Code of Virginia
Chapter 10 - Virginia Nonstock Corporation Act
§ 13.1-869. Committees

A. Unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws provide otherwise, a board of directors may create one or more committees and appoint members of the board of directors to serve on them. Each committee shall have two or more members, who serve at the pleasure of the board of directors.
B. The creation of a committee and appointment of directors to it shall be approved by the greater number of (i) a majority of all the directors in office when the action is taken, or (ii) the number of directors required by the articles of incorporation or bylaws to take action under § 13.1-868.
C. Sections 13.1-864 through 13.1-868, which govern meetings, action without meetings, notice and waiver of notice, and quorum and voting requirements of the board of directors, apply to committees and their members as well.
D. To the extent specified by the board of directors or in the articles of incorporation or bylaws, each committee may exercise the authority of the board of directors under § 13.1-853, except that a committee may not:
1. Approve or recommend to members action that this Act requires to be approved by members;
2. Fill vacancies on the board or on any of its committees;
3. Amend the articles of incorporation pursuant to § 13.1-885;
4. Adopt, amend, or repeal the bylaws; or
5. Approve a plan of merger not requiring member approval.
E. The creation of, delegation of authority to, or action by a committee does not alone constitute compliance by a director with the standards of conduct described in § 13.1-870.
F. The board of directors may appoint one or more directors as alternate members of any committee to replace any absent or disqualified member during the member's absence or disqualification. Unless the articles of incorporation, the bylaws, or the resolution creating the committee provides otherwise, in the event of the absence or disqualification of a member of a committee, the member or members present at any meeting and not disqualified from voting may unanimously appoint another director to act in place of the absent or disqualified member.
Code 1950, § 13.1-224; 1956, c. 428; 1975, c. 500; 1977, c. 435; 1985, c. 522; 2007, c. 925.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 13.1 - Corporations

Chapter 10 - Virginia Nonstock Corporation Act

§ 13.1-801. Short title

§ 13.1-802. Reservation of power to amend or repeal

§ 13.1-803. Definitions

§ 13.1-804. Filing requirements

§ 13.1-804.1. Filing with the Commission pursuant to reorganization

§ 13.1-805. Issuance of certificate by Commission; recordation of documents

§ 13.1-806. Effective time and date of document

§ 13.1-807. Correcting filed articles

§ 13.1-808. Evidentiary effect of copy of filed document

§ 13.1-809. Certificate of good standing

§ 13.1-810. Notices and other communications

§ 13.1-810.1. Number of members

§ 13.1-811. Penalty for signing false documents

§ 13.1-812. Unlawful to transact or offer to transact business as a corporation unless authorized

§ 13.1-813. Hearing and finality of Commission action; injunctions

§ 13.1-814. Shares of stock and dividends prohibited

§ 13.1-814.1. Special provisions for community associations

§ 13.1-815. Fees to be collected by Commission; payment of fees prerequisite to Commission action; exceptions

§ 13.1-815.1. Charter and entrance fees for corporations

§ 13.1-816. Fees for filing documents or issuing certificates

§ 13.1-817. Repealed

§ 13.1-818. Incorporators

§ 13.1-819. Articles of incorporation

§ 13.1-820. Issuance of certificate of incorporation

§ 13.1-821. Liability for preincorporation transactions

§ 13.1-822. Organization of corporation

§ 13.1-823. Bylaws

§ 13.1-824. Emergency bylaws

§ 13.1-825. Purposes

§ 13.1-826. General powers

§ 13.1-827. Emergency powers

§ 13.1-828. Ultra vires

§ 13.1-829. Corporate name

§ 13.1-830. Reserved name

§ 13.1-831. Registered name

§ 13.1-832. Repealed

§ 13.1-833. Registered office and registered agent

§ 13.1-834. Change of registered office or registered agent

§ 13.1-835. Resignation of registered agent

§ 13.1-836. Service on corporation

§ 13.1-837. Members

§ 13.1-838. Annual meeting

§ 13.1-839. Special meeting

§ 13.1-840. Court-ordered meeting

§ 13.1-841. Corporate action without meeting

§ 13.1-842. Notice of meeting

§ 13.1-843. Waiver of notice

§ 13.1-844. Record date

§ 13.1-844.1. Conduct of the meeting

§ 13.1-844.2. Remote participation in annual and special meetings

§ 13.1-845. Members' list for meeting

§ 13.1-846. Voting entitlement of members

§ 13.1-847. Proxies

§ 13.1-847.1. Voting procedures and inspectors of elections

§ 13.1-848. Corporation's acceptance of votes

§ 13.1-849. Quorum and voting requirements for voting groups

§ 13.1-850. Action by single and multiple voting groups

§ 13.1-851. Change in quorum or voting requirements

§ 13.1-852. Voting for directors; cumulative voting

§ 13.1-852.1. Member or director agreements

§ 13.1-852.2. Voting agreements

§ 13.1-853. Requirement for and duties of board of directors

§ 13.1-854. Qualification of directors

§ 13.1-855. Number and election of directors

§ 13.1-856. Election of directors by certain classes of members

§ 13.1-857. Terms of directors generally

§ 13.1-858. Staggered terms of directors

§ 13.1-859. Resignation of directors

§ 13.1-860. Removal of directors

§ 13.1-861. Judicial review of elections

§ 13.1-862. Vacancy on board of directors

§ 13.1-863. Compensation of directors

§ 13.1-864. Meetings of the board of directors

§ 13.1-865. Action without meeting of board of directors

§ 13.1-866. Notice of board of directors' meetings

§ 13.1-867. Waiver of notice by director

§ 13.1-868. Quorum and voting by directors

§ 13.1-869. Committees

§ 13.1-870. General standards of conduct for directors

§ 13.1-870.1. Limitation on liability of officers and directors; exception

§ 13.1-870.2. Limitation on liability of officers and directors; additional exception

