Code of Virginia
Chapter 6 - Environmental Health Services
§ 32.1-164.1:01. Onsite Sewage Indemnification Fund

A. There is hereby created the Onsite Sewage Indemnification Fund, hereafter referred to as "the Fund," whose purpose is to receive moneys generated by a portion of the fees collected by the Department of Health pursuant to subsections C and E of § 32.1-164 and appropriated by the Commonwealth for the purpose of assisting any Virginia real property owner holding a valid permit to operate an onsite sewage system when such system or components thereof fail within three years of construction and such failure results from the negligence of the Department of Health. The Fund may also be used, in the discretion of the Board, to support the program for training and recognition of licensed onsite soil evaluators and to provide grants and loans to property owners with income at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines to repair failing onsite sewage systems or install onsite sewage systems on properties that lack adequate sewage disposal. No expenses shall be paid from the Fund to support the program for training and recognition of onsite soil evaluators, or to provide any grant or loan to repair a failing onsite sewage system or install an onsite sewage system on any property that lacks adequate sewage disposal, in lieu of payment to any owner or owners qualified to receive payment from the Fund pursuant to this chapter.
B. Ten dollars of each fee collected by the Department of Health pursuant to subsections C and E of § 32.1-164 shall be deposited by the Comptroller in the Fund to be appropriated for the purposes of this section to the Department of Health by the General Assembly as it deems necessary.
C. The owner of an onsite sewage system that has been permitted by the Department of Health may cause, by filing a request for payment from the Fund within one year from the date the system or components thereof failed, the Commissioner to review the circumstances of the onsite sewage system failure, if the onsite sewage system has failed within three years of construction. Upon the Commissioner's finding that the onsite sewage system was permitted by the Department and (i) the system or components thereof failed within three years of construction; (ii) that specific actions of the Department were negligent and that those actions caused the failure; and (iii) that the owner filed a request for payment from the Fund within one year from the date the system or components thereof failed, the Commissioner shall, subject to the limitations stated herein, reimburse the owner for the reasonable cost of following the Board's regulations to repair or replace the failed onsite sewage system or components thereof.
D. Prior to receiving payment from the Fund, the owner shall follow the requirements in the Board's regulations to repair or replace the failed onsite sewage system or components thereof.
E. The total amount an owner may receive in payment from the Fund shall not exceed $30,000. Only the costs of the system that failed or the costs of labor and equipment required to repair or replace the failed onsite sewage system or components thereof are reimbursable by the Fund.
F. If the Commissioner finds that the system was permitted by the Department and has failed within three years of construction and that the failure resulted from faulty construction or other private party error, the Commissioner may assist the owner of the failed system in seeking redress from the system's builder or other private party.
G. Every request for payment from the Fund shall be forever barred unless the owner has filed a complete application as required by the Department. The request shall be filed with the Commissioner within one year from the date that the onsite sewage system or components thereof first failed. However, if the owner was under a disability at the time the cause of action accrued, the tolling provisions of § 8.01-229 shall apply. The owner shall mail the request for payment from the Fund via the United States Postal Service by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the Commissioner.
In any action contesting the filing of the request for payment from the Fund, the burden of proof shall be on the owner to establish mailing and receipt of the notice in conformity with this section. The signed receipt indicating delivery to the Commissioner, when admitted into evidence, shall be prima facie evidence of filing of the request for payment from the Fund under this section. The request for payment from the Fund shall be deemed to be timely filed if it is sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, and if the official receipt shows that the mailing was within the prescribed time limits.
Notwithstanding any provision of this article, the liability for any payment from the Fund shall be conditioned upon the execution by the owner of a release approved by the Attorney General of all claims against the Commonwealth, its political subdivisions, agencies, and instrumentalities and against any officer or employee of the Commonwealth in connection with or arising out of the occurrence complained of.
H. The Commissioner and the Attorney General shall cooperatively develop an actuarially sound program and policy for identifying, evaluating, and processing requests for payment from the Fund.
I. If the Commissioner refuses the request for payment from the Fund, the owner may appeal the refusal to the State Health Department Sewage Handling and Disposal Appeal Review Board.
The Board may promulgate regulations pursuant to the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.) for the administration of the Fund consistent with this chapter.
In the event the Fund is insufficient to meet requests for payment from the Fund, this section and the creation of the Fund shall not be construed to provide liability on the part of the Department or any of its personnel where no such liability existed prior to July 1, 1994.
1994, c. 747; 2007, cc. 448, 515; 2016, c. 90; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 382.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 32.1 - Health

