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Article 1 - General and Miscellaneous Provisions.
Part 1 - Disclaimer.
Section 45-11-10 - Disclaimer. - (a) This chapter endeavors to add to the Code of...
Part 2 - Boundaries.
Section 45-11-11 - Boundary Line of Chilton and Bibb Counties - The boundary line between Chilton and Bibb Counties shall be...
Part 3 - Compensation.
Section 45-11-12 - Transaction Fees. - In addition to all other fees and costs provided by...
Article 5 - Constables.
Section 45-11-50 - Office Abolished. - In Chilton County, effective at the end of the current...
Article 6 - Coroner.
Part 1 - Compensation.
Section 45-11-60 - Salary. - In Chilton County, effective beginning the next term of office,...
Part 2 - Deputies.
Section 45-11-61 - Appointment of Deputies. - The Coroner of Chilton County is hereby authorized to appoint...
Article 7 - County Commission.
Section 45-11-70 - Expense Allowance. - In addition to any and all other salary, compensation, and...
Part 2 - Membership.
Section 45-11-71 - Composition. - Repealed by Act 2007-292, p. 523, ยง3, effective June 7,...
Section 45-11-71.01 - Composition. - (a) This section shall apply only in Chilton County. (b)...
Article 8 - Courts.
Part 1 - Court Costs.
Section 45-11-80 - Additional Costs and Fees; Juvenile Court Services Fund; Judicial Administration Fund. - (a) In Chilton County, in addition to all other fees,...
Section 45-11-80.01 - Additional Court Costs; Public Safety Technology Fund. - (a) In all criminal, quasi-criminal, and traffic cases in district,...
Part 2 - Probate Court.
Division 1 - Licensing Division.
Section 45-11-81 - Mail Order Fee for Boat Registration. - The Chilton County Judge of Probate shall mail forms to...
Division 2 - Recording System.
Section 45-11-81.20 - Grantee Name and Address Required. - (a) The Judge of Probate of Chilton County shall not...
Section 45-11-81.21 - Special Recording Fee. - In Chilton County, a special recording fee of eight dollars...
Section 45-11-81.40 - Salary. - Effective beginning the next term of office after March 15,...
Part 3 - District Attorney.
Section 45-11-82 - Residential Limitations on Adult Sex Offenders. - REPEALED IN THE 2016 FIRST SPECIAL SESSION BY ACT 2016-466...
Article 10 - Education.
Section 45-11-100 - Composition of Board; Elections - (a) Beginning with the election in 2006, and thereafter, the...
Section 45-11-100.01 - Election by Place Number; Staggered Terms of Office. - (a) Beginning with the election in 2006, and thereafter, each...
Section 45-11-100.02 - Purpose and Construction. - The purpose of this article is to respond to local...
Section 45-11-100.03 - Implementation of Article. - The Chilton County Commission shall take necessary steps to ensure...
Article 11 - Elections.
Part 1 - Poll Workers.
Section 45-11-110 - Compensation. - In addition to any compensation heretofore provided by law for...
Part 2 - Registrars, Board Of.
Section 45-11-111 - Compensation. - In Chilton County, each member of the board of registrars...
Article 12 - Employees.
Section 45-11-120 - Office of County Treasurer Abolished, and County Administrator Established. - (a) In Chilton County, the office of county treasurer is...
Article 14 - Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services.
Section 45-11-140 - Forest Fire Protection. - (a) The County Commission of Chilton County is authorized, when...
Article 16 - Government Operations.
Part 1 - Data Processing.
Section 45-11-160 - Recordkeeping and Filing. - (a) The County Commission of Chilton County is hereby authorized...
Part 2 - Liability for Monetary Loss.
Section 45-11-161 - Reimbursement; Duties of Judge of Probate and Tax Collector; Relief From Personal Liability; Fee for Worthless Instruments. - (a) The Chilton County Commission shall reimburse the office of...
Article 17 - Health and Environment.
Part 1 - Environment.
Section 45-11-170 - Litter. - (a) The Chilton County Commission or other like county governing...
Part 2 - Health.
Section 45-11-171 - Board of Health Fees. - (a)(1) The Board of Health of Chilton County may fix...
Part 3 - Animal Control.
