Code of Virginia
Chapter 9 - Academic Policies
§ 23.1-901. Programs on economics education and financial literacy

A. Public institutions of higher education shall promote the development of student life skills by including the principles of economics education and financial literacy within an existing general education course, the freshman orientation process, or another appropriate venue. Such principles may include instruction concerning personal finance such as credit card use, opening and managing an account in a financial institution, completing a loan application, managing student loans, savings and investments, consumer rights and responsibilities, predatory lending practices and interest rates, consumer fraud, identity theft and protection, and debt management.
B. The Council shall encourage private institutions of higher education to include such principles as part of their student orientation programs.
2005, c. 741, § 23-9.2:3.5; 2007, c. 47; 2016, c. 588.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 23.1 - Institutions of Higher Education; Other Educational and Cultural Institutions

Chapter 9 - Academic Policies

§ 23.1-900. Academic transcripts; suspension, permanent dismissal, or withdrawal from institution

§ 23.1-900.01. Diplomas; proof of education; method

§ 23.1-900.1. Repealed

§ 23.1-901. Programs on economics education and financial literacy

§ 23.1-902. Education preparation programs offered by institutions of higher education

§ 23.1-902.1. (For Expiration Date, see 2022 Acts cc. 549, 550, cl. 2) Education preparation programs; reading specialists; dyslexia

§ 23.1-902.1. (For Effective Date, see 2022 Acts cc. 549, 550, cl. 2) Education preparation programs; coursework; audit

§ 23.1-903. Distance learning

§ 23.1-903.1. Study abroad programs

§ 23.1-903.2. Medical school; rotation requirement

§ 23.1-903.3. Mortuary science education; practical experience requirement

§ 23.1-903.4. Innovative Internship Fund and Program

§ 23.1-904. Course credit; veterans; active duty military students

§ 23.1-905. Academic credit for American Sign Language

§ 23.1-905.1. Course credit; dual enrollment courses

§ 23.1-906. Course credit; Advanced Placement, Cambridge Advanced, College-Level Examination Program, and International Baccalaureate examinations

§ 23.1-907. Articulation, dual admissions, and guaranteed admissions agreements; admission of certain comprehensive community college graduates

§ 23.1-908. State Transfer Tool

§ 23.1-909. Combined cooperative degree program