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CHAPTER 1 - General Provisions and Definitions
ARTICLE 1 - General Provisions
Section 9000. - 9000. The Legislature hereby makes the following declaration of purpose...
Section 9001. - 9001. In enacting the Employment Development Act of 1973, the...
Section 9002. - 9002. Subject to the provisions of Sections 9600 and 9605,...
Section 9003. - 9003. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this code, individuals with...
Section 9004. - 9004. Upon receipt of a formal ruling from the United...
ARTICLE 2 - Definitions
Section 9100. - 9100. Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions in this...
Section 9101. - 9101. “Department” means the Employment Development Department, which may also...
Section 9102. - 9102. “Director” means the Director of Employment Development. (Amended by...
Section 9105. - 9105. “State agency” means those agencies enumerated in Section 11000...
Section 9107. - 9107. “Job training and placement services” or “job training and...
Section 9108. - 9108. “Unemployed person” means a person who lacks a bona...
Section 9109. - 9109. “Underemployed person” means a person who has a bona...
Section 9110. - 9110. “Economic deprivation” means annual income insufficient to enable the...
Section 9111. - 9111. (a) “Economically disadvantaged area” means an area which meets...
Section 9112. - 9112. “Eligible person” means an unemployed person or underemployed person...
Section 9115. - 9115. “Economically displaced persons” means those persons who have been...
CHAPTER 2 - Employment Development Department
ARTICLE 1 - Administration
Section 9500. - 9500. The department shall administer all job training and placement...
Section 9502. - 9502. For purposes of administration, the director may establish such...
ARTICLE 2 - Powers and Duties
Section 9600. - 9600. (a) The department shall represent the state and local...
Section 9600.7. - 9600.7. (a) The department shall have the authority to administer...
Section 9601. - 9601. The department may enter into any contractual agreements with...
Section 9602. - 9602. (a) The director shall designate economically disadvantaged areas. These...
Section 9602.5. - 9602.5. The department shall establish, in conjunction with the Department...
Section 9604. - 9604. (a) The department shall establish necessary data systems which...
Section 9605. - 9605. The department shall: (a) Conduct the state manpower program,...
Section 9606. - 9606. The state manpower program shall serve the needs of...
Section 9607. - 9607. In the administration of the state manpower program, the...
Section 9608. - 9608. The director shall, within each community employment development center,...
Section 9609. - 9609. The department shall administer manpower service funds and shall...
Section 9610. - 9610. The director may enter into contracts for public and...
Section 9612. - 9612. The employees of the department shall be subject to...
Section 9613. - 9613. (a) The director shall make every effort to secure...
Section 9615. - 9615. Eligible persons who are registrants pursuant to Article 3.2...
Section 9616. - 9616. (a) The department, in coordination with the United States...
Section 9616.1. - 9616.1. (a) The department shall convene groups that represent local...
Section 9617. - 9617. (a) To the extent that funds are provided in...
Section 9618. - 9618. (a) The department shall administer a solar training program....
Section 9619. - 9619. (a) (1) To the extent that funds are appropriated...
ARTICLE 3 - San Diego Multiuse Biotechnology Training Center
Section 9700. - 9700. For purposes of this article, “center” means the San...
Section 9701. - 9701. (a) The Legislature finds and declares the following: (1)...
Section 9702. - 9702. The San Diego Community College District, California State University,...
ARTICLE 4 - California YouthBuild Program
Section 9800. - 9800. The purposes of the California YouthBuild Program shall be...
Section 9801. - 9801. (a) The director, from funds appropriated for this purpose...
Section 9802. - 9802. Programs shall provide, at a minimum, all of the...
Section 9802.5. - 9802.5. The department may accept proposals for funding from applicants...
Section 9803. - 9803. Program grants may be used for the activities in...
Section 9805. - 9805. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), eligible participants...
Section 9806. - 9806. (a) The director shall use the existing infrastructure of...
Section 9807. - 9807. An application for a grant under this article shall,...
Section 9808. - 9808. The term “YouthBuild” shall only be used in connection...
Section 9809. - 9809. Each grant recipient, at the beginning of the grant...
Section 9809.5. - 9809.5. Each grant recipient shall report to the director on...
ARTICLE 5 - Jobs for California Graduates Program
Section 9900. - 9900. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature in...
Section 9901. - 9901. (a) In order to encourage a regional system of...
