No person may manufacture in this state any manufactured home after May 28, 1980, unless it bears a label and certification, certifying that the manufactured home meets or exceeds the Uniform Standards Code.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 5 - Manufactured Homes.
Article 1 - Uniform Standards Code.
Section 24-5-3 - Establishment of Uniform Standards.
Section 24-5-4 - Inspection or Approval; Certification of Manufacturer.
Section 24-5-5 - Label and Certification Required for Manufactured Homes.
Section 24-5-6 - Licenses for Sale of Manufactured Homes.
Section 24-5-7 - Sale of New Manufactured Homes Without Labels.
Section 24-5-9 - Inspection of Establishments; Testing and Records.
Section 24-5-10 - License Fees.
Section 24-5-11 - Statistics and Records as to Manufactured Homes.