Code of Alabama
Article 12 - Employees.
Section 45-11-120 - Office of County Treasurer Abolished, and County Administrator Established.

(a) In Chilton County, the office of county treasurer is hereby abolished. The county commission is hereby authorized to appoint a county administrator that shall perform all acts, duties, and functions required by law to be performed by the county treasurer.
(b) Subject to the approval of the Chilton County Commission, the county administrator shall appoint and fix the duties and compensation of a sufficient number of clerks and assistants to adequately perform the duties of the office. The acts of the chief clerks shall have the same force and legal effect as if performed by the county administrator.
(c) The Chilton County Commission shall provide the necessary offices for the county administrator and shall provide all stationery, equipment, and office supplies, not otherwise furnished by law, necessary for the efficient performance of the duties of the office.