Code of Virginia
Chapter 2.1 - Common Law and Rules of Construction
§ 1-248. Supremacy of federal and state law

The Constitution and laws of the United States and of the Commonwealth shall be supreme. Any ordinance, resolution, bylaw, rule, regulation, or order of any governing body or any corporation, board, or number of persons shall not be inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States or of the Commonwealth.
Code 1919, § 5; Code 1950, § 1-13; 1950, p. 22, § 1-13.17; 2005, c. 839.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 1 - General Provisions

Chapter 2.1 - Common Law and Rules of Construction

§ 1-200. The common law

§ 1-201. Acts of Parliament

§ 1-202. General rule of construction

§ 1-203. Adult

§ 1-204. Age of majority

§ 1-205. Bond with surety

§ 1-206. Certified mail equivalent to registered mail; certain subsequent mail or notice may be sent by regular mail

§ 1-207. Child; juvenile; minor; infant

§ 1-208. City

§ 1-208.1. Carbon-free energy; clean energy

§ 1-209. Collegial body

§ 1-210. Computation of time

§ 1-211. Constitutional references

§ 1-211.1. (Effective until July 1, 2024) Courthouse; posting of notices

§ 1-211.1. (Effective July 1, 2024) Courthouse; posting of notices

§ 1-212. Courts of record

§ 1-213. Delegation of duties assigned to political subdivision

§ 1-214. Effective dates

§ 1-215. Ex officio

§ 1-216. Gender

§ 1-217. Headlines of sections

§ 1-218. Includes

§ 1-219. Land; real estate

§ 1-219.1. Limitations on eminent domain

§ 1-220. Local ordinances incorporating state law by reference

§ 1-221. Locality

§ 1-222. Majority authority

§ 1-222.1. Manufacturer

§ 1-223. Month; year

§ 1-224. Municipality; incorporated communities; municipal corporation

§ 1-225. Nonlegislative citizen member

§ 1-226. Notary

§ 1-227. Number

§ 1-228. Oath

§ 1-229. Optional form of county government; effect of change in form

§ 1-230. Person

§ 1-231. When "person" includes business trust and limited liability company

§ 1-232. Person under disability

§ 1-233. Personal estate

§ 1-234. Personal representative

§ 1-235. Population; inhabitants

§ 1-236. Population classifications

§ 1-237. Process

§ 1-238. Reenacted

§ 1-239. Repeal not to affect liabilities; mitigation of punishment

§ 1-240. Repeal not to revive former act

§ 1-240.1. Rights of parents

§ 1-241. Seal

§ 1-242. Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections

§ 1-243. Severability

§ 1-244. Short title citations

§ 1-245. State

§ 1-246. Stricken language or italics

§ 1-247. Summaries of legislation

§ 1-248. Supremacy of federal and state law

§ 1-249. Supreme Court

§ 1-250. Swear; sworn

§ 1-251. Systems of state highways

§ 1-252. Tier-city

§ 1-253. Time zone

§ 1-254. Town

§ 1-255. United States

§ 1-256. Weights and measurements; metric equivalents

§ 1-257. Written; writing; in writing