The commission is hereby charged with the administration of this article. It shall make and amend, alter or repeal general rules and regulations of procedure for carrying into effect all provisions of this article and prescribe means, methods, and practices to make effective such provisions.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 5 - Manufactured Homes.
Article 1 - Uniform Standards Code.
Section 24-5-3 - Establishment of Uniform Standards.
Section 24-5-4 - Inspection or Approval; Certification of Manufacturer.
Section 24-5-5 - Label and Certification Required for Manufactured Homes.
Section 24-5-6 - Licenses for Sale of Manufactured Homes.
Section 24-5-7 - Sale of New Manufactured Homes Without Labels.
Section 24-5-9 - Inspection of Establishments; Testing and Records.
Section 24-5-10 - License Fees.
Section 24-5-11 - Statistics and Records as to Manufactured Homes.