Code of Virginia
Chapter 32 - Museums and Other Cultural Institutions
§ 23.1-3213. Powers of the board

The board may:
1. Select sites for the Museum and its divisions and provide for the erection, care, and preservation of all property belonging to the Museum;
2. Appoint the director of the Museum (the director) and prescribe his duties and salary;
3. Establish policies for the operation of the Museum, including the kinds and types of instruction and exhibits, and the development of plans for expansion of the Museum;
4. Employ planning consultants and architects for any expansion of the Museum;
5. Acquire by purchase, gift, loan, or otherwise land necessary for exhibits, displays, and expansion of the Museum;
6. Enter into contracts for construction of physical facilities;
7. Adopt a seal;
8. Charge for admission to the Museum; and
9. On behalf of the Commonwealth and in furtherance of the purposes of the Museum, receive and administer gifts, bequests, and devises of property of any kind whatsoever and grants from agencies of the United States government and expend, or authorize the expenditure of, funds derived from such sources and funds appropriated by the General Assembly to the Museum.
Code 1950, §§ 9-65.12, 9-65.14, §§ 23-250, 23-252; 1970, c. 466; 1972, c. 524; 1974, c. 124; 1977, c. 597; 2016, c. 588.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 23.1 - Institutions of Higher Education; Other Educational and Cultural Institutions

Chapter 32 - Museums and Other Cultural Institutions

§ 23.1-3200. Governing boards of educational institutions; removal of members

§ 23.1-3201. Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia established

§ 23.1-3202. Board of trustees

§ 23.1-3203. Duties of the board

§ 23.1-3204. Board of Regents of Gunston Hall and Board of Visitors for Gunston Hall established

§ 23.1-3205. Powers of the Board of Regents

§ 23.1-3206. Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation established; board of trustees

§ 23.1-3207. Duties

§ 23.1-3208. Regulations

§ 23.1-3209. Authority to contract debts and obligations payable from revenues

§ 23.1-3210. Science Museum of Virginia established

§ 23.1-3211. Board of trustees

§ 23.1-3212. Duties of the board

§ 23.1-3213. Powers of the board

§ 23.1-3214. Agents and employees

§ 23.1-3215. Annual report

§ 23.1-3216. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts established

§ 23.1-3217. Board of trustees

§ 23.1-3218. Powers of the board

§ 23.1-3219. Authority of Art and Architectural Review Board

§ 23.1-3220. Expenditures for current expenses

§ 23.1-3221. Annual report

§ 23.1-3222. Virginia Commission for the Arts established; purpose; membership

§ 23.1-3223. Duties of the Commission

§ 23.1-3224. Director of the Commission

§ 23.1-3225. Repealed

§ 23.1-3226. Repealed

§ 23.1-3227. Virginia Commission for the Arts Fund

§ 23.1-3228. Gifts and bequests; exemption from taxation