For purposes of this chapter, a violation of the following regulated advertising practices shall be an unfair, deceptive, or misleading act or practice.
1. A vehicle shall not be advertised as new, either by word or implication, unless it is one which conforms to the requirements of § 46.2-1500.
2. When advertising any vehicle which does not conform to the definition of "new" as provided in § 46.2-1500, the fact that it is used shall be clearly and unequivocally expressed by the term "used" or by such other term as is commonly understood to mean that the vehicle is used. By way of example but not by limitation, "special purchase" by itself is not a satisfactory disclosure; however, such terms as "demonstrator" or "former leased vehicles" used alone clearly express that the vehicles are used for advertising purposes.
3. Advertisement of finance charges or other interest rates shall not be used when there is a cost to buy-down said charge or rate which is passed on, in whole or in part, to the purchaser.
4. Terms, conditions, and disclaimers shall be stated clearly and conspicuously. An asterisk or other reference symbol may be used to point to a disclaimer or other information, but shall not be used as a means of contradicting or changing the meaning of an advertised statement.
5. The expiration date of an advertised sale shall be clearly and conspicuously disclosed.
6. The term "list price," "sticker price," or "suggested retail price" and similar terms, shall be used only in reference to the manufacturer's suggested retail price for new vehicles or the dealer's own usual and customary price for used vehicles.
7. Terms such as "at cost," "below cost," "$off cost" shall not be used in advertisements because of the difficulty in determining a dealer's actual net cost at the time of the sale. Terms such as "invoice price," "$over invoice," may be used, provided that the invoice referred to is the manufacturer's factory invoice or a bona fide bill of sale and the invoice or bill of sale is available for customer inspection.
"Manufacturer's factory invoice" means that document supplied by the manufacturer to the dealer listing the manufacturer's charge to the dealer before any deduction for holdback, group advertising, factory incentives or rebates, or any governmental charges.
8. When the price or credit terms of a vehicle are advertised, the vehicle shall be fully identified as to year, make, and model. In addition, in advertisements placed by individual dealers and not line-make marketing groups, the advertised price or credit terms shall include all charges which the buyer must pay to the seller, except buyer-selected options, state and local fees and taxes, and manufacturer's or distributor's freight or destination charges, and a processing fee, if any. If a processing fee or freight or destination charges are not included in the advertised price, the amount of any such processing fee and freight or destination charge must be (i) clearly and conspicuously disclosed in not less than eight-point boldface type or (ii) not smaller than the largest typeface within the advertisement. If the processing fee is not included in the advertised price, the amount of the processing fee may be omitted from any advertisement in which the largest type size is less than eight-point typeface, so long as the dealer participates in a media-provided listing of processing fees and the dealer's advertisement includes an asterisk or other such notation to refer the reader to the listing of the fees.
9. Advertisements which set out a policy of matching or bettering competitors' prices shall not be used unless the terms of the offer are specific, verifiable and reasonable.
10. Advertisements of "dealer rebates" shall not be used. This does not affect advertisement of manufacturer rebates.
11. "Free," "at no cost," or other words to that effect shall not be used unless the "free" item, merchandise, or service is available without a purchase. This provision shall not apply to advertising placed by manufacturers, distributors, or line-make marketing groups.
12. "Bait" advertising, in which an advertiser may have no intention to sell at the price or terms advertised, shall not be used. By way of example, but not by limitation:
a. If a specific vehicle is advertised, the seller shall be in possession of a reasonable supply of said vehicles, and they shall be available at the advertised price. If the advertised vehicle is available only in limited numbers or only by order, that shall be stated in the advertisement. For purposes of this subdivision, the listing of a vehicle by stock number or vehicle identification number in the advertisement is one means of satisfactorily disclosing a limitation of availability.
b. Advertising a vehicle at a certain price, including "as low as" statements, but having available for sale only vehicles equipped with dealer added cost "options" which increase the selling price, above the advertised price, shall also be considered "bait" advertising.
c. If a lease payment is advertised, the fact that it is a lease arrangement shall be disclosed.
13. The term "repossessed" shall be used only to describe vehicles that have been sold, registered, titled and then taken back from a purchaser and not yet resold to an ultimate user. Advertisers offering repossessed vehicles for sale shall provide proof of repossession upon request.
14. Words such as "finance" or "loan" shall not be used in a motor vehicle advertiser's firm name or trade name, unless that person is actually engaged in the financing of motor vehicles.
15. Any advertisement which gives the impression a dealer has a special arrangement or relationship with the distributor or manufacturer, as compared to similarly situated dealers, shall not be used.