§ 13.1-871. Director conflict of interests

§ 13.1-871.1. Business opportunities

§ 13.1-872. Required officers

§ 13.1-873. Duties of officers

§ 13.1-874. Resignation and removal of officers

§ 13.1-875. Definitions

§ 13.1-876. Authority to indemnify

§ 13.1-877. Mandatory indemnification

§ 13.1-878. Advance for expenses

§ 13.1-879. Repealed

§ 13.1-879.1. Court orders for advances, reimbursement or indemnification

§ 13.1-880. Determination and authorization of indemnification

§ 13.1-881. Indemnification of officers

§ 13.1-882. Insurance

§ 13.1-883. Application of article

§ 13.1-884. Authority to amend articles of incorporation

§ 13.1-885. Amendment of articles of incorporation by directors

§ 13.1-886. Amendment of articles of incorporation by directors and members

§ 13.1-887. Voting on amendments by voting groups

§ 13.1-887.1. Amendment prior to organization

§ 13.1-888. Articles of amendment

§ 13.1-889. Restated articles of incorporation

§ 13.1-890. Repealed

§ 13.1-891. Effect of amendment of articles of incorporation

§ 13.1-892. Amendment of bylaws by board of directors or members

§ 13.1-893. Bylaw provisions increasing quorum or voting requirements for directors

§ 13.1-893.1. Definitions

§ 13.1-894. Merger

§ 13.1-895. Action on plan of merger

§ 13.1-896. Articles of merger

§ 13.1-897. Effect of merger

§ 13.1-897.1. Abandonment of a merger

§ 13.1-898. Repealed

§ 13.1-898.1:1. Definitions

§ 13.1-898.2. Domestication

§ 13.1-898.3. Action on plan of domestication by a domestic corporation

§ 13.1-898.4. Articles of domestication

§ 13.1-898.5. Surrender of articles of incorporation upon domestication

§ 13.1-898.6. Effect of domestication

§ 13.1-898.7. Abandonment of domestication

§ 13.1-899. Sale of assets in regular course of business

§ 13.1-900. Sale of assets other than in regular course of business

§ 13.1-901. Sale of certain real property by incorporated educational institutions

§ 13.1-902. Dissolution by directors and members

§ 13.1-903. Dissolution by directors

§ 13.1-904. Articles of dissolution

§ 13.1-905. Revocation of dissolution

§ 13.1-906. Effect of dissolution

§ 13.1-907. Distribution and plan of distribution of assets

§ 13.1-908. Known claims against dissolved corporation

§ 13.1-908.1. Other claims against dissolved corporation

§ 13.1-908.2. Court proceedings

§ 13.1-908.3. Director duties

§ 13.1-909. Grounds for judicial dissolution

§ 13.1-910. Receivership or custodianship

§ 13.1-911. Decree of dissolution

§ 13.1-912. Articles of termination of corporate existence

§ 13.1-913. Termination of corporate existence by incorporators or initial directors

§ 13.1-914. Automatic termination of corporate existence

§ 13.1-915. Involuntary termination of corporate existence

§ 13.1-916. Reinstatement of a corporation that has ceased to exist

§ 13.1-917. Survival of remedy after termination of corporate existence

§ 13.1-918. Repealed

§ 13.1-919. Authority to transact business required

§ 13.1-920. Consequences of transacting business without authority

§ 13.1-921. Application for certificate of authority

§ 13.1-922. Amended certificate of authority

§ 13.1-923. Effect of certificate of authority

§ 13.1-924. Corporate name of foreign corporation

§ 13.1-925. Registered office and registered agent of foreign corporation

§ 13.1-926. Change of registered office or registered agent of a foreign corporation

§ 13.1-927. Resignation of registered agent of foreign corporation

§ 13.1-928. Service of process on foreign corporation

§ 13.1-928.1. Merger of foreign corporation authorized to transact business in Commonwealth

§ 13.1-928.2. Entity conversion of foreign corporation authorized to transact business in Commonwealth

§ 13.1-929. Withdrawal of foreign corporation

§ 13.1-930. Automatic revocation of certificate of authority

§ 13.1-931. Involuntary revocation of certificate of authority

§ 13.1-931.1. Reinstatement of foreign corporation whose certificate of authority has been withdrawn or revoked

§ 13.1-932. Corporate records

§ 13.1-933. Inspection of records by members

§ 13.1-934. Scope of inspection right

§ 13.1-935. Court-ordered inspection

§ 13.1-935.1. Inspection of records by directors

§ 13.1-936. Annual report of domestic and foreign corporations

§ 13.1-936.1. Annual registration fees to be paid by domestic and foreign corporations; penalty for failure to pay timely

§ 13.1-936.2. Collection of unpaid bills for registration fees

§ 13.1-937. Application to existing corporations

§ 13.1-938. Application to certain social, patriotic and benevolent societies incorporated before year 1900; reports by such societies

§ 13.1-939. Saving provision

§ 13.1-940. Repealed

§ 13.1-941. Repealed

§ 13.1-941.01. Repealed

§ 13.1-944.1. Definitions

§ 13.1-944.2. Entity conversion

§ 13.1-944.3. Plan of entity conversion

§ 13.1-944.4. Action on plan of entity conversion

§ 13.1-944.5. Articles of entity conversion

§ 13.1-944.6. Effect of entity conversion

§ 13.1-944.7. Abandonment of entity conversion

§ 13.1-945. Property title records

§ 13.1-946. Reserved