Section 9902. - 9902. Local affiliates of the Jobs for California Graduates Program...
Section 9903. - 9903. (a) Entities eligible to conduct a Jobs for California...
Section 9904. - 9904. To be eligible to receive services through a Jobs...
Section 9905. - 9905. (a) For purposes of establishing and expanding these programs,...
Section 9908. - 9908. State funds made available pursuant to this article shall...
ARTICLE 6 - Employer Elder Care Benefits
Section 9910. - 9910. (a) The Legislature finds and declares all of the...
Section 9912. - 9912. (a) The Legislature requests that the Senior Worker Advocate...
ARTICLE 7 - Displaced Oil and Gas Worker Pilot Program
Section 9920. - 9920. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:...
Section 9921. - 9921. (a) There is hereby established the Displaced Oil and...
Section 9922. - 9922. (a) The department shall award grants to qualified applicants...
Section 9923. - 9923. (a) Grant recipients shall be evaluated using the following...
Section 9924. - 9924. Eligible activities for the program and grant funds shall...
Section 9925. - 9925. This article shall remain in effect only until July...
CHAPTER 3.5 - Employment Training Panel
Section 10200. - 10200. The Legislature finds and declares the following: (a) California’s...
Section 10201. - 10201. As used in this chapter: (a) “Department” means the...
Section 10201.5. - 10201.5. With respect to funding appropriated in the annual Budget...
Section 10202. - 10202. (a) The Employment Training Panel is established in the...
Section 10202.5. - 10202.5. (a) The panel shall consist of eight persons, seven...
Section 10203. - 10203. The panel may meet as necessary at locations throughout...
Section 10204. - 10204. The panel shall coordinate its programs with local and...
Section 10205. - 10205. The panel shall do all of the following: (a)...
Section 10206. - 10206. (a) The panel may allocate money in the fund...
Section 10207. - 10207. (a) The panel shall accept or reject a completed...
Section 10208. - 10208. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to preclude...
Section 10209. - 10209. (a) Contracts shall only be made for training in...
Section 10210. - 10210. Contracts shall be made with training agencies only if...
Section 10211. - 10211. A trainee or employee participating in a training program...
Section 10212.2. - 10212.2. The panel shall prepare a budget covering necessary administrative...
Section 10213. - 10213. The Employment Development Department shall cooperate with the panel...
Section 10214. - 10214. To assist the panel and the Legislature in assessing...
Section 10214.5. - 10214.5. (a) The panel may allocate up to 15 percent...
Section 10214.6. - 10214.6. (a) The panel shall develop and publish guidelines for...
Section 10214.7. - 10214.7. The panel shall allocate funds available in the annual...
Section 10214.9. - 10214.9. (a) (1) The panel may fund licensed nurse training...
Section 10215. - 10215. The funding of individual project grants by the panel...
Section 10217. - 10217. Funds in the Employment Training Fund created by Section...
CHAPTER 4 - Programs
ARTICLE 1 - Eligibility
Section 10501. - 10501. Any public assistance recipient who successfully completes a job...
CHAPTER 4.5 - California Employment and Training Planning
ARTICLE 1 - Policies and Purposes
Section 10510. - 10510. It is the intent of the Legislature, in enacting...
ARTICLE 2.5 - California Workforce and Economic Information Program
Section 10529. - 10529. (a) The services provided by the existing labor market...
ARTICLE 3 - Coordination of Labor Market Information
Section 10530. - 10530. It is the intent of the Legislature to establish...
Section 10533. - 10533. (a) The Employment Development Department shall operate the State-Local...
CHAPTER 5 - Employment Services for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired
Section 11000. - 11000. The Legislature finds that over 1.5 million persons in...
Section 11000.5. - 11000.5. As used in this chapter “contractor” means a public...
Section 11001. - 11001. (a) The department shall contract with public agencies or...
Section 11002. - 11002. Employment services for persons who are deaf and hard...
Section 11003. - 11003. (a) The department, with the advice of persons knowledgeable...
Section 11004. - 11004. The department shall do all of the following: (a)...
Section 11006. - 11006. The Employment Development Department shall not expend over 5...
CHAPTER 7 - Caregiver Training Initiative
Section 11020. - 11020. (a) There is hereby established a project known as...
Section 11022. - 11022. (a) (1) The Employment Development Department, in consultation with...
Section 11024. - 11024. (a) The program model for implementation of the Caregiver...