Chapter 6 - Environmental Health Services

§ 32.1-163. Definitions

§ 32.1-163.1. Personal liability of sanitarians defined

§ 32.1-163.2. Long range plan for onsite sewage

§ 32.1-163.3. Identities of persons making certain reports to remain confidential

§ 32.1-163.4. Procedures for application backlogs; individuals approved to conduct evaluations for septic system or other onsite sewage system permit applications

§ 32.1-163.5. Onsite sewage evaluations

§ 32.1-163.6. Professional engineering of onsite treatment works

§ 32.1-164. Powers and duties of Board; regulations; fees; onsite soil evaluators; letters in lieu of permits; inspections; civil penalties

§ 32.1-164.1. Appeals from denials of septic tank permits; inspections

§ 32.1-164.1:01. Onsite Sewage Indemnification Fund

§ 32.1-164.1:1. Validity of certain septic tank permits

§ 32.1-164.1:2. Eligibility for betterment loans to repair or replace failing onsite sewage systems

§ 32.1-164.1:3. Permits for voluntary system upgrades

§ 32.1-164.2. Repealed

§ 32.1-164.8. Onsite Operation and Maintenance Fund established

§ 32.1-164.9. Regulations for chamber and bundled expanded polystyrene effluent distribution systems for onsite sewage systems

§ 32.1-165. Prior approval required before issuance of building permit; approved sewage system or nonconforming system

§ 32.1-166. Agreements with federal agencies

§ 32.1-166.1. Review Board; members

§ 32.1-166.2. Officers; secretary

§ 32.1-166.3. Oath

§ 32.1-166.4. Meetings

§ 32.1-166.5. Offices

§ 32.1-166.6. Review Board to hear appeals

§ 32.1-166.7. Subpoenas; witnesses; designation of subordinates

§ 32.1-166.8. Record of decisions

§ 32.1-166.9. Interpretation of application of regulations; recommendation of modifications

§ 32.1-166.10. Appeals fees

§ 32.1-167. Definitions

§ 32.1-168. Exemptions

§ 32.1-169. Supervision by Board

§ 32.1-170. Regulations

§ 32.1-171. Technical assistance as to sources and purity

§ 32.1-171.1. Waterworks operation fee required; special fund established; certain technical assistance program to be provided

§ 32.1-171.2. Water Supply Assistance Grant Fund established

§ 32.1-172. Permit required

§ 32.1-173. Additional or amended permits

§ 32.1-173.1. Increase in charges to finance required changes

§ 32.1-174. Revocation of permits

§ 32.1-174.1. Bonds of permit holders

§ 32.1-174.2. Duties of electric utilities

§ 32.1-174.3. Appointment of receiver for certain private waterworks; grounds for such appointment; petition and hearing, etc.

§ 32.1-174.4. Identification and elimination of chronically noncompliant waterworks

§ 32.1-175. Emergency orders; appeal

§ 32.1-175.01. Issuance of special orders

§ 32.1-175.1. Notice to local government

§ 32.1-176. Penalty

§ 32.1-176.1. Short title

§ 32.1-176.2. Findings and policy

§ 32.1-176.3. Definitions

§ 32.1-176.4. Powers and duties of Board and Department; regulations; fees

§ 32.1-176.5. Construction permit; local government authority to require analysis of water

§ 32.1-176.5:1. Department to test for oil contamination; maintain lists of private laboratories

§ 32.1-176.5:2. Prohibition on private well construction

§ 32.1-176.6. Inspection

§ 32.1-176.7. Other agencies to cooperate with Department

§ 32.1-176.8. Definitions

§ 32.1-176.8:1. Private well and public water supply well testing near coal ash ponds; monitoring