Section 45-11-172 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2019 Regular Session, Effective March 15, 2018. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - This part shall only apply in Chilton County in those...
Section 45-11-172.01 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2019 Regular Session, Effective March 15, 2018. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - The following words shall have the following meanings: (1) ANIMAL...
Section 45-11-172.02 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2019 Regular Session, Effective March 15, 2018. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - (a) An animal control officer or law enforcement officer of...
Section 45-11-172.03 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2019 Regular Session, Effective March 15, 2018. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - (a) A dog may not be declared dangerous or a...
Section 45-11-172.04 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2019 Regular Session, Effective March 15, 2018. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - (a)(1) If a court determines that a dog is dangerous...
Section 45-11-172.05 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2019 Regular Session, Effective March 15, 2018. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - The owner of a dog that has been declared to...
Section 45-11-172.06 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2019 Regular Session, Effective March 15, 2018. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - (a) An owner of a dangerous dog who violates this...
Section 45-11-172.07 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2019 Regular Session, Effective March 15, 2018. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - An owner of a nuisance dog who violates this part...
Section 45-11-172.08 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2019 Regular Session, Effective March 15, 2018. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - A law enforcement officer may enforce this part by immediately...
Article 20 - Licenses and Licensing.
Part 1 - Business Licenses.
Section 45-11-200 - Renewal by Mail. - In Chilton County, the judge of probate may mail an...
Part 2 - Noncollectible Negotiable Instruments.
Section 45-11-201 - Notice of Refusal; Retrieval and Voiding of License; Records. - (a) In Chilton County, when a negotiable instrument, such as...
Article 23 - Sheriff.
Section 45-11-230 - Expense Allowance; Salary. - (a) The sheriff shall receive, in addition to his or...
Section 45-11-230.01 - Salary. - Effective beginning the next term of office after March 16,...
Section 45-11-230.02 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2021 Regular Session, Effective April 13, 2021. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - (a) The Sheriff of Chilton County shall be compensated in...
Part 2 - Employees.
Division 1 - Civil Service System.
Section 45-11-231 - Applicability - Locality. - This subpart shall apply only in Chilton County.
Section 45-11-231.01 - Definitions. - As used in this subpart, the following words have the...
Section 45-11-231.02 - Applicability - Law Enforcement Personnel. - This subpart applies to all law enforcement officials and employees...
Section 45-11-231.03 - Merit System Rules and Regulations; Removal for Cause. - All employees to whom this subpart applies shall be governed...
Section 45-11-231.04 - Merit System Board - Creation; Composition; Oath. - (a) There is created a merit system board for the...
Section 45-11-231.05 - Merit System Board - Meetings. - (a) The board shall fix the times for its regular...
Section 45-11-231.06 - County Commission to Furnish Supplies, Personnel, Storage Facilities, Etc. - The Chilton County Commission shall provide the board with materials...
Section 45-11-231.07 - Probationary Employment. - All appointments of employees to which this subpart applies, other...
Section 45-11-231.08 - Chief Deputy Sheriff. - Whenever a new sheriff is elected or appointed, he or...
Section 45-11-231.09 - Suspension of Merit Employees. - The sheriff may suspend, without pay, a merit employee for...
Section 45-11-231.10 - Removal, Discharge, or Demotion of Merit Employees; Proceedings Before Board; Appeal. - (a) The sheriff may remove, discharge, or demote any merit...
Section 45-11-231.11 - Political Activities. - Each employee may exercise his or her right as a...
Section 45-11-231.12 - Violations. - Any merit employee who willfully violates any provision of this...
Section 45-11-231.13 - Applicability - Effective Date. - All employees to which this subpart applies shall be covered...
Division 2 - Deputies.
Section 45-11-231.40 - Hiring of Additional Deputies Authorized. - In Chilton County, the sheriff shall have the authority to...
Part 3 - Pistol Permits.
Section 45-11-232 - Issuance; Fee; Sheriff's Fund. - (a) In Chilton County the fee for issuance of a...
Part 4 - Service of Process.
Section 45-11-233 - Methods of Service. - (a) Notices of the requirement of the attendance of jury...
Part 5 - Jails.
Section 45-11-234 - Operation of Jail Store; Inmate Telephone Service; Sheriff's Law Enforcement Fund. - (a) The Sheriff of Chilton County, or the authorized agent...
