Code of Alabama
Chapter 7A - Alabama Recreation Capital Development Assistance Fund.
Section 9-7A-9 - Applicant Required to Maintain Records; Contents.

Each applicant under this chapter shall keep such records as the commissioner shall prescribe, including records which fully disclose the amount and the disposition by each applicant of the proceeds, the total cost of the project in connection with which such assistance is given or used, and the amount and nature of that portion of the cost of the project or undertaking supplied by other sources; and such other records as will facilitate an effective audit.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 9 - Conservation and Natural Resources.

Chapter 7A - Alabama Recreation Capital Development Assistance Fund.

Section 9-7A-1 - Creation; Composition; Purpose.

Section 9-7A-2 - Definitions.

Section 9-7A-3 - Application; Procedure; Description of Project.

Section 9-7A-4 - Applicants Required to Assume Post-Completion Cost of Maintenance, Etc.

Section 9-7A-5 - Grants — Maximum Amount; Contribution of Matching Amount by Applicant; Composition of Applicant's Share.

Section 9-7A-6 - Grants - Projects Receiving Financial Assistance Must Conform to the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan.

Section 9-7A-7 - Grants - Disbursement.

Section 9-7A-8 - Reports to Commissioner Required; Form; Contents.

Section 9-7A-9 - Applicant Required to Maintain Records; Contents.

Section 9-7A-10 - Conversion of Property Acquired Under This Chapter Requires Approval of Commissioner.

Section 9-7A-11 - Examination of Records, etc., by Commissioner Authorized.

Section 9-7A-12 - Grant Requests Must Conform to Guidelines Promulgated by Commissioner.

Section 9-7A-13 - Functions and Activities of Commissioner - Generally.

Section 9-7A-14 - Functions and Activities of Commissioner - Cooperation and Collaboration With Other Governmental Agencies, etc., Authorized.

Section 9-7A-15 - Functions and Activities of Commissioner - Consultation With Other State Departments, Etc.

Section 9-7A-16 - Disposition of Moneys Received Under Provisions of This Chapter.

Section 9-7A-17 - Priority in Allocation of Fund.