Code of Alabama
Article 3 - Watershed Conservancy Districts.
Section 9-8-62 - Issuance of Bonds.

(a) Bonds authorized by Section 9-8-61 shall not be issued until proposed by order or resolution of the board of directors specifying the purpose for which the funds are to be used and the proposed undertaking, the amount of bonds to be issued and the rate of interest they are to bear. A copy of the order or resolution shall be certified to the board of supervisors.
(b) The board of supervisors shall conduct a hearing on such proposal after giving due notice of such hearing. If it appears that the proposal is within the scope and purpose of this article and meets all other requirements of the law, the proposal shall be submitted to the landowners of the watershed conservancy district by referendum under supervision of the board of supervisors.
(c) The provisions of Sections 9-8-56 through 9-8-58 as to notice, qualifications of voters, absentee voting and manner of holding referendum elections in organizing a watershed conservancy district shall apply to the referendum held under this section. If two thirds of the landowners voting favor the proposal, such bonds may be issued.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 9 - Conservation and Natural Resources.

Chapter 8 - Soil and Water Conservation Generally.

Article 3 - Watershed Conservancy Districts.

Section 9-8-50 - Definitions.

Section 9-8-51 - Creation Authorized.

Section 9-8-52 - Lands Which May Be Embraced in Districts.

Section 9-8-53 - Petition for Formation of District - Generally.

Section 9-8-54 - Petition for Formation of District - Where Proposed District Lies in More Than One Soil and Water Conservation District.

Section 9-8-55 - Hearing Upon Petition; Denial or Approval of Petition.

Section 9-8-56 - Referendum Upon Creation of District - Notice of Referendum; Appointment of Polling Superintendent, Etc.

Section 9-8-57 - Referendum Upon Creation of District - Contents of Ballot; Qualifications of Voters; Voting Procedure.

Section 9-8-58 - Referendum Upon Creation of District - Counting, etc., of Votes; Certification, Recordation and Filing of Results.

Section 9-8-59 - Board of Directors - Composition; Qualifications, Election and Terms of Office of Members; Vacancies; Officers; Quorum; Prior Elections, etc., Ratified, Etc.

Section 9-8-60 - Board of Directors - Compensation.

Section 9-8-61 - Board of Directors - Powers and Duties Generally.

Section 9-8-62 - Issuance of Bonds.

Section 9-8-63 - Addition of Lands to Districts.

Section 9-8-64 - Detachment of Lands From Districts.

Section 9-8-65 - Discontinuance.

Section 9-8-66 - Supervision of District When Soil and Water Conservation District Discontinued.

Section 9-8-67 - Exemption From Taxation.