Code of Alabama
Article 5 - Garrett Coliseum Redevelopment Act.
Section 2-6-103 - Public Corporation - Application for Formation; Certificate of Incorporation.

(a) To become a public corporation, the Governor, the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, and the Director of Finance shall present to the Secretary of State an application signed by each which shall set forth all of the following:
(1) The name, official designation, and official residence of each of the applicants together with a certified copy of the document evidencing each applicant's right to office.
(2) The date on which each applicant was inducted into office and the term of office.
(3) The name of the proposed public corporation, which shall be the Garrett Coliseum Redevelopment Corporation.
(4) The location of the principal office of the proposed public corporation, which shall be Montgomery, Alabama.
(5) Any other information relating to the proposed public corporation which the applicants may choose to include which is not inconsistent with this article.
(b) The application shall be sworn and subscribed to by each of the applicants before an officer authorized by the laws of the state to take acknowledgments to deeds. The Secretary of State shall examine the application and, if he or she finds that it substantially complies with the requirements of this section, he or she shall receive and file it and record it in an appropriate book of records in his or her office.
(c) When the application has been filed and recorded as provided in this section, the Secretary of State shall issue to the applicants a certificate of incorporation under the Great Seal of the State, and shall record the certificate with the application, whereupon the applicants shall constitute a public corporation of the state under the name proposed in the application. No fee shall be paid to the Secretary of State for any work done in connection with the incorporation or dissolution of the corporation.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 2 - Agriculture.

Chapter 6 - Agricultural Center.

Article 5 - Garrett Coliseum Redevelopment Act.

Section 2-6-100 - Short Title.

Section 2-6-101 - Definitions.

Section 2-6-102 - Public Corporation - Formation Authorized.

Section 2-6-103 - Public Corporation - Application for Formation; Certificate of Incorporation.

Section 2-6-104 - Public Corporation - Board of Directors.

Section 2-6-105 - Public Corporation - Powers.

Section 2-6-106 - Deed to Coliseum.

Section 2-6-107 - Lease of Project.

Section 2-6-108 - Design, Rehabilitation, Renovation, etc., of Coliseum.

Section 2-6-109 - Eminent Domain.

Section 2-6-110 - Bonds.

Section 2-6-111 - Refunding Bonds.

Section 2-6-112 - Execution, Authentication, and Delivery of Bonds.

Section 2-6-113 - Sale of Bonds.

Section 2-6-114 - Form and Contents of Bonds; Redemption.

Section 2-6-115 - Investment of Proceeds.

Section 2-6-116 - Disposition of Bond Proceeds.

Section 2-6-117 - Disposition of Refunding Bond Proceeds.

Section 2-6-118 - Trust Fund.

Section 2-6-119 - Pledge for Payment of Principal and Interest on Bonds; Filing With Judge of Probate.

Section 2-6-120 - Payment of Principal and Interest on Bonds; Recordkeeping.

Section 2-6-121 - Resolutions Authorizing Bonds.

Section 2-6-122 - Acts Authorized to Support Objectives.

Section 2-6-123 - Federal Income Taxation.

Section 2-6-124 - Investments.

Section 2-6-125 - Corporate Obligations.

Section 2-6-126 - Exemption From State Taxation.

Section 2-6-127 - Dissolution of Corporation.