Code of Alabama
Article 5 - Garrett Coliseum Redevelopment Act.
Section 2-6-107 - Lease of Project.

(a) Without limiting the generality of the powers otherwise granted by this article, the corporation is authorized to lease the project, or portions thereof, to the Alabama Agricultural Center Board or to any other public or private entity. The AACB and any other agency, board, commission, bureau, or department of the state and each of them are authorized to lease any facilities from the corporation. Any lease as described in this section shall, however, be either of the following:
(1) For a term no longer than the then current fiscal year of the state, but any such lease may contain a grant to the lessee of successive options of renewing the lease on the terms specified in the lease for any subsequent fiscal year or years of the state; provided, that liability for the payment of rent shall never be for a term longer than one fiscal year.
(2) Provide that in no event rentals may be paid from moneys appropriated by the state and that rentals shall be paid solely from revenues derived from the operation of the project to the extent that such revenues are not attributable to facilities or operations in existence at the time of the transfer of the coliseum and related properties to the corporation.
(b) Any lease agreement may contain any other provisions and agreements not inconsistent with this article, as the corporation may agree.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 2 - Agriculture.

Chapter 6 - Agricultural Center.

Article 5 - Garrett Coliseum Redevelopment Act.

Section 2-6-100 - Short Title.

Section 2-6-101 - Definitions.

Section 2-6-102 - Public Corporation - Formation Authorized.

Section 2-6-103 - Public Corporation - Application for Formation; Certificate of Incorporation.

Section 2-6-104 - Public Corporation - Board of Directors.

Section 2-6-105 - Public Corporation - Powers.

Section 2-6-106 - Deed to Coliseum.

Section 2-6-107 - Lease of Project.

Section 2-6-108 - Design, Rehabilitation, Renovation, etc., of Coliseum.

Section 2-6-109 - Eminent Domain.

Section 2-6-110 - Bonds.

Section 2-6-111 - Refunding Bonds.

Section 2-6-112 - Execution, Authentication, and Delivery of Bonds.

Section 2-6-113 - Sale of Bonds.

Section 2-6-114 - Form and Contents of Bonds; Redemption.

Section 2-6-115 - Investment of Proceeds.

Section 2-6-116 - Disposition of Bond Proceeds.

Section 2-6-117 - Disposition of Refunding Bond Proceeds.

Section 2-6-118 - Trust Fund.

Section 2-6-119 - Pledge for Payment of Principal and Interest on Bonds; Filing With Judge of Probate.

Section 2-6-120 - Payment of Principal and Interest on Bonds; Recordkeeping.

Section 2-6-121 - Resolutions Authorizing Bonds.

Section 2-6-122 - Acts Authorized to Support Objectives.

Section 2-6-123 - Federal Income Taxation.

Section 2-6-124 - Investments.

Section 2-6-125 - Corporate Obligations.

Section 2-6-126 - Exemption From State Taxation.

Section 2-6-127 - Dissolution of Corporation.