ 51.5-180. Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative Advisory Board established; membership; terms; duties and responsibilities

§ 51.5-181. Procedures for grant applications

§ 51.5-182. Responsibility for complaints and investigations

§ 51.5-183. Access to clients, patients, individuals, providers, and records by Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman; interference, retaliation, and reprisals against complainants

§ 51.5-184. Confidentiality of records of Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman

§ 51.5-185. Protection for representatives of the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman; interference, retaliation, and reprisals