California Code
ARTICLE 1 - General
Section 31452.6.

31452.6. (a) The board shall comply with and give effect to a revocable written authorization signed by a retired member or beneficiary of a retired member entitled to a retirement allowance or benefit under this chapter or the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, authorizing the treasurer or other entity authorized by the board to deliver the monthly warrant, check, or electronic fund transfer, for the retirement allowance or benefit to any specified bank, savings and loan institution, or credit union to be credited to the account of the retired member or survivor of a deceased retired member. That delivery is full discharge of the liability of the board to pay a monthly retirement allowance or benefit to the retired member or survivor of a deceased retired member.

(b) Any payments directly deposited by electronic fund transfer following the date of death of a person who was entitled to receive a retirement allowance or benefit under this chapter or the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 shall be refunded to the retirement system.

(c) In order to obtain information from a financial institution following the death of a retired member or the beneficiary of a retired member, as provided in subdivision (o) of Section 7480, the board may certify in writing to the financial institution that the retired member or the beneficiary of a retired member has died and that transfers to the account of the retired member or beneficiary of a retired member at the financial institution from the retirement system occurred after the date of death of the retired member or the beneficiary of a retired member.

(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 247, Sec. 3. (AB 1380) Effective January 1, 2014.)

Structure California Code

California Code

Government Code - GOV




CHAPTER 3 - County Employees Retirement Law of 197

ARTICLE 1 - General

Section 31450.

Section 31451.

Section 31452.

Section 31452.5.

Section 31452.6.

Section 31452.65.

Section 31452.7.

Section 31453.

Section 31453.5.

Section 31453.6.

Section 31454.

Section 31454.1.

Section 31454.5.

Section 31454.6.

Section 31454.7.

Section 31455.

Section 31455.5.

Section 31456.

Section 31457.

Section 31458.

Section 31458.2.

Section 31458.3.

Section 31458.4.

Section 31459.

Section 31459.1.

Section 31460.

Section 31461.

Section 31461.1.

Section 31461.2.

Section 31461.3.

Section 31461.4.

Section 31461.45.

Section 31461.5.

Section 31461.6.

Section 31462.

Section 31462.05.

Section 31462.1.

Section 31462.11.

Section 31462.2.

Section 31462.3.

Section 31463.

Section 31464.

Section 31465.

Section 31466.

Section 31467.

Section 31468.

Section 31469.

Section 31469.1.

Section 31469.2.

Section 31469.3.

Section 31469.4.

Section 31469.5.

Section 31469.6.

Section 31469.8.

Section 31470.

Section 31470.1.

Section 31470.2.

Section 31470.25.

Section 31470.3.

Section 31470.4.

Section 31470.5.

Section 31470.6.

Section 31470.7.

Section 31470.8.

Section 31470.9.

Section 31470.10.

Section 31470.11.

Section 31470.12.

Section 31470.13.

Section 31470.14.

Section 31471.

Section 31471.5.

Section 31472.

Section 31472.1.

Section 31473.

Section 31474.

Section 31475.

Section 31476.

Section 31477.

Section 31478.

Section 31479.

Section 31479.1.

Section 31479.2.

Section 31479.3.

Section 31480.

Section 31481.

Section 31482.

Section 31482.5.

Section 31483.

Section 31484.

Section 31484.5.

Section 31484.6.

Section 31484.7.

Section 31484.8.

Section 31484.9.

Section 31485.

Section 31485.5.

Section 31485.6.

Section 31485.7.

Section 31485.8.

Section 31485.9.

Section 31485.10.

Section 31485.13.

Section 31485.14.

Section 31485.15.

Section 31485.16.

Section 31485.17.

Section 31485.18.

Section 31485.19.

Section 31485.20.

Section 31485.21.

Section 31485.22.