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Section 24-5-1 - Short Title. - This article shall be known and may be cited as...
Section 24-5-2 - Definitions. - Unless clearly indicated otherwise by the context, the following words...
Section 24-5-3 - Establishment of Uniform Standards. - All construction of manufactured homes manufactured after May 28, 1980,...
Section 24-5-4 - Inspection or Approval; Certification of Manufacturer. - No person may sell or offer to sell in the...
Section 24-5-5 - Label and Certification Required for Manufactured Homes. - No person may manufacture in this state any manufactured home...
Section 24-5-6 - Licenses for Sale of Manufactured Homes. - (a) Any manufacturer or dealer within or without this state...
Section 24-5-7 - Sale of New Manufactured Homes Without Labels. - A new manufactured home which does not bear the label...
Section 24-5-9 - Inspection of Establishments; Testing and Records. - (a) The commission shall cause to be inspected, at such...
Section 24-5-10 - License Fees. - A license to sell to licensed dealers or to the...
Section 24-5-11 - Statistics and Records as to Manufactured Homes. - (a) The commission shall maintain a system by which accurate...
Section 24-5-12 - Administration of Article. - The commission is hereby charged with the administration of this...
Section 24-5-13 - Enforcement of Article; Local Ordinances Providing for Inspection of Manufactured Homes. - (a) No person may interfere, obstruct, or hinder an authorized...
Section 24-5-13.1 - Commission Authorized to Enter Into Contracts With Agencies Dealing With Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development; Purpose. - The commission shall be authorized to enter into contracts with...
Section 24-5-14 - Penalties; Disposition of Funds. - (a) Whoever violates this article or any regulation or order...