11325.21. (a) Any individual who is required to participate in welfare-to-work activities pursuant to this article shall enter into a written welfare-to-work plan with the county welfare department after assessment, as required by subdivision (c) of Section 11320.1, but no more than 90 days after the date that a recipient’s eligibility for aid is determined or the date the recipient is required to participate in welfare-to-work activities pursuant to Section 11320.3. The recipient and the county may enter into a welfare-to-work plan as late as 90 days after the completion of the job search activity, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 11320.1, if the job search activity is initiated within 30 days after the recipient’s eligibility for aid is determined. The plan shall include the activities and services that will move the individual into employment.
(b) The county shall allow the participant three working days after completion of the plan or subsequent amendments to the plan in which to evaluate and request changes to the terms of the plan.
(c) The plan shall be written in clear and understandable language, and have a simple and easy-to-read format.
(d) The plan shall contain at least all of the following general information:
(1) A general description of the program provided for in this article, including available program components and supportive services.
(2) A general description of the rights, duties, and responsibilities of program participants, including a list of the exemptions from the required participation under this article, the consequences of a refusal to participate in program components, and criteria for successful completion of the program.
(3) A description of the grace period required in paragraph (5) of subdivision (b) of Section 11325.22.
(e) (1) The plan shall specify, and shall be amended to reflect changes in, the participant’s welfare-to-work activity, a description of services to be provided in accordance with Sections 11322.6, 11322.8, and 11322.85, as needed, and specific requirements for successful completion of assigned activities, including required hours of participation.
(2) The plan shall also include a general description of supportive services pursuant to Section 11323.2 that are to be provided as necessary for the participant to complete assigned program activities.
(f) Any assignment to a program component shall be reflected in the plan or an amendment to the plan. The participant shall maintain satisfactory progress toward employment through the methods set forth in the plan, and the county shall provide the services pursuant to Section 11323.2.
(g) This section shall not apply to individuals subject to Article 3.5 (commencing with Section 11331) during the time that article is operative.
(h) This section shall become inoperative on May 1, 2022, or when the department notifies the Legislature that the Statewide Automated Welfare System can perform the necessary automation to implement Section 11325.21, as added by the act that added this subdivision, whichever date is later, and, as of January 1 of the following year, is repealed.
(Amended by Stats. 2020, Ch. 11, Sec. 52. (AB 79) Effective June 29, 2020. Inoperative on or after May 1, 2022, as prescribed by its own provisions. Repealed as of January 1 following inoperative date.)