Part 6 - Sale of Abandoned, Stolen, and Unclaimed Property
Section 45-11-235 - Records of Abandoned and Stolen Property; Storage. - (a) The Sheriff of Chilton County shall keep and maintain...
Section 45-11-235.01 - Sale of Perishable Property. - If abandoned or stolen personal property is of a perishable...
Section 45-11-235.02 - Record of Abandoned or Stolen Firearms; Sale or Destruction. - (a) The sheriff shall keep and maintain a separate permanent...
Section 45-11-235.03 - Notice and Sale of Stolen or Abandoned Property. - (a) At least every six months, the sheriff may sell...
Section 45-11-235.04 - Claim of Property. - The owner of any abandoned or stolen personal property recovered...
Section 45-11-235.05 - Record of Sale; Rejection of Bid. - If property is sold at public auction, as provided in...
Section 45-11-235.06 - Disposition of Sale Proceeds. - The proceeds from the sale of property at an auction...
Article 24 - Taxation.
Part 1 - General Provisions.
Division 1 - Compensation.
Section 45-11-240 - Compensation of Tax Assessor and Tax Collector. - (a)(1) The following officers of Chilton County shall, commencing at...
Division 2 - License Division.
Section 45-11-240.20 - Creation; Offices, Supplies, Personnel; Powers and Duties. - (a) There is hereby created within the tax collector's office...
Division 3 - Revenue Commissioner.
Section 45-11-240.30 - Applicability; Purpose. - This subpart shall apply only in Chilton County. The purpose...
Section 45-11-240.31 - Office Established; Election. - At the expiration of the term of office of the...
Section 45-11-240.32 - Duties of Commissioner. - The county revenue commissioner shall perform all acts, duties, and...
Section 45-11-240.33 - Oath of Office; Bond. - Before entering the duties of his or her office, the...
Section 45-11-240.34 - Compensation. - The county revenue commissioner shall receive a salary of not...
Section 45-11-240.35 - Offices of Tax Assessor and Tax Collector Abolished. - The offices of tax assessor and tax collector are abolished...
Section 45-11-240.36 - Assumption of Office by Tax Assessor or Tax Collector. - If either the office of tax assessor or the office...
Section 45-11-240.37 - Performance of Duties Regarding Real Estate Sales for Failure to Pay Taxes and Subsequent Redemptions. - (a) This section shall apply only in Chilton County. (b)...
Part 2 - Tax, Ad Valorem.
Division 1 - Law Enforcement, Public Health, and Other County Purposes.
Section 45-11-242 - Levy and Collection of Tax; Disposition of Funds. - (a) In Chilton County, in addition to any and all...
Division 2 - Trade School and Rural and Industrial Development.
Section 45-11-242.20 - Continuation of Existing Tax. - (a) Chilton County presently levies and collects a special tax...
Section 45-11-243 - Levy of Tax; Disposition of Funds. - (a) This section shall be applicable only to Chilton County....
Part 3 - 2014 Sales and Use Tax for Hospital.
Section 45-11-244 - Applicability. - This part shall only apply to Chilton County.
Section 45-11-244.01 - Definitions. - (a) The following words, terms, and phrases where used in...
Section 45-11-244.02 - Authorization of Levy of Sales Tax. - (a) The governing body of the county is authorized to...
Section 45-11-244.03 - Authorization of Levy of Use Tax. - (a) The governing body of the county is hereby authorized...
Section 45-11-244.04 - Sales Tax to Be Added to Sales Price. - Each person engaging or continuing within the county in a...
Section 45-11-244.05 - Collection of Taxes. - (a) The governing body of the county shall administer and...
Section 45-11-244.06 - Referendum Authorized. - The governing body of the county may call an advisory...
Section 45-11-244.07 - Enforcement; Civil Suit; Taxes a Lien. - The taxes authorized to be levied pursuant to this part...
Section 45-11-244.08 - Applicability of State Sales and Use Tax Statutes. - All provisions of the state sales tax statutes with respect...
Section 45-11-244.09 - Abatement of Taxes Prohibited. - Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, none of...
Section 45-11-244.10 - Use of Proceeds. - The proceeds of any taxes levied pursuant to the authorization...
