California Code
ARTICLE 1 - General
Section 31479.3.

31479.3. “Public service” also means service in the merchant marine of the United States during the period of December 7, 1941, through August 15, 1945, whether or not the employee received compensation from the United States Government and with respect to which he or she is not entitled to receive credit in any retirement system supported wholly or in part by public funds after he or she became a member of this system. This section shall apply to both members and retired members of a county retirement association subject to this chapter. Both members and retired members may purchase public service credit pursuant to Sections 31641.1 and 31641.2. For a retired member the additional pension amount accruing because of any public service credit purchased shall be computed as though the service had been credited on the effective date of retirement and increased by any cost-of-living increases which may have been granted since the effective date of retirement and shall begin as of the first of the month following either the date of receipt of the retired member’s election to purchase the credit pursuant to Section 31641.1 or the date of receipt of the full cost of the purchase computed pursuant to Section 31641.2 whichever is later.

This section shall not be operative in any county until the board of supervisors shall, by resolution adopted by a majority vote, make this section applicable in the county.

(Added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 433, Sec. 1.)

Structure California Code

California Code

Government Code - GOV




CHAPTER 3 - County Employees Retirement Law of 197

ARTICLE 1 - General

Section 31450.

Section 31451.

Section 31452.

Section 31452.5.

Section 31452.6.

Section 31452.65.

Section 31452.7.

Section 31453.

Section 31453.5.

Section 31453.6.

Section 31454.

Section 31454.1.

Section 31454.5.

Section 31454.6.

Section 31454.7.

Section 31455.

Section 31455.5.

Section 31456.

Section 31457.

Section 31458.

Section 31458.2.

Section 31458.3.

Section 31458.4.

Section 31459.

Section 31459.1.

Section 31460.

Section 31461.

Section 31461.1.

Section 31461.2.

Section 31461.3.

Section 31461.4.

Section 31461.45.

Section 31461.5.

Section 31461.6.

Section 31462.

Section 31462.05.

Section 31462.1.

Section 31462.11.

Section 31462.2.

Section 31462.3.

Section 31463.

Section 31464.

Section 31465.

Section 31466.

Section 31467.

Section 31468.

Section 31469.

Section 31469.1.

Section 31469.2.

Section 31469.3.

Section 31469.4.

Section 31469.5.

Section 31469.6.

Section 31469.8.

Section 31470.

Section 31470.1.

Section 31470.2.

Section 31470.25.

Section 31470.3.

Section 31470.4.

Section 31470.5.

Section 31470.6.

Section 31470.7.

Section 31470.8.

Section 31470.9.

Section 31470.10.

Section 31470.11.

Section 31470.12.

Section 31470.13.

Section 31470.14.

Section 31471.

Section 31471.5.

Section 31472.

Section 31472.1.

Section 31473.

Section 31474.

Section 31475.

Section 31476.

Section 31477.

Section 31478.

Section 31479.

Section 31479.1.

Section 31479.2.

Section 31479.3.

Section 31480.

Section 31481.

Section 31482.

Section 31482.5.

Section 31483.

Section 31484.

Section 31484.5.

Section 31484.6.

Section 31484.7.

Section 31484.8.

Section 31484.9.

Section 31485.

Section 31485.5.

Section 31485.6.

Section 31485.7.

Section 31485.8.

Section 31485.9.

Section 31485.10.

Section 31485.13.

Section 31485.14.

Section 31485.15.

Section 31485.16.

Section 31485.17.

Section 31485.18.

Section 31485.19.

Section 31485.20.

Section 31485.21.

Section 31485.22.