California Code
ARTICLE 1 - General
Section 31470.6.

31470.6. (a) A permanent employee of a county having a population in excess of 500,000 whose principal duties consist of active protection, rescue, and rendition of aid or assistance to persons injured or imperiled in water areas at beaches and lakes, streams, dams, reservoirs, or other bodies of open water (not including swimming pools) or in small craft or airplanes at sea near the shoreline and the recovery from water areas of submerged objects and bodies of persons drowned or believed to have drowned in those areas, or the immediate supervision thereof, including persons employed to perform the duties now performed under the titles of director of beaches, assistant director of beaches, deputy director of beaches, chief lifeguard, assistant chief lifeguard, captain lifeguards, lieutenant rescue boat, lieutenant lifeguards, beach lifeguard, but who performs additional duties, some of which (including the maintenance of peace and order and the apprehension of law violators) are customarily performed by police or peace officers, and whose other duties (such as resuscitation work involving the use of special equipment in cases having no connection with their principal duties) which in other areas are customarily performed by firemen, and other and further duties (such as the rescue of persons from disabled aircraft and small boats in inshore or inland waters and the removal of dangerous obstructions from waters) which do not come directly within any of the aforesaid classifications but are essential to the safety and security of the public, excluding those whose principal duties are those of a telephone operator, clerk, stenographer, machinist, mechanic, or otherwise clearly do not fall within the scope of active lifeguarding or lifesaving service, even though a person is subject to occasional call, or is occasionally called upon, to perform duties within the scope of active lifeguarding or lifesaving service, shall be considered and is hereby classified as an employee whose principal duties consist in “active law enforcement.”

Persons employed to perform the duties of director of beaches, assistant director of beaches, or deputy director of beaches shall not be within the classification of “active law enforcement” employee, unless those persons have previously been included within that classification, or have performed duties which would have qualified such person as an “active law enforcement” employee under this section.

(b) In a county with a population in excess of four million, the provisions of subdivision (a) shall also apply to persons employed under the titles and to perform the duties of division chief-public safety, assistant division chief-public safety, or district manager-public safety.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 219, Sec. 1.)

Structure California Code

California Code

Government Code - GOV




CHAPTER 3 - County Employees Retirement Law of 197

ARTICLE 1 - General

Section 31450.

Section 31451.

Section 31452.

Section 31452.5.

Section 31452.6.

Section 31452.65.

Section 31452.7.

Section 31453.

Section 31453.5.

Section 31453.6.

Section 31454.

Section 31454.1.

Section 31454.5.

Section 31454.6.

Section 31454.7.

Section 31455.

Section 31455.5.

Section 31456.

Section 31457.

Section 31458.

Section 31458.2.

Section 31458.3.

Section 31458.4.

Section 31459.

Section 31459.1.

Section 31460.

Section 31461.

Section 31461.1.

Section 31461.2.

Section 31461.3.

Section 31461.4.

Section 31461.45.

Section 31461.5.

Section 31461.6.

Section 31462.

Section 31462.05.

Section 31462.1.

Section 31462.11.

Section 31462.2.

Section 31462.3.

Section 31463.

Section 31464.

Section 31465.

Section 31466.

Section 31467.

Section 31468.

Section 31469.

Section 31469.1.

Section 31469.2.

Section 31469.3.

Section 31469.4.

Section 31469.5.

Section 31469.6.

Section 31469.8.

Section 31470.

Section 31470.1.

Section 31470.2.

Section 31470.25.

Section 31470.3.

Section 31470.4.

Section 31470.5.

Section 31470.6.

Section 31470.7.

Section 31470.8.

Section 31470.9.

Section 31470.10.

Section 31470.11.

Section 31470.12.

Section 31470.13.

Section 31470.14.

Section 31471.

Section 31471.5.

Section 31472.

Section 31472.1.

Section 31473.

Section 31474.

Section 31475.

Section 31476.

Section 31477.

Section 31478.

Section 31479.

Section 31479.1.

Section 31479.2.

Section 31479.3.

Section 31480.

Section 31481.

Section 31482.

Section 31482.5.

Section 31483.

Section 31484.

Section 31484.5.

Section 31484.6.

Section 31484.7.

Section 31484.8.

Section 31484.9.

Section 31485.

Section 31485.5.

Section 31485.6.

Section 31485.7.

Section 31485.8.

Section 31485.9.

Section 31485.10.

Section 31485.13.

Section 31485.14.

Section 31485.15.

Section 31485.16.

Section 31485.17.

Section 31485.18.

Section 31485.19.

Section 31485.20.

Section 31485.21.

Section 31485.22.