Code of Virginia
Chapter 7 - General Powers and Duties of School Boards
§ 22.1-79.4. Threat assessment teams and oversight committees

A. Each local school board shall adopt policies for the establishment of threat assessment teams, including the assessment of and intervention with individuals whose behavior may pose a threat to the safety of school staff or students consistent with the model policies developed by the Virginia Center for School and Campus Safety (the Center) in accordance with § 9.1-184. Such policies shall include procedures for referrals to community services boards or health care providers for evaluation or treatment, when appropriate.
B. The superintendent of each school division may establish a committee charged with oversight of the threat assessment teams operating within the division, which may be an existing committee established by the division. The committee shall include individuals with expertise in human resources, education, school administration, mental health, and law enforcement.
C. Each division superintendent shall establish, for each school, a threat assessment team that shall include persons with expertise in counseling, instruction, school administration, and law enforcement and, in the case of any school in which a school resource officer is employed, at least one such school resource officer. Threat assessment teams may be established to serve one or more schools as determined by the division superintendent. Each team shall (i) provide guidance to students, faculty, and staff regarding recognition of threatening or aberrant behavior that may represent a threat to the community, school, or self; (ii) identify members of the school community to whom threatening behavior should be reported; and (iii) implement policies adopted by the local school board pursuant to subsection A.
D. Upon a preliminary determination that a student poses a threat of violence or physical harm to self or others, a threat assessment team shall immediately report its determination to the division superintendent or his designee. The division superintendent or his designee shall immediately attempt to notify the student's parent or legal guardian. Nothing in this subsection shall preclude school division personnel from acting immediately to address an imminent threat.
E. Each threat assessment team established pursuant to this section shall collect and report to the Center quantitative data on its activities using the case management tool developed by the Center.
F. Upon a preliminary determination by the threat assessment team that an individual poses a threat of violence to self or others or exhibits significantly disruptive behavior or need for assistance, a threat assessment team may obtain criminal history record information, as provided in §§ 19.2-389 and 19.2-389.1, and health records, as provided in § 32.1-127.1:03. No member of a threat assessment team shall redisclose any criminal history record information or health information obtained pursuant to this section or otherwise use any record of an individual beyond the purpose for which such disclosure was made to the threat assessment team.
2013, c. 710; 2014, cc. 7, 158; 2016, c. 554; 2019, cc. 39, 456; 2022, c. 769.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 22.1 - Education

Chapter 7 - General Powers and Duties of School Boards

§ 22.1-71. School board constitutes body corporate; corporate powers

§ 22.1-72. Annual organizational meetings of school boards

§ 22.1-73. Quorum

§ 22.1-74. Minutes of meetings

§ 22.1-75. Procedure in case of tie vote

§ 22.1-76. Chairman; clerk; vice-chairman; deputy clerk; terms; compensation and bonds of clerk and deputy clerk; officers ineligible to serve as clerk and deputy clerk; approval of division superintendent's designee

§ 22.1-77. Duties of clerk

§ 22.1-78. Bylaws and regulations

§ 22.1-79. Powers and duties

§ 22.1-79.1. Opening of the school year; approvals for certain alternative schedules

§ 22.1-79.2. Uniforms in public schools; Board of Education guidelines

§ 22.1-79.3. Policies regarding certain activities

§ 22.1-79.4. Threat assessment teams and oversight committees

§ 22.1-79.5. Policy regarding tobacco and nicotine vapor products

§ 22.1-79.6. Employee lactation support policy

§ 22.1-79.7. School meal policies; donations

§ 22.1-79.7:1. School meals; availability to students

§ 22.1-79.8. Policies regarding job assistance for certain persons

§ 22.1-79.9. Promotion of broadband services for educational purposes

§ 22.1-80. Development of park areas adjacent to public schools

§ 22.1-81. Annual report

§ 22.1-82. Employment of counsel to advise or defend school boards and officials; payment of costs, expenses and liabilities; consent of governing bodies required prior to institution of proceedings

§ 22.1-83. Payment of employee's legal fees and expenses

§ 22.1-84. Insurance

§ 22.1-85. Fund for payment of hospital, medical, etc., services provided officers, employees and dependents

§ 22.1-86. Meetings of people of school division; local committees

§ 22.1-86.1. Appointment of student representatives to local school boards

§ 22.1-87. Judicial review