Code of Alabama
Chapter 7A - Alabama Recreation Capital Development Assistance Fund.
Section 9-7A-17 - Priority in Allocation of Fund.

Priority in the allocation of fund moneys may be given to applicants having experienced either natural or man-made disasters in areas so designated by the Governor.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 9 - Conservation and Natural Resources.

Chapter 7A - Alabama Recreation Capital Development Assistance Fund.

Section 9-7A-1 - Creation; Composition; Purpose.

Section 9-7A-2 - Definitions.

Section 9-7A-3 - Application; Procedure; Description of Project.

Section 9-7A-4 - Applicants Required to Assume Post-Completion Cost of Maintenance, Etc.

Section 9-7A-5 - Grants — Maximum Amount; Contribution of Matching Amount by Applicant; Composition of Applicant's Share.

Section 9-7A-6 - Grants - Projects Receiving Financial Assistance Must Conform to the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan.

Section 9-7A-7 - Grants - Disbursement.

Section 9-7A-8 - Reports to Commissioner Required; Form; Contents.

Section 9-7A-9 - Applicant Required to Maintain Records; Contents.

Section 9-7A-10 - Conversion of Property Acquired Under This Chapter Requires Approval of Commissioner.

Section 9-7A-11 - Examination of Records, etc., by Commissioner Authorized.

Section 9-7A-12 - Grant Requests Must Conform to Guidelines Promulgated by Commissioner.

Section 9-7A-13 - Functions and Activities of Commissioner - Generally.

Section 9-7A-14 - Functions and Activities of Commissioner - Cooperation and Collaboration With Other Governmental Agencies, etc., Authorized.

Section 9-7A-15 - Functions and Activities of Commissioner - Consultation With Other State Departments, Etc.

Section 9-7A-16 - Disposition of Moneys Received Under Provisions of This Chapter.

Section 9-7A-17 - Priority in Allocation of Fund.