Code of Virginia
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
§ 17.1-101. Time within which a judge may qualify; failure vacates office

Any judge of this Commonwealth may qualify at any time after receiving his commission and before the expiration of thirty days after the commencement of his term of office. If any judge does not receive his commission until after the commencement of his term of office he may qualify within thirty days from the date of receiving the same. The failure of any judge to qualify within these time limits shall vacate his office.
Code 1919, § 5978, § 17-2; 1998, c. 872.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 17.1 - Courts of Record

Chapter 1 - General Provisions

§ 17.1-100. Judicial performance evaluation program

§ 17.1-101. Time within which a judge may qualify; failure vacates office

§ 17.1-102. Justices and judges not permitted to practice law or seek or hold elective or other office

§ 17.1-103. Residence requirements of judges

§ 17.1-104. In election by court, votes to be recorded

§ 17.1-105. Designation of judges to hold courts and assist other judges

§ 17.1-106. Temporary recall of retired judges; evaluation

§ 17.1-107. Designation of judge to assist regular judge holding case under advisement for unreasonable length of time

§ 17.1-108. Reserved

§ 17.1-109. Judges pro tempore

§ 17.1-110. Their appointment and powers

§ 17.1-111. Compensation

§ 17.1-112. Sheriff to attend court as its officer

§ 17.1-113. Places of holding courts; certain orders and decrees entered elsewhere

§ 17.1-114. When and how changed

§ 17.1-115. How order or warrant making change posted

§ 17.1-116. Change of place or time for holding session of Supreme Court

§ 17.1-117. Certain acts of courts held at improper places confirmed

§ 17.1-118. Display of flags in courtrooms

§ 17.1-119. Courts may adjourn for a period not exceeding thirty days

§ 17.1-120. Adjournment from day to day; effect of failure to sit on day to which adjourned

§ 17.1-121. Effect of change of time or place of court or failure to sit generally

§ 17.1-122. Matters not determined to stand continued

§ 17.1-123. How orders are recorded and signed

§ 17.1-124. Order books; automated systems

§ 17.1-125. Civil order book

§ 17.1-126. Repealed

§ 17.1-128. Recording evidence and incidents of trial in certain civil cases and cost thereof; cost of transcripts; preservation of original notes or records; certified transcript prima facie correct

§ 17.1-128.1. Recording evidence and incidents of trial in certain misdemeanor cases

§ 17.1-129. Filing date and time to be noted on papers

§ 17.1-130. Execution of judgments and decrees of courts no longer existing

§ 17.1-131. Jurisdiction to issue writs of mandamus in matters pertaining to action of service district commission

§ 17.1-132. Courts Technology Fund