Code of Virginia
Chapter 3 - Protection of Employees
§ 40.1-28.9. Definitions; determining wage of tipped employee

A. As used in this article:
"Adjusted state hourly minimum wage" means the amount established by the Commissioner pursuant to subsection H of § 40.1-28.10.
"Domestic service" means services related to the care of an individual in a private home or the maintenance of a private home or its premises, on a permanent or temporary basis, including services performed by individuals such as companions, cooks, waiters, butlers, maids, valets, and chauffeurs.
"Employee" includes any individual employed by an employer. "Employee" includes a home care provider. "Employee" does not include the following:
1. Any person employed as a farm laborer or farm employee;
2. Any person engaged in the activities of an educational, charitable, religious, or nonprofit organization where the relationship of employer-employee does not, in fact, exist or where the services rendered to such organization are on a voluntary basis;
3. Caddies on golf courses;
4. Traveling salesmen or outside salesmen working on a commission basis; taxicab drivers and operators;
5. Any person under the age of 18 in the employ of his parent or legal guardian;
6. Any person confined in any penal or corrective institution of the Commonwealth or any of its political subdivisions or admitted to a state hospital or training center operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services;
7. Any person employed by a summer camp for boys, girls, or both boys and girls;
8. Any person under the age of 16, regardless of by whom employed;
9. Any person who is paid pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 214(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended;
10. Students participating in a bona fide educational program;
11. Any person who is less than 18 years of age and who is currently enrolled on a full-time basis in any secondary school, institution of higher education, or trade school, provided that the person is not employed more than 20 hours per week;
12. Any person of any age who is currently enrolled on a full-time basis in any secondary school, institution of higher education, or trade school and is in a work-study program or its equivalent at the institution at which he is enrolled as a student;
13. Any person who works as a babysitter for fewer than 10 hours per week;
14. Any person participating as an au pair in the U.S. Department of State's Exchange Visitor Program governed by 22 C.F.R. § 62.31;
15. Any individual employed as a temporary foreign worker as governed by 20 C.F.R. Part 655; and
16. Any person who is exempt from the federal minimum wage pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 213(a)(3).
"Employer" includes any individual, partnership, association, corporation, or business trust or any person or group of persons acting directly or indirectly in the interest of an employer in relation to an employee. "Employer" includes the Commonwealth, any of its agencies, institutions, or political subdivisions, and any public body.
"Federal minimum wage" means the minimum wage or, if applicable, the federal training wage prescribed by the U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. § 201 et seq.
"Home care provider" means an individual who provides (i) home health services, including services provided by or under the direct supervision of any health care professional under a medical plan of care in a patient's residence on a visit or hourly basis to patients who have or are at risk of injury, illness, or a disabling condition and require short-term or long-term interventions, or (ii) personal care services, including assistance in personal care to include activities of a daily living provided in an individual's residence on a visit or hourly basis to individuals who have or are at risk of an illness, injury, or disabling condition.
"Tipped employee" means an employee who in the course of employment customarily and regularly receives tips totaling more than $30 each month from persons other than the employee's employer.
"Wages" means legal tender of the United States or checks or drafts on banks negotiable into cash on demand or upon acceptance at full value. "Wages" includes the reasonable cost to the employer of furnishing meals and lodging to an employee if such board or lodging is customarily furnished by the employer and used by the employee.
B. In determining the wage of a tipped employee, the amount paid such employee by his employer shall be deemed to be increased on account of tips by an amount determined by the employer, except in the case of an employee who establishes by clear and convincing evidence that the actual amount of tips received by him was less than the amount determined by the employer. In such case, the amount paid such employee by his employer shall be deemed to have been increased by such lesser amount. An employer shall not classify an individual as a tipped employee if the individual is prohibited by applicable federal or state law or regulation from soliciting tips.
1975, c. 530; 1976, c. 442; 1977, c. 432; 2007, cc. 816, 832; 2012, cc. 476, 507; 2014, c. 734; 2019, cc. 330, 331; 2020, cc. 1145, 1146, 1147, 1204, 1242.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 40.1 - Labor and Employment

Chapter 3 - Protection of Employees

§ 40.1-22. Safety and Health Codes Commission continued as Safety and Health Codes Board

§ 40.1-22.1. Governor authorized to enter certain agreements

§ 40.1-23. Repealed

§ 40.1-26. Repealed

§ 40.1-27. Preventing employment by others of former employee

§ 40.1-27.1. Discharge of employee for absence due to work-related injury prohibited

