Code of Virginia
Chapter 32 - Museums and Other Cultural Institutions
§ 23.1-3211. Board of trustees

A. The Museum shall be governed by a board of trustees (the board) consisting of 15 members who shall be appointed by the Governor. At least one of the members shall be a member of the Virginia Academy of Science. All appointments are subject to confirmation by the General Assembly.
B. Members shall be appointed for terms of five years. Appointments to fill vacancies, other than by expiration of a term, shall be for the unexpired terms. No member is eligible to serve more than two consecutive five-year terms; however, a member appointed to serve an unexpired term is eligible to serve two consecutive five-year terms immediately succeeding such unexpired term.
C. No member shall receive a salary for his service on the board.
D. The board shall elect a chairman and a secretary from its membership and may elect a vice-chairman from its membership.
E. The board shall meet at such times as it deems appropriate.
F. Seven members of the board shall constitute a quorum for all purposes.
Code 1950, §§ 9-65.4, 9-65.5, 9-65.6, 9-65.10, 9-65.11, §§ 23-243, 23-244, 23-245, 23-248, 23-249; 1970, c. 466; 1977, c. 597; 1980, c. 612; 2016, c. 588.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 23.1 - Institutions of Higher Education; Other Educational and Cultural Institutions

Chapter 32 - Museums and Other Cultural Institutions

§ 23.1-3200. Governing boards of educational institutions; removal of members

§ 23.1-3201. Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia established

§ 23.1-3202. Board of trustees

§ 23.1-3203. Duties of the board

§ 23.1-3204. Board of Regents of Gunston Hall and Board of Visitors for Gunston Hall established

§ 23.1-3205. Powers of the Board of Regents

§ 23.1-3206. Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation established; board of trustees

§ 23.1-3207. Duties

§ 23.1-3208. Regulations

§ 23.1-3209. Authority to contract debts and obligations payable from revenues

§ 23.1-3210. Science Museum of Virginia established

§ 23.1-3211. Board of trustees

§ 23.1-3212. Duties of the board

§ 23.1-3213. Powers of the board

§ 23.1-3214. Agents and employees

§ 23.1-3215. Annual report

§ 23.1-3216. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts established

§ 23.1-3217. Board of trustees

§ 23.1-3218. Powers of the board

§ 23.1-3219. Authority of Art and Architectural Review Board

§ 23.1-3220. Expenditures for current expenses

§ 23.1-3221. Annual report

§ 23.1-3222. Virginia Commission for the Arts established; purpose; membership

§ 23.1-3223. Duties of the Commission

§ 23.1-3224. Director of the Commission

§ 23.1-3225. Repealed

§ 23.1-3226. Repealed

§ 23.1-3227. Virginia Commission for the Arts Fund

§ 23.1-3228. Gifts and bequests; exemption from taxation