Code of Virginia
Chapter 6 - Environmental Health Services
§ 32.1-175.01. Issuance of special orders

Notwithstanding any other provision of law and to the extent consistent with federal requirements, following a proceeding as provided in § 2.2-4019, the Board may issue a special order that may include a civil penalty against an owner who violates this article or any order or regulation adopted thereto by the Board. The issuance of a special order shall be considered a case decision as defined in § 2.2-4001. Civil penalties collected pursuant to this section shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to the Water Supply Assistance Grant Fund created pursuant to § 32.1-171.2.
1997, c. 342, § 32.1-176.1:1; 1999, c. 786.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 32.1 - Health

Chapter 6 - Environmental Health Services

§ 32.1-163. Definitions

§ 32.1-163.1. Personal liability of sanitarians defined

§ 32.1-163.2. Long range plan for onsite sewage

§ 32.1-163.3. Identities of persons making certain reports to remain confidential

§ 32.1-163.4. Procedures for application backlogs; individuals approved to conduct evaluations for septic system or other onsite sewage system permit applications

§ 32.1-163.5. Onsite sewage evaluations

§ 32.1-163.6. Professional engineering of onsite treatment works

§ 32.1-164. Powers and duties of Board; regulations; fees; onsite soil evaluators; letters in lieu of permits; inspections; civil penalties

§ 32.1-164.1. Appeals from denials of septic tank permits; inspections

§ 32.1-164.1:01. Onsite Sewage Indemnification Fund

§ 32.1-164.1:1. Validity of certain septic tank permits

§ 32.1-164.1:2. Eligibility for betterment loans to repair or replace failing onsite sewage systems

§ 32.1-164.1:3. Permits for voluntary system upgrades

§ 32.1-164.2. Repealed

§ 32.1-164.8. Onsite Operation and Maintenance Fund established

§ 32.1-164.9. Regulations for chamber and bundled expanded polystyrene effluent distribution systems for onsite sewage systems

§ 32.1-165. Prior approval required before issuance of building permit; approved sewage system or nonconforming system

§ 32.1-166. Agreements with federal agencies

§ 32.1-166.1. Review Board; members

§ 32.1-166.2. Officers; secretary

§ 32.1-166.3. Oath

§ 32.1-166.4. Meetings

§ 32.1-166.5. Offices

§ 32.1-166.6. Review Board to hear appeals

§ 32.1-166.7. Subpoenas; witnesses; designation of subordinates

§ 32.1-166.8. Record of decisions

§ 32.1-166.9. Interpretation of application of regulations; recommendation of modifications

§ 32.1-166.10. Appeals fees

§ 32.1-167. Definitions

§ 32.1-168. Exemptions

§ 32.1-169. Supervision by Board

§ 32.1-170. Regulations

§ 32.1-171. Technical assistance as to sources and purity

§ 32.1-171.1. Waterworks operation fee required; special fund established; certain technical assistance program to be provided

§ 32.1-171.2. Water Supply Assistance Grant Fund established

§ 32.1-172. Permit required

§ 32.1-173. Additional or amended permits

§ 32.1-173.1. Increase in charges to finance required changes

§ 32.1-174. Revocation of permits

§ 32.1-174.1. Bonds of permit holders

§ 32.1-174.2. Duties of electric utilities

§ 32.1-174.3. Appointment of receiver for certain private waterworks; grounds for such appointment; petition and hearing, etc.

§ 32.1-174.4. Identification and elimination of chronically noncompliant waterworks

§ 32.1-175. Emergency orders; appeal

§ 32.1-175.01. Issuance of special orders

§ 32.1-175.1. Notice to local government

§ 32.1-176. Penalty

§ 32.1-176.1. Short title

§ 32.1-176.2. Findings and policy

§ 32.1-176.3. Definitions

§ 32.1-176.4. Powers and duties of Board and Department; regulations; fees

§ 32.1-176.5. Construction permit; local government authority to require analysis of water

§ 32.1-176.5:1. Department to test for oil contamination; maintain lists of private laboratories

§ 32.1-176.5:2. Prohibition on private well construction

§ 32.1-176.6. Inspection

§ 32.1-176.7. Other agencies to cooperate with Department

§ 32.1-176.8. Definitions

§ 32.1-176.8:1. Private well and public water supply well testing near coal ash ponds; monitoring