1989, c. 308, § 46.1-550.5:40; 1990, c. 84; 1991, c. 626; 1996, c. 1027; 1998, c. 325; 2008, c. 166.
Structure Code of Virginia
Chapter 15 - Motor Vehicle Dealers
§ 46.2-1501. General powers of Commissioner
§ 46.2-1503. Motor Vehicle Dealer Board
§ 46.2-1503.1. Board to employ Executive Director
§ 46.2-1503.2. State Personnel and Public Procurement Acts not applicable
§ 46.2-1503.3. Motor Vehicle Dealer Board Fund; receipts; disbursements
§ 46.2-1503.4. General powers and duties of Board
§ 46.2-1503.5. Biennial report
§ 46.2-1504. Board's powers with respect to hearings under this chapter
§ 46.2-1505. Suit to enjoin violations
§ 46.2-1506.1. Additional training
§ 46.2-1508. Licenses required; penalty
§ 46.2-1508.1. Licensure of certain nonprofit organizations
§ 46.2-1508.2. Display, parking, selling, advertising sale of certain used motor vehicles prohibited
§ 46.2-1509. Application for license or certificate of dealer registration
§ 46.2-1510. Dealers required to have established place of business
§ 46.2-1511. Dealer-operator to have certificate of qualification
§ 46.2-1512. Salesperson to have certificate of qualification
§ 46.2-1513. Continued operation on loss of a dealer-operator holding certificate of qualification
§ 46.2-1515. Location to be specified; display of license; change of location
§ 46.2-1516. Supplemental sales locations
§ 46.2-1517. Changes in form of ownership, make, name
§ 46.2-1518. Display of salesperson's license; notice on termination
§ 46.2-1519. License and registration fees; additional to other licenses and fees required by law
§ 46.2-1520. Collection of license and registration fees; payments from fund
§ 46.2-1521. Issuance, expiration, and renewal of licenses and certificates of registration
§ 46.2-1527.1. Motor Vehicle Transaction Recovery Fund established
§ 46.2-1527.2. Bonding requirements for applicants for an original license
§ 46.2-1527.3. Recovery from Fund, generally
§ 46.2-1527.4. Opportunity to intervene
§ 46.2-1527.5. Limitations on recovery from Fund
§ 46.2-1527.6. Assignment of claimant's rights to the Board; payment of claims
§ 46.2-1527.7. Revocation of license or certificate of registration on payment from the Fund
§ 46.2-1527.8. No waiver by the Board of disciplinary action against licensee or registrant
§ 46.2-1527.9. Continuous bonding requirements for Fund nonparticipants
§ 46.2-1527.10. Recovery on bond
§ 46.2-1527.11. No waiver by the Board of disciplinary action against licensee or registrant
§ 46.2-1528. Examination or audit of licensee; costs
§ 46.2-1529.1. Sales of used motor vehicles by dealers; disclosures; penalty
§ 46.2-1530.1. Purchaser's on-line systems filing fee; collection and remittance
§ 46.2-1530.2. Dealer's manual transaction fee; use in special fund
§ 46.2-1531. Consignment vehicles; contract
§ 46.2-1532. Odometer disclosure; penalty
§ 46.2-1532.1. Certain disclosures required by manufacturers and distributors
§ 46.2-1533.1. Test driving vehicle; residence districts
§ 46.2-1536. Coercing purchaser to provide insurance coverage on motor vehicle; penalty
§ 46.2-1537. Prohibited solicitation and compensation
§ 46.2-1538. Salesman selling for other than his employer prohibited
§ 46.2-1539. Inspection of vehicles required; penalty
§ 46.2-1539.1. Safety inspections or disclosure required before sale of certain trailers; penalty
§ 46.2-1540. Inspections prior to sale not required of certain sellers
§ 46.2-1542. Temporary registration
§ 46.2-1543. Use of old license plates and registration number on another vehicle
§ 46.2-1544. Certificate of title for dealers; penalty
§ 46.2-1545. Termination of business
§ 46.2-1545.1. Watercraft trailer dealers and watercraft trailers
§ 46.2-1545.2. Exclusion of transit buses, all-terrain vehicles, and off-road motorcycles
§ 46.2-1546. Registration of dealers; fees
§ 46.2-1548. Transferable license plates
§ 46.2-1549.1. Dealer's promotional license plates
§ 46.2-1549.2. Special license plate combination
