Code of Virginia
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
§ 17.1-125. Civil order book

The clerk shall record (i) trust fund orders pursuant to §§ 17.1-123 and 17.1-124 and (ii) the annual trust fund report required pursuant to subsection G of § 8.01-600 in a book known as the civil order book, in which shall be recorded all reports, orders, and decrees concerning moneys received or to be received by general receivers pursuant to § 8.01-582 and by clerks pursuant to § 8.01-600.
1988, c. 553, § 17-28.1; 1998, c. 872; 2017, c. 35.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 17.1 - Courts of Record

Chapter 1 - General Provisions

§ 17.1-100. Judicial performance evaluation program

§ 17.1-101. Time within which a judge may qualify; failure vacates office

§ 17.1-102. Justices and judges not permitted to practice law or seek or hold elective or other office

§ 17.1-103. Residence requirements of judges

§ 17.1-104. In election by court, votes to be recorded

§ 17.1-105. Designation of judges to hold courts and assist other judges

§ 17.1-106. Temporary recall of retired judges; evaluation

§ 17.1-107. Designation of judge to assist regular judge holding case under advisement for unreasonable length of time

§ 17.1-108. Reserved

§ 17.1-109. Judges pro tempore

§ 17.1-110. Their appointment and powers

§ 17.1-111. Compensation

§ 17.1-112. Sheriff to attend court as its officer

§ 17.1-113. Places of holding courts; certain orders and decrees entered elsewhere

§ 17.1-114. When and how changed

§ 17.1-115. How order or warrant making change posted

§ 17.1-116. Change of place or time for holding session of Supreme Court

§ 17.1-117. Certain acts of courts held at improper places confirmed

§ 17.1-118. Display of flags in courtrooms

§ 17.1-119. Courts may adjourn for a period not exceeding thirty days

§ 17.1-120. Adjournment from day to day; effect of failure to sit on day to which adjourned

§ 17.1-121. Effect of change of time or place of court or failure to sit generally

§ 17.1-122. Matters not determined to stand continued

§ 17.1-123. How orders are recorded and signed

§ 17.1-124. Order books; automated systems

§ 17.1-125. Civil order book

§ 17.1-126. Repealed

§ 17.1-128. Recording evidence and incidents of trial in certain civil cases and cost thereof; cost of transcripts; preservation of original notes or records; certified transcript prima facie correct

§ 17.1-128.1. Recording evidence and incidents of trial in certain misdemeanor cases

§ 17.1-129. Filing date and time to be noted on papers

§ 17.1-130. Execution of judgments and decrees of courts no longer existing

§ 17.1-131. Jurisdiction to issue writs of mandamus in matters pertaining to action of service district commission

§ 17.1-132. Courts Technology Fund