Code of Alabama
Article 3 - Watershed Conservancy Districts.
Section 9-8-61 - Board of Directors - Powers and Duties Generally.

Subject to the approval of the board of supervisors, the board of directors of a watershed conservancy district shall have power to:
(1) Acquire, by purchase, gift, grant, bequest or devise, or through condemnation proceedings held in the manner provided by Chapter 1 of Title 18 of this code, such lands or rights-of-way as are necessary for the exercise of any authorized function of the district;
(2) Construct, improve, operate and maintain such structures as may be necessary for the exercise of any authorized function of the district;
(3) Borrow such money as is necessary for the purpose of acquiring rights-of-way and establishing, constructing, reconstructing, repairing, enlarging and maintaining such structures and improvements as are required by the district in the performance of its functions, and issue, negotiate and sell its bonds as provided in Section 9-8-62; provided, that all contracts made and all bonds issued by a watershed conservancy district under the provisions of this article shall be solely and exclusively obligations of the district and shall not be an obligation or debt of the State of Alabama or any county or municipality therein;
(4) Sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any of its property or interests therein in furtherance of the purposes provided for by this article;
(5) Make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary and convenient to the exercise of its powers;
(6) Sue and be sued in the name of the district;
(7) Cooperate with or act as agent for the United States or any of its agencies or the State of Alabama or any of its agencies or any county or municipality in connection with the acquisition, construction, operation or administration of any project within the boundaries of the district;
(8) Accept donations, gifts and contributions in money, services, materials or otherwise from the United States or its agencies or from the State of Alabama or its agencies or from any county or municipality or from any individual and use or expend such moneys, services, materials or other such contributions in carrying out the provisions of this article; and
(9) Subject to the approval of the board of supervisors of the soil and water conservation district, employ such employees as the board may determine and fix their compensation, qualifications and duties and delegate to the chairman of the board or any member or employee of the board such powers and duties as it may deem proper.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 9 - Conservation and Natural Resources.

Chapter 8 - Soil and Water Conservation Generally.

Article 3 - Watershed Conservancy Districts.

Section 9-8-50 - Definitions.

Section 9-8-51 - Creation Authorized.

Section 9-8-52 - Lands Which May Be Embraced in Districts.

Section 9-8-53 - Petition for Formation of District - Generally.

Section 9-8-54 - Petition for Formation of District - Where Proposed District Lies in More Than One Soil and Water Conservation District.

Section 9-8-55 - Hearing Upon Petition; Denial or Approval of Petition.

Section 9-8-56 - Referendum Upon Creation of District - Notice of Referendum; Appointment of Polling Superintendent, Etc.

Section 9-8-57 - Referendum Upon Creation of District - Contents of Ballot; Qualifications of Voters; Voting Procedure.

Section 9-8-58 - Referendum Upon Creation of District - Counting, etc., of Votes; Certification, Recordation and Filing of Results.

Section 9-8-59 - Board of Directors - Composition; Qualifications, Election and Terms of Office of Members; Vacancies; Officers; Quorum; Prior Elections, etc., Ratified, Etc.

Section 9-8-60 - Board of Directors - Compensation.

Section 9-8-61 - Board of Directors - Powers and Duties Generally.

Section 9-8-62 - Issuance of Bonds.

Section 9-8-63 - Addition of Lands to Districts.

Section 9-8-64 - Detachment of Lands From Districts.

Section 9-8-65 - Discontinuance.

Section 9-8-66 - Supervision of District When Soil and Water Conservation District Discontinued.

Section 9-8-67 - Exemption From Taxation.