Code of Alabama
Article 5 - Garrett Coliseum Redevelopment Act.
Section 2-6-108 - Design, Rehabilitation, Renovation, etc., of Coliseum.

(a) The corporation or the AACB may enter into management, operations, or other types of agreements with public or private entities for the design, rehabilitation, renovation, expansion, management, promotion, or operation of the coliseum. Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the corporation or the AACB, as the case may be, shall select a developer, manager, promoter, or operator through an open and competitive selection process through the solicitation of proposals from qualified entities that address the needs, requirements, and funding issues it identifies. The corporation or the AACB, as the case may be, in its sole discretion, shall select the entity or entities it determines to be the best qualified based upon the proposals submitted, presentations by proposers, its deliberations, and any other information it considers to be relevant to the selection of the best qualified proposer. No further or additional reviews or approvals by any official or entity shall be required.
(b) All receipts, revenues, and income derived by either the AACB or the corporation from the operation or leasing of the project shall be applied solely for the following purposes:
(1) To insure and maintain in good and operable condition the various properties and facilities that comprise the project.
(2) To pay the debt service on the bonds of the corporation.
(c) The AACB and the corporation are authorized to establish accounts and funds as they deem appropriate to provide for the custody and disbursement of such moneys. Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, in no event shall any of such receipts, revenues, or income:
(1) Be combined or commingled with moneys appropriated by the state.
(2) Revert to, or otherwise become a part of, the General Fund in the State Treasury.
(d) Any funds that are not needed to pay the costs of insuring and maintaining the project shall be transferred, as soon as practicable, to the special fund provided for in Section 2-6-118.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 2 - Agriculture.

Chapter 6 - Agricultural Center.

Article 5 - Garrett Coliseum Redevelopment Act.

Section 2-6-100 - Short Title.

Section 2-6-101 - Definitions.

Section 2-6-102 - Public Corporation - Formation Authorized.

Section 2-6-103 - Public Corporation - Application for Formation; Certificate of Incorporation.

Section 2-6-104 - Public Corporation - Board of Directors.

Section 2-6-105 - Public Corporation - Powers.

Section 2-6-106 - Deed to Coliseum.

Section 2-6-107 - Lease of Project.

Section 2-6-108 - Design, Rehabilitation, Renovation, etc., of Coliseum.

Section 2-6-109 - Eminent Domain.

Section 2-6-110 - Bonds.

Section 2-6-111 - Refunding Bonds.

Section 2-6-112 - Execution, Authentication, and Delivery of Bonds.

Section 2-6-113 - Sale of Bonds.

Section 2-6-114 - Form and Contents of Bonds; Redemption.

Section 2-6-115 - Investment of Proceeds.

Section 2-6-116 - Disposition of Bond Proceeds.

Section 2-6-117 - Disposition of Refunding Bond Proceeds.

Section 2-6-118 - Trust Fund.

Section 2-6-119 - Pledge for Payment of Principal and Interest on Bonds; Filing With Judge of Probate.

Section 2-6-120 - Payment of Principal and Interest on Bonds; Recordkeeping.

Section 2-6-121 - Resolutions Authorizing Bonds.

Section 2-6-122 - Acts Authorized to Support Objectives.

Section 2-6-123 - Federal Income Taxation.

Section 2-6-124 - Investments.

Section 2-6-125 - Corporate Obligations.

Section 2-6-126 - Exemption From State Taxation.

Section 2-6-127 - Dissolution of Corporation.