Code of Alabama
Part 1 - Environment.
Section 45-11-170 - Litter.

(a) The Chilton County Commission or other like county governing body is hereby authorized to provide for printing and furnishing to the judge of probate or other officer charged with the duty of issuing privilege licenses in the county, brochures, bulletins, or signs of a type suitable for posting in business establishments within the county. Such brochures, bulletins, or signs shall inform the public that:
(1) It is unlawful to dump, deposit, place, throw, or leave refuse, paper, litter, rubbish, debris, filthy or odoriferous objects, substances, or other trash upon a state or county highway, road, or other public thoroughfare; and any person convicted thereof is punishable by fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500), or by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(2) It is unlawful to place, put, throw, leave, or dump garbage, refuse, trash, bottles, broken glass, tin cans, or other debris of any kind or character whatsoever upon lands or property owned by any person other than himself or herself or his or her employer without having obtained written permission from the owner or person in possession thereof; and any person convicted thereof shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500) or sentenced to hard labor for the county for not more than six months or both, in the discretion of the court.
(3) It is unlawful in Chilton County to place, put, throw, leave, or dump garbage, refuse, trash, bottles, broken glass, tin cans, or other debris of any kind or character whatsoever upon the shore or beach or edge of any public or private lake or river or stream in Chilton County; and any person convicted thereof shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500) or sentenced to hard labor for the county for not more than six months or both in the discretion of the court, and ordered to clean the beach, shore, or other area.
(b) The judge of probate or other officer charged with the duty of issuing privilege licenses in Chilton County may deliver with the privilege license that he or she issues a copy of such brochures, bulletins, or signs for each place of business for which a license is issued and an urgent plea to the public to heed such laws and make every effort to maintain Chilton County's natural beauty by eliminating unsightly and unhealthy litter.
(c) Mail or other personal items bearing the name or address of the recipient or former owner thereof among refuse, garbage, waste paper, trash, litter, or other debris unlawfully placed, thrown, left, or dumped within Chilton County shall constitute prima facie evidence that the person whose name or address appears on the mail or other personal item unlawfully placed, put, threw, left, dumped, or deposited the refuse, garbage, waste paper, trash, litter, or other debris and any person, law enforcement officer, or member of the Chilton County Health Department shall have the authority to seek prosecution against such person based on such prima facie evidence.
(d) The Chilton County Commission or other like county governing body may, at its discretion by resolution, establish an agency, or appoint personnel, or both, for the primary purpose of enforcing littering laws, and all laws relating to littering in Chilton County, and such agency, or personnel, or both, shall be empowered with the authority of peace officers as defined by state law for the purpose of enforcing such laws.
(e) The Chilton County Health Department may, at its discretion, enforce littering laws, and other laws relating to littering in Chilton County, in addition to health laws and regulations governing the control and disposal of solid waste in Chilton County, and shall be empowered with the authority of peace officers as defined by state law for the purpose of enforcing such laws.