Code of Alabama
Chapter 7A - Alabama Recreation Capital Development Assistance Fund.
Section 9-7A-13 - Functions and Activities of Commissioner - Generally.

In order to carry out the provisions of this chapter the commissioner through plans and programs of the department shall perform the following functions and activities:
(1) Prepare and maintain a continuing inventory and evaluation of recreational needs and resources of the State of Alabama;
(2) Formulate and maintain a comprehensive statewide recreation plan, taking into consideration the plans of various federal and state agencies, and political subdivisions. The plan shall set forth the needs and demands of the public for recreation in the current and foreseeable future, recommend desirable actions to be taken at each level of government, as well as identify those actions that can be made by private interests;
(3) Provide technical assistance and advice to, and cooperate with, political subdivisions, and private interests, including nonprofit organizations, with respect to recreation;
(4) Sponsor, engage in, and assist in research relating to recreation by contract or cooperative agreements, and make payments for such purposes;
(5) Undertake studies and assemble information concerning recreation directly or by contract or cooperative agreement, and disseminate such information;
(6) Promote coordination of state plans and activities generally relating to recreation; and
(7) Promulgate such reasonable rules and regulations deemed necessary to implement the provisions of this chapter.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 9 - Conservation and Natural Resources.

Chapter 7A - Alabama Recreation Capital Development Assistance Fund.

Section 9-7A-1 - Creation; Composition; Purpose.

Section 9-7A-2 - Definitions.

Section 9-7A-3 - Application; Procedure; Description of Project.

Section 9-7A-4 - Applicants Required to Assume Post-Completion Cost of Maintenance, Etc.

Section 9-7A-5 - Grants — Maximum Amount; Contribution of Matching Amount by Applicant; Composition of Applicant's Share.

Section 9-7A-6 - Grants - Projects Receiving Financial Assistance Must Conform to the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan.

Section 9-7A-7 - Grants - Disbursement.

Section 9-7A-8 - Reports to Commissioner Required; Form; Contents.

Section 9-7A-9 - Applicant Required to Maintain Records; Contents.

Section 9-7A-10 - Conversion of Property Acquired Under This Chapter Requires Approval of Commissioner.

Section 9-7A-11 - Examination of Records, etc., by Commissioner Authorized.

Section 9-7A-12 - Grant Requests Must Conform to Guidelines Promulgated by Commissioner.

Section 9-7A-13 - Functions and Activities of Commissioner - Generally.

Section 9-7A-14 - Functions and Activities of Commissioner - Cooperation and Collaboration With Other Governmental Agencies, etc., Authorized.

Section 9-7A-15 - Functions and Activities of Commissioner - Consultation With Other State Departments, Etc.

Section 9-7A-16 - Disposition of Moneys Received Under Provisions of This Chapter.

Section 9-7A-17 - Priority in Allocation of Fund.