Code of Alabama
Article 3 - Watershed Conservancy Districts.
Section 9-8-52 - Lands Which May Be Embraced in Districts.

The land area embraced in any watershed conservancy district must be contiguous and must lie within a well-defined watershed. The area shall not include lands not included within a soil and water conservation district or lands embraced within another watershed conservancy district. Such districts may embrace lands lying in one or more soil and water conservation districts.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 9 - Conservation and Natural Resources.

Chapter 8 - Soil and Water Conservation Generally.

Article 3 - Watershed Conservancy Districts.

Section 9-8-50 - Definitions.

Section 9-8-51 - Creation Authorized.

Section 9-8-52 - Lands Which May Be Embraced in Districts.

Section 9-8-53 - Petition for Formation of District - Generally.

Section 9-8-54 - Petition for Formation of District - Where Proposed District Lies in More Than One Soil and Water Conservation District.

Section 9-8-55 - Hearing Upon Petition; Denial or Approval of Petition.

Section 9-8-56 - Referendum Upon Creation of District - Notice of Referendum; Appointment of Polling Superintendent, Etc.

Section 9-8-57 - Referendum Upon Creation of District - Contents of Ballot; Qualifications of Voters; Voting Procedure.

Section 9-8-58 - Referendum Upon Creation of District - Counting, etc., of Votes; Certification, Recordation and Filing of Results.

Section 9-8-59 - Board of Directors - Composition; Qualifications, Election and Terms of Office of Members; Vacancies; Officers; Quorum; Prior Elections, etc., Ratified, Etc.

Section 9-8-60 - Board of Directors - Compensation.

Section 9-8-61 - Board of Directors - Powers and Duties Generally.

Section 9-8-62 - Issuance of Bonds.

Section 9-8-63 - Addition of Lands to Districts.

Section 9-8-64 - Detachment of Lands From Districts.

Section 9-8-65 - Discontinuance.

Section 9-8-66 - Supervision of District When Soil and Water Conservation District Discontinued.

Section 9-8-67 - Exemption From Taxation.