Section 45-11-244.11 - Effective Date; Termination of Levy of Taxes. - (a) If the governing body of the county elects to...
Part 4 - 2019 Sales and Use Tax for Hospital.
Section 45-11-245 - Applicability. - This part shall only apply to Chilton County.
Section 45-11-245.01 - Definitions. - (a) The following words, terms, and phrases where used in...
Section 45-11-245.02 - Authorization of Levy of Sales Tax. - (a) The governing body of the county is authorized to...
Section 45-11-245.03 - Authorization of Levy of Use Tax. - (a) The governing body of the county is hereby authorized...
Section 45-11-245.04 - Sales Tax to Be Added to Sales Price. - Each person engaging or continuing within the county in a...
Section 45-11-245.05 - Collection of Taxes. - (a) The governing body of the county shall administer and...
Section 45-11-245.06 - Enforcement; Taxes a Lien; Special Counsel. - The taxes authorized to be levied pursuant to this part...
Section 45-11-245.07 - Applicability of State Provisions. - All provisions of the state sales tax statutes with respect...
Section 45-11-245.08 - Abatement of Taxes Prohibited. - Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, none of...
Section 45-11-245.09 - Use of Proceeds. - The proceeds of any taxes levied pursuant to the authorization...
Section 45-11-245.10 - Authorizing Resolution; Termination of Levy of Taxes. - (a) If the governing body of the county elects to...
Section 45-11-245.11 - Effective Date; Legislative Intent. - It is the intent of the Legislature that this part...
Section 45-11-245.12 - Relation to Part 3; Credit for Taxes Paid. - (a) The collection of taxes pursuant to Act No. 2014-162...
Section 45-11-245.13 - Designation of Chilton County Health Care Authority as Agent of County. - Any designation made by the governing body of the county...
Section 45-11-245.14 - Pledge or Assignment of Taxes by Chilton County Health Care Authority. - Any pledge or assignment of the taxes herein authorized (or...
Section 45-11-245.15 - Severability. - The provisions of this part are severable. If any part...
Part 5 - Sales and Use Tax for Infrastructure, Public Safety, and Economic Development.
Section 45-11-246 - Definitions. - As used in this part, the following words have the...
Section 45-11-246.01 - Levy of Tax Authorized. - (a) The Chilton County Commission, upon a majority vote of...
Section 45-11-246.02 - Collection of Tax. - The taxes levied by this part shall be collected at...
Section 45-11-246.03 - Addition of Tax to Sales Price. - Each person engaging or continuing in a business subject to...
Section 45-11-246.04 - Collection and Enforcement. - The taxes levied by this part shall constitute a debt...
Section 45-11-246.05 - Applicability of State Provisions. - All existing provisions of the sales and use tax statutes,...
Section 45-11-246.06 - Disposition of Funds. - All taxes collected under this part shall be remitted to...
Section 45-11-246.07 - Expiration and Renewal. - The authority for the Chilton County Commission to levy any...
Part 6 - Sales and Use Tax for Maintenance and Repair of County Jail.
Section 45-11-247 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2019 Regular Session, Effective May 14, 2019. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - As used in this part, state sales and use tax...
Section 45-11-247.01 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2019 Regular Session, Effective May 14, 2019. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - (a) The County Commission of Chilton County may levy, in...
Section 45-11-247.02 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2019 Regular Session, Effective May 14, 2019. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - The tax levied by this part shall be collected by...
Section 45-11-247.03 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2019 Regular Session, Effective May 14, 2019. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - Each person engaging or continuing in a business subject to...
Section 45-11-247.04 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2019 Regular Session, Effective May 14, 2019. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - The tax levied by this part shall constitute a debt...
Section 45-11-247.05 - This Section Was Assigned by the Code Commissioner in the 2019 Regular Session, Effective May 14, 2019. This Is Not in the Current Code Supplement. - All provisions of the state sales and use tax statutes...
Section 45-11-247.06 - Charge for Collection; Trust Account. - The department shall charge Chilton County for collecting the tax...
Section 45-11-247.07 - Legislative Findings. - Act 96-631 of the 1996 Regular Session (Acts 1996, p....
Section 45-11-247.08 - Use of Funds. - Effective beginning with the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2019,...