§ 46.2-1550. Use of dealer's and manufacturer's license plates, generally
§ 46.2-1550.1. Use of dealer's license plates and temporary transport plates on certain vehicles
§ 46.2-1550.2. Issuance and use of temporary transport plates, generally
§ 46.2-1552. Use of dealer's license plates on newly purchased vehicles
§ 46.2-1553. Operation without license plate prohibited
§ 46.2-1554. Movement by manufacturer to place of shipment or delivery
§ 46.2-1555. Movement by dealers to salesrooms
§ 46.2-1556. Operation under foreign dealer's license
§ 46.2-1557. Use of certain foreign-registered motor vehicles in driver education programs
§ 46.2-1557.2. Penalties for violations of article; service of summons
§ 46.2-1557.3. Exclusion of transit buses, all-terrain vehicles, and off-road motorcycles
§ 46.2-1557.4. Watercraft trailer dealers and watercraft trailers
§ 46.2-1558. Issuance of temporary license plates to dealers and vehicle owners
§ 46.2-1559. Records to be kept by dealers; inspection
§ 46.2-1560. Application for temporary license plate
§ 46.2-1563. Suspension of right of dealer to issue
§ 46.2-1564. Plates to be destroyed on expiration
§ 46.2-1565. When plates to expire; refunds or credit
§ 46.2-1566. Filing of franchises
§ 46.2-1567. Exemption of franchises from Retail Franchising Act
§ 46.2-1568.1. Discrimination by manufacturers or distributors prohibited
§ 46.2-1569.1. Manufacturer or distributor right of first refusal
§ 46.2-1570. Discontinuation of distributors
§ 46.2-1571. Recall, warranty, maintenance and sales incentive obligations
§ 46.2-1572. Operation of dealership by manufacturer
§ 46.2-1572.1. Ownership of service facilities
§ 46.2-1572.2. Mediation of disputes
§ 46.2-1572.3. Waiver prohibited
§ 46.2-1572.4. Manufacturer or distributor use of performance standards
§ 46.2-1573. Hearings and other remedies; civil penalties
§ 46.2-1573.01. Recovery of attorney's fees
§ 46.2-1573.1. Late model and factory repurchase franchises
§ 46.2-1573.2. Filing of franchises
§ 46.2-1573.3. Exemption of franchises from Retail Franchising Act
§ 46.2-1573.6. Manufacturer or distributor right of first refusal
§ 46.2-1573.7. Discontinuation of distributors
§ 46.2-1573.8. Warranty obligations
§ 46.2-1573.9. Operation of dealership by manufacturer
§ 46.2-1573.10. Ownership of service facilities
§ 46.2-1573.11. Hearings and other remedies; civil penalties
§ 46.2-1573.12. Late model and factory repurchase franchises
§ 46.2-1573.13. Watercraft trailer dealers and watercraft trailers
§ 46.2-1573.14. Trailer dealers filing of franchises
§ 46.2-1573.15. Exemption of franchises from Retail Franchising Act
§ 46.2-1573.18. Manufacturer or distributor right of first refusal
§ 46.2-1573.19. Discontinuation of distributors
§ 46.2-1573.20. Warranty obligations
§ 46.2-1573.21. Operation of dealership by manufacturer
§ 46.2-1573.22. Ownership of service facilities
§ 46.2-1573.23. Hearings and other remedies; civil penalties
§ 46.2-1573.24. Late model and factory repurchase franchises
§ 46.2-1573.25. Motorcycle dealers filing of franchises
§ 46.2-1573.26. Exemption of franchises from Retail Franchising Act
§ 46.2-1573.29. When discontinuation, cancellation, or nonrenewal of franchise unfair
§ 46.2-1573.31. Manufacturer or distributor right of first refusal
§ 46.2-1573.32. Discontinuation of distributors
§ 46.2-1573.33. Warranty obligations
§ 46.2-1573.34. Operation of dealership by manufacturer
§ 46.2-1573.35. Ownership of service facilities
§ 46.2-1573.36. Hearings and other remedies; civil penalties
§ 46.2-1573.37. Late model and factory repurchase franchises
§ 46.2-1574. Acts of officers, directors, partners, and salespersons
§ 46.2-1577. Appeals from actions of the Board
§ 46.2-1578. Appeals to Court of Appeals; bond
§ 46.2-1579. Equitable remedies not impaired
§ 46.2-1581. Regulated advertising practices
§ 46.2-1582. Enforcement; regulations
§ 46.2-1584. Recertification Notice
§ 46.2-1585. Recertification schedule
§ 46.2-1586. Recertification requirements
§ 46.2-1587. Course provider approval