Code of Virginia
Chapter 32 - Museums and Other Cultural Institutions
§ 23.1-3223. Duties of the Commission

A. The Commission shall:
1. Stimulate and encourage throughout the Commonwealth growth in artistic quality and excellence, public interest and participation in the arts, and access to high-quality and affordable literary, visual, and performing arts for all Virginians;
2. Make recommendations concerning appropriate methods to encourage economic viability, an intellectually stimulating environment for artists, and participation in and appreciation of the arts to meet the legitimate needs and aspirations of persons in all parts of the Commonwealth;
3. Promote the development and implementation of a planned, sequential, and comprehensive program of arts education, taught by licensed teachers endorsed in arts education, in the public elementary and secondary schools of the Commonwealth;
4. Provide supplemental learning opportunities to the public school arts education curriculum;
5. Encourage the development of a network of professional arts organizations, the media, and arts promoters for the production of classical and new works of art and diversity in artistic expressions in media including the literary, visual, and performing arts;
6. Provide funding for and technical assistance to artists, recognized nonprofit arts organizations, and arts organizations and activities that celebrate and preserve the various cultures represented among the citizens of the Commonwealth;
7. Encourage and support the creation of new works of art, arts organizations whose primary objective is to increase public access to the arts, particularly in underserved areas, and performing arts tours to increase the availability of this form of artistic expression throughout the Commonwealth;
8. Establish a program of financial assistance to provide scholarships, grants, and other awards to artists who demonstrate exceptional ability and talent;
9. Establish an advisory panel composed of artists, arts administrators, and citizens to advise the Commission concerning fiscal matters;
10. Encourage arts organizations to dedicate to their endowments at least $1 of the price of each adult admission to performances or exhibitions or at least one percent of moneys collected in fund campaigns;
11. Encourage arts organizations to develop and implement endowment enlargement plans that yield enough income to underwrite one-third of the organizations' annual operating costs;
12. Apply to and enter into contracts and agreements with the United States or any appropriate agency or officer of the United States for participation in or receipt of funding from any federal program respecting the arts;
13. Provide incentives to local governing bodies to encourage public support and funding of the arts;
14. Accept, hold, and administer gifts, contributions, and bequests of money or any other thing to be used for carrying out the purposes of this article;
15. Develop specific procedures for the administration and implementation of a grantmaking program, so long as any such program is for the benefit of a nonprofit organization qualifying as a § 501(c)(3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code and prepare written guidelines to govern such program;
16. Administer any funds available to the Commission and disburse such funds in accordance with the purposes of this article;
17. Make expenditures from the Fund's interest and income to promote the arts in the Commonwealth in accordance with § 23.1-3228 and assist nonprofit arts and cultural institutions and organizations in the Commonwealth to assess, enhance, and plan for enhancement of their fiscal stability, financial management and control capabilities, and capacity to raise funds for the furtherance of their respective missions from nongovernmental sources;
18. Enter into contracts and execute all instruments necessary and appropriate to carry out the Commission's purposes;
19. Explore and make recommendations concerning other possible dedicated revenue sources for the Fund; and
20. Perform any lawful acts necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of the Commission.
B. Nothing in this article shall be construed to affect the statutory purposes of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
2016, c. 588; 2022, c. 437.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 23.1 - Institutions of Higher Education; Other Educational and Cultural Institutions

Chapter 32 - Museums and Other Cultural Institutions

§ 23.1-3200. Governing boards of educational institutions; removal of members

§ 23.1-3201. Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia established

§ 23.1-3202. Board of trustees

§ 23.1-3203. Duties of the board

§ 23.1-3204. Board of Regents of Gunston Hall and Board of Visitors for Gunston Hall established

§ 23.1-3205. Powers of the Board of Regents

§ 23.1-3206. Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation established; board of trustees

§ 23.1-3207. Duties

§ 23.1-3208. Regulations

§ 23.1-3209. Authority to contract debts and obligations payable from revenues

§ 23.1-3210. Science Museum of Virginia established

§ 23.1-3211. Board of trustees

§ 23.1-3212. Duties of the board

§ 23.1-3213. Powers of the board

§ 23.1-3214. Agents and employees

§ 23.1-3215. Annual report

§ 23.1-3216. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts established

§ 23.1-3217. Board of trustees

§ 23.1-3218. Powers of the board

§ 23.1-3219. Authority of Art and Architectural Review Board

§ 23.1-3220. Expenditures for current expenses

§ 23.1-3221. Annual report

§ 23.1-3222. Virginia Commission for the Arts established; purpose; membership

§ 23.1-3223. Duties of the Commission

§ 23.1-3224. Director of the Commission

§ 23.1-3225. Repealed

§ 23.1-3226. Repealed

§ 23.1-3227. Virginia Commission for the Arts Fund

§ 23.1-3228. Gifts and bequests; exemption from taxation