§ 32.1-177. Repealed

§ 32.1-187. Counties, cities and towns may create mosquito control districts

§ 32.1-188. Consolidation of districts

§ 32.1-189. Mosquito control commission; composition; appointment of members

§ 32.1-190. Powers of commission; oath and terms of members; vacancies

§ 32.1-191. Secretary of commission

§ 32.1-192. Further powers of commission

§ 32.1-193. Eminent domain

§ 32.1-194. Special tax authorized

§ 32.1-195. Contributions from Board

§ 32.1-196. Disposition of funds not needed for mosquito control

§ 32.1-197. Compensation and expenses of members of commission

§ 32.1-198. Definitions

§ 32.1-199. Repealed

§ 32.1-200. Regulations

§ 32.1-201. Free access to certain toilet facilities

§ 32.1-202. Power of counties, cities and towns not limited

§ 32.1-203. Definitions

§ 32.1-204. Notice of intention to construct, etc., camp

§ 32.1-205. Permit required

§ 32.1-206. Application for permit

§ 32.1-207. Inspection; issuance of permit; permits nontransferable

§ 32.1-208. Provisional permits

§ 32.1-209. Denial, revocation or suspension of permits

§ 32.1-210. Camp operator's responsibilities

§ 32.1-211. Regulations

§ 32.1-212. Definitions

§ 32.1-213. Shoddy, secondhand filling material, feathers, animal hair and down to be sanitized

§ 32.1-214. New animal hair, feathers and down to be sterilized

§ 32.1-215. Disposal restricted

§ 32.1-216. Permit for use of process to sanitize or sterilize

§ 32.1-217. License and registration number; renewal; licenses not transferable; responsibility of branch factories

§ 32.1-218. Fees

§ 32.1-219. Tags required

§ 32.1-220. Same; filling material

§ 32.1-221. Offenses as to tags

§ 32.1-222. Return of improperly tagged items; payment of costs of return; failure to pay costs

§ 32.1-223. New and sanitized items to be kept separate

§ 32.1-224. Administration and enforcement by Commissioner; refusal, suspension or revocation of license or permit

§ 32.1-225. Exemptions

§ 32.1-226. Violation a misdemeanor; application of the Virginia Consumer Protection Act

§ 32.1-227. Definitions

§ 32.1-228. Exemption

§ 32.1-228.1. Department designated state radiation control agency; powers and duties

§ 32.1-229. Powers and duties of the Board

§ 32.1-229.01. Companies listed as proficient to perform radon screening, testing, or mitigation; compliance

§ 32.1-229.01:1. Action for damages

§ 32.1-229.1. Inspections of X-ray machines required; Radiation Inspection Reports; fees; qualification of inspectors

§ 32.1-229.2. Costs of inspection conducted by Health Department; fees to be used to support program

§ 32.1-229.3. Licensing of radioactive material

§ 32.1-230. Further powers of Board

§ 32.1-231. Bonds of licensees

§ 32.1-232. Radioactive Material Perpetual Care Trust Fund

§ 32.1-232.1. Special Trust Fund for Radioactive Materials Facility Licensure and Inspection created

§ 32.1-233. Radiation Advisory Board; composition; duties generally

§ 32.1-234. Repealed

§ 32.1-234.1. Enforcement

§ 32.1-235. Authority of Governor to enter into agreements with federal government; effect on federal licenses

§ 32.1-236. Authority of Board to enter into agreements with federal government, other states or interstate agencies; training programs for personnel

§ 32.1-237. Effect upon local ordinances, etc.

§ 32.1-238. Impounding sources of ionizing radiation

§ 32.1-238.1. Repealed

§ 32.1-238.6. Repealed

§ 32.1-238.6:1. Repealed

§ 32.1-239. Definitions

§ 32.1-240. Department designated state toxic substance information agency

§ 32.1-241. Powers and duties of Board

§ 32.1-242. Repealed

§ 32.1-243. State agencies directed to cooperate with and furnish information to Board

§ 32.1-244. Duty of operators to report knowledge of toxicity; retention and return of certain information; diagnosis of employee injuries and illnesses

§ 32.1-244.1. Repealed

§ 32.1-245. Toxic substances

§ 32.1-246. Marinas

§ 32.1-246.1. Signs or notices required on dump stations

§ 32.1-247. Vector control

§ 32.1-248. Closing of waters; modification or revocation of regulation or order

§ 32.1-248.01. Fish consumption advisories

§ 32.1-248.1. Posting of water quality test results by certain recreational facilities

§ 32.1-248.2. Use of rainwater and reuse of gray water; regulations

§ 32.1-248.3. Environmental Health Education and Training Fund

§ 32.1-248.4. Provision by the Department of certain services for onsite sewage systems and private wells