§ 40.1-27.2. Preference for veterans and spouses

§ 40.1-27.3. Retaliatory action against employee prohibited

§ 40.1-27.4. Discipline for employee's medicinal use of cannabis oil prohibited

§ 40.1-28. Unlawful to require payment for medical examination as condition of employment

§ 40.1-28.01. Nondisclosure or confidentiality agreement; provisions regarding sexual assault; condition of employment

§ 40.1-28.1. Repealed

§ 40.1-28.5. Repealed

§ 40.1-28.6. Equal pay irrespective of sex

§ 40.1-28.7. Repealed

§ 40.1-28.7:1. Genetic testing or genetic characteristics as a condition of employment

§ 40.1-28.7:2. Employers to allow crime victims leave to attend criminal proceedings

§ 40.1-28.7:3. Earned income tax credit; employer notice to employee

§ 40.1-28.7:4. Release of employee's personal identifying information

§ 40.1-28.7:5. Social media accounts of current and prospective employees

§ 40.1-28.7:6. Employers to allow leave for volunteer members of Civil Air Patrol; civil remedy

§ 40.1-28.7:7. Misclassification of workers

§ 40.1-28.7:8. Covenants not to compete prohibited as to low-wage employees; civil penalty

§ 40.1-28.7:9. Limiting employees' sharing wage information with other persons prohibited; civil penalty

§ 40.1-28.8. Short title

§ 40.1-28.9. Definitions; determining wage of tipped employee

§ 40.1-28.10. Minimum wages

§ 40.1-28.11. Penalties

§ 40.1-28.12. Employee's remedies

§ 40.1-29. Time and medium of payment; withholding wages; written statement of earnings; agreement for forfeiture of wages; proceedings to enforce compliance; penalties

§ 40.1-29.1. Investigations of employers for nonpayment of wages

§ 40.1-29.2. Employer liability

§ 40.1-29.3. Overtime for certain employees

§ 40.1-30. Registration of certain nonresident employers with Department

§ 40.1-31. Assignment of wages and salaries; requirements

§ 40.1-32. Partial assignments invalid

§ 40.1-33. Certain assignments not affected

§ 40.1-33.1. Retaliatory actions prohibited; civil penalty

§ 40.1-33.2. Discriminatory actions prohibited

§ 40.1-33.3. Definitions

§ 40.1-33.4. Accrual of paid sick leave

§ 40.1-33.5. Use of paid sick leave

§ 40.1-33.6. Retaliatory action prohibited

§ 40.1-34. Repealed

§ 40.1-39. Repealed

§ 40.1-40. Repealed

§ 40.1-41. Repealed

§ 40.1-44. Repealed

§ 40.1-44.1. Rules and regulations relating to tramways and other hauling and lifting devices

§ 40.1-45. Repealed

§ 40.1-49. Repealed

§ 40.1-49.1. Repealed

§ 40.1-49.2. Repealed

§ 40.1-49.3. Definitions

§ 40.1-49.4. Enforcement of this title and standards, rules or regulations for safety and health; orders of Commissioner; proceedings in circuit court; injunctions; penalties

§ 40.1-49.5. Appeals to Court of Appeals

§ 40.1-49.6. Same; attorneys for Commonwealth

§ 40.1-49.7. Same; publication of orders

§ 40.1-49.8. Inspections of workplace

§ 40.1-49.9. Issuance of warrant

§ 40.1-49.10. Duration of warrant

§ 40.1-49.11. Conduct of inspection, testing, or collection of samples for analysis

§ 40.1-49.12. Review by courts

§ 40.1-49.13. Voluntary Protection Program

§ 40.1-50. Repealed

§ 40.1-51. State Health Commissioner to provide advice and aid; rules and regulations

§ 40.1-51.1. Duties of employers

§ 40.1-51.1:1. Repealed

§ 40.1-51.2. Rights and duties of employees

§ 40.1-51.2:1. Discrimination against employee for exercising rights prohibited

§ 40.1-51.2:2. Remedy for discrimination

§ 40.1-51.3. Duties of health and safety inspectors

§ 40.1-51.3:1. Penalty for giving advance notice of safety or health inspection under this title

§ 40.1-51.3:2. Evidence of civil penalty against employer under state, federal, etc., safety codes inadmissible in personal injury or property damage trial

§ 40.1-51.4. Repealed

§ 40.1-51.4:1. Confidentiality of trade secrets

§ 40.1-51.4:2. Penalty for making false statements, etc.

§ 40.1-51.4:3. Prohibition of use of certain questions on polygraph tests for employment

§ 40.1-51.4:4. Prohibition of use of polygraphs in certain employment situations

§ 40.1-51.4:5. Immunity of employees for reporting threatening conduct