Code of Virginia
Chapter 2.1 - Common Law and Rules of Construction
§ 1-225. Nonlegislative citizen member

"Nonlegislative citizen member" means any natural person who is not a member of the General Assembly of Virginia.
2004, c. 709, § 1-13.13:1; 2005, c. 839.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 1 - General Provisions

Chapter 2.1 - Common Law and Rules of Construction

§ 1-200. The common law

§ 1-201. Acts of Parliament

§ 1-202. General rule of construction

§ 1-203. Adult

§ 1-204. Age of majority

§ 1-205. Bond with surety

§ 1-206. Certified mail equivalent to registered mail; certain subsequent mail or notice may be sent by regular mail

§ 1-207. Child; juvenile; minor; infant

§ 1-208. City

§ 1-208.1. Carbon-free energy; clean energy

§ 1-209. Collegial body

§ 1-210. Computation of time

§ 1-211. Constitutional references

§ 1-211.1. (Effective until July 1, 2024) Courthouse; posting of notices

§ 1-211.1. (Effective July 1, 2024) Courthouse; posting of notices

§ 1-212. Courts of record

§ 1-213. Delegation of duties assigned to political subdivision

§ 1-214. Effective dates

§ 1-215. Ex officio

§ 1-216. Gender

§ 1-217. Headlines of sections

§ 1-218. Includes

§ 1-219. Land; real estate

§ 1-219.1. Limitations on eminent domain

§ 1-220. Local ordinances incorporating state law by reference

§ 1-221. Locality

§ 1-222. Majority authority

§ 1-222.1. Manufacturer

§ 1-223. Month; year

§ 1-224. Municipality; incorporated communities; municipal corporation

§ 1-225. Nonlegislative citizen member

§ 1-226. Notary

§ 1-227. Number

§ 1-228. Oath

§ 1-229. Optional form of county government; effect of change in form

§ 1-230. Person

§ 1-231. When "person" includes business trust and limited liability company

§ 1-232. Person under disability

§ 1-233. Personal estate

§ 1-234. Personal representative

§ 1-235. Population; inhabitants

§ 1-236. Population classifications

§ 1-237. Process

§ 1-238. Reenacted

§ 1-239. Repeal not to affect liabilities; mitigation of punishment

§ 1-240. Repeal not to revive former act

§ 1-240.1. Rights of parents

§ 1-241. Seal

§ 1-242. Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections

§ 1-243. Severability

§ 1-244. Short title citations

§ 1-245. State

§ 1-246. Stricken language or italics

§ 1-247. Summaries of legislation

§ 1-248. Supremacy of federal and state law

§ 1-249. Supreme Court

§ 1-250. Swear; sworn

§ 1-251. Systems of state highways

§ 1-252. Tier-city

§ 1-253. Time zone

§ 1-254. Town

§ 1-255. United States

§ 1-256. Weights and measurements; metric equivalents

§ 1-257. Written; writing; in writing