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Section 9800. - 9800. The purposes of the California YouthBuild Program shall be...
Section 9801. - 9801. (a) The director, from funds appropriated for this purpose...
Section 9802. - 9802. Programs shall provide, at a minimum, all of the...
Section 9802.5. - 9802.5. The department may accept proposals for funding from applicants...
Section 9803. - 9803. Program grants may be used for the activities in...
Section 9805. - 9805. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), eligible participants...
Section 9806. - 9806. (a) The director shall use the existing infrastructure of...
Section 9807. - 9807. An application for a grant under this article shall,...
Section 9808. - 9808. The term “YouthBuild” shall only be used in connection...
Section 9809. - 9809. Each grant recipient, at the beginning of the grant...
Section 9809.5. - 9809.5. Each grant recipient shall report to the director on...