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Section 10200. - 10200. The Legislature finds and declares the following: (a) California’s...
Section 10201. - 10201. As used in this chapter: (a) “Department” means the...
Section 10201.5. - 10201.5. With respect to funding appropriated in the annual Budget...
Section 10202. - 10202. (a) The Employment Training Panel is established in the...
Section 10202.5. - 10202.5. (a) The panel shall consist of eight persons, seven...
Section 10203. - 10203. The panel may meet as necessary at locations throughout...
Section 10204. - 10204. The panel shall coordinate its programs with local and...
Section 10205. - 10205. The panel shall do all of the following: (a)...
Section 10206. - 10206. (a) The panel may allocate money in the fund...
Section 10207. - 10207. (a) The panel shall accept or reject a completed...
Section 10208. - 10208. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to preclude...
Section 10209. - 10209. (a) Contracts shall only be made for training in...
Section 10210. - 10210. Contracts shall be made with training agencies only if...
Section 10211. - 10211. A trainee or employee participating in a training program...
Section 10212.2. - 10212.2. The panel shall prepare a budget covering necessary administrative...
Section 10213. - 10213. The Employment Development Department shall cooperate with the panel...
Section 10214. - 10214. To assist the panel and the Legislature in assessing...
Section 10214.5. - 10214.5. (a) The panel may allocate up to 15 percent...
Section 10214.6. - 10214.6. (a) The panel shall develop and publish guidelines for...
Section 10214.7. - 10214.7. The panel shall allocate funds available in the annual...
Section 10214.9. - 10214.9. (a) (1) The panel may fund licensed nurse training...
Section 10215. - 10215. The funding of individual project grants by the panel...
Section 10217. - 10217. Funds in the Employment Training Fund created by Section...