§ 32.1-177. Repealed

§ 32.1-187. Counties, cities and towns may create mosquito control districts

§ 32.1-188. Consolidation of districts

§ 32.1-189. Mosquito control commission; composition; appointment of members

§ 32.1-190. Powers of commission; oath and terms of members; vacancies

§ 32.1-191. Secretary of commission

§ 32.1-192. Further powers of commission

§ 32.1-193. Eminent domain

§ 32.1-194. Special tax authorized

§ 32.1-195. Contributions from Board

§ 32.1-196. Disposition of funds not needed for mosquito control

§ 32.1-197. Compensation and expenses of members of commission

§ 32.1-198. Definitions

§ 32.1-199. Repealed

§ 32.1-200. Regulations

§ 32.1-201. Free access to certain toilet facilities

§ 32.1-202. Power of counties, cities and towns not limited

§ 32.1-203. Definitions

§ 32.1-204. Notice of intention to construct, etc., camp

§ 32.1-205. Permit required

§ 32.1-206. Application for permit

§ 32.1-207. Inspection; issuance of permit; permits nontransferable

§ 32.1-208. Provisional permits

§ 32.1-209. Denial, revocation or suspension of permits

§ 32.1-210. Camp operator's responsibilities

§ 32.1-211. Regulations

§ 32.1-212. Definitions

§ 32.1-213. Shoddy, secondhand filling material, feathers, animal hair and down to be sanitized

§ 32.1-214. New animal hair, feathers and down to be sterilized

§ 32.1-215. Disposal restricted

§ 32.1-216. Permit for use of process to sanitize or sterilize

§ 32.1-217. License and registration number; renewal; licenses not transferable; responsibility of branch factories

§ 32.1-218. Fees

§ 32.1-219. Tags required

§ 32.1-220. Same; filling material

§ 32.1-221. Offenses as to tags

§ 32.1-222. Return of improperly tagged items; payment of costs of return; failure to pay costs

§ 32.1-223. New and sanitized items to be kept separate

§ 32.1-224. Administration and enforcement by Commissioner; refusal, suspension or revocation of license or permit

§ 32.1-225. Exemptions

§ 32.1-226. Violation a misdemeanor; application of the Virginia Consumer Protection Act

§ 32.1-227. Definitions

§ 32.1-228. Exemption

§ 32.1-228.1. Department designated state radiation control agency; powers and duties

§ 32.1-229. Powers and duties of the Board

§ 32.1-229.01. Companies listed as proficient to perform radon screening, testing, or mitigation; compliance

§ 32.1-229.01:1. Action for damages

§ 32.1-229.1. Inspections of X-ray machines required; Radiation Inspection Reports; fees; qualification of inspectors

§ 32.1-229.2. Costs of inspection conducted by Health Department; fees to be used to support program

§ 32.1-229.3. Licensing of radioactive material

§ 32.1-230. Further powers of Board

§ 32.1-231. Bonds of licensees

§ 32.1-232. Radioactive Material Perpetual Care Trust Fund

§ 32.1-232.1. Special Trust Fund for Radioactive Materials Facility Licensure and Inspection created

§ 32.1-233. Radiation Advisory Board; composition; duties generally

§ 32.1-234. Repealed

§ 32.1-234.1. Enforcement

§ 32.1-235. Authority of Governor to enter into agreements with federal government; effect on federal licenses

§ 32.1-236. Authority of Board to enter into agreements with federal government, other states or interstate agencies; training programs for personnel

§ 32.1-237. Effect upon local ordinances, etc.

§ 32.1-238. Impounding sources of ionizing radiation

§ 32.1-238.1. Repealed

§ 32.1-238.6. Repealed

§ 32.1-238.6:1. Repealed

§ 32.1-239. Definitions

§ 32.1-240. Department designated state toxic substance information agency

§ 32.1-241. Powers and duties of Board

§ 32.1-242. Repealed

§ 32.1-243. State agencies directed to cooperate with and furnish information to Board

§ 32.1-244. Duty of operators to report knowledge of toxicity; retention and return of certain information; diagnosis of employee injuries and illnesses

§ 32.1-244.1. Repealed

§ 32.1-245. Toxic substances

§ 32.1-246. Marinas

§ 32.1-246.1. Signs or notices required on dump stations

§ 32.1-247. Vector control

§ 32.1-248. Closing of waters; modification or revocation of regulation or order

§ 32.1-248.01. Fish consumption advisories

§ 32.1-248.1. Posting of water quality test results by certain recreational facilities

§ 32.1-248.2. Use of rainwater and reuse of gray water; regulations

§ 32.1-248.3. Environmental Health Education and Training Fund

§ 32.1-248.4. Provision by the Department of certain services for onsite sewage systems and private wells