California Code
ARTICLE 3.2 - Welfare-to-Work Activities
Section 11323.2.

11323.2. (a) Necessary supportive services shall be offered and available to every participant to enable them to participate in a program activity or to accept or maintain employment. Necessary supportive services shall also be offered and available to every individual who is not required to participate, but chooses to participate voluntarily, to allow them to participate in a program activity or to accept or maintain employment. A participant who is required to participate and who does not receive necessary supportive services shall have good cause for not participating under subdivision (f) of Section 11320.3. Supportive services shall be listed in the welfare-to-work plan or other agreement entered into between the county and participant pursuant to this article, supportive services shall include all of the following:

(1) Child care.

(A) Paid child care shall be available to every participant with a dependent child in the household who needs paid child care if the child is 12 years of age or under, or requires child care or supervision due to a physical, mental, or developmental disability or other similar condition as verified by the county welfare department, or who is under court supervision. A county welfare department may verify the need for child care or supervision for a child over 12 years of age from an individualized education plan or a statement from a qualified professional that the child is a child with exceptional needs, as defined in Section 10213.5. A sanctioned participant shall have access to child care pursuant to this section if the participant has indicated an intent to engage in a program activity or employment, but has not yet participated.

(B) First-stage child care, as described in Chapter 21 (commencing with Section 10370) of Part 1.8, shall be full time, unless the participant determines that part-time care better meets the family’s needs. Upon establishing initial or ongoing eligibility for first-stage child care services under this chapter, a family shall be considered to meet all eligibility and need requirements and be authorized for not less than 12 months, or until the participant is transferred to the second stage of child care. This shall apply to every participant who indicates a need for child care in order to engage in a program activity or employment. A participant may, at any time, indicate a new or increased need for child care and the information shall be used, as applicable, to authorize child care in accordance with this subparagraph or increase the family’s services.

(C) Necessary child care services shall be available to every former recipient for up to two years, pursuant to Chapter 21 (commencing with Section 10370) of Part 1.8. Beginning January 1, 2021, or the date that automation changes occur, as required for implementation, in the Statewide Automated Welfare System, whichever date is later, in the 18th month following the date of last receipt of aid, the county shall send a notice, via mail to the last known address, text message, or email, to a former recipient who is not currently receiving second or third stage child care informing them that their eligibility for stage-two child care will expire by the end of the 24th month following their last receipt of aid, and how to obtain stage-two child care services. The department shall issue an all-county letter or similar directive by November 1, 2019, to implement this subparagraph, until regulations are adopted.

(D) A child in foster care receiving benefits under Title IV-E of the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 670 et seq.), or a child who would become a dependent child except for the receipt of federal Supplemental Security Income benefits pursuant to Title XVI of the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 1381 et seq.), or a child who is not a member of the assistance unit but for whom the recipient is responsible for providing support, shall be deemed to be a dependent child for the purposes of this paragraph.

(E) The provision of care and payment rates under this paragraph shall be governed by Chapter 21 (commencing with Section 10370) of Part 1.8. Parent fees shall be governed by Sections 10271 and 10291.

(F) For purposes of subparagraphs (A) and (B), a participant includes an individual who is not required to participate, and expresses an intent to participate voluntarily, or a sanctioned participant who indicates an intent to engage in any program activity, as defined in subdivision (c), or employment. After securing child care services, to document their commitment to participate, a participant shall sign a welfare-to-work plan or a curing plan, whichever is appropriate, or other agreement that may be developed and approved for use on a statewide basis by the department.

(2) Diaper costs.

(A) On and after April 1, 2018, a participant who is participating in a welfare-to-work plan shall be eligible for thirty dollars ($30) per month to assist with diaper costs for each child who is under 36 months of age.

(B) The department shall adopt regulations by January 1, 2020, to implement this paragraph. Notwithstanding the rulemaking provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), the department shall implement this paragraph through all-county letters until regulations are adopted.

(3) Transportation costs, which shall be governed by regional market rates as determined in accordance with regulations established by the department.

(4) Ancillary expenses, which shall include the cost of books, tools, clothing specifically required for the job, fees, and other necessary costs.

(5) Personal counseling. A participant who has personal or family problems that would affect the outcome of the welfare-to-work plan entered into pursuant to this article shall, to the extent available, receive necessary counseling and related supportive services, to help the participant and the participant’s family adjust to the participant’s job or training assignment.

(b) If provided in a county plan, the county may continue to provide case management and supportive services under this section to former participants who become employed. The county may provide these services for up to the first 12 months of employment to the extent they are not available from other sources and are needed for the individual to retain the employment.

(c) For the purposes of paragraph (1) of subdivision (a), “program activity” includes, but is not limited to, any welfare-to-work activity, orientation, appraisal, assessment, job search, job club, domestic violence services, court appearances, housing searches and classes, homeless support programs, shelter participation requirements, eviction proceedings, mental health services, including therapy or personal counseling, home visiting, drug and substance abuse services, parenting classes, and medical or education-related appointments for the participant or their dependents.

(Amended by Stats. 2021, Ch. 116, Sec. 261. (AB 131) Effective July 23, 2021.)

Structure California Code

California Code

Welfare and Institutions Code - WIC



CHAPTER 2 - California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids Act

ARTICLE 3.2 - Welfare-to-Work Activities

Section 11320.

Section 11320.1.

Section 11320.15.

Section 11320.15.

Section 11320.16.

Section 11320.3.

Section 11320.31.

Section 11320.31.

Section 11320.32.

Section 11321.

Section 11321.6.

Section 11322.2.

Section 11322.4.

Section 11322.5.

Section 11322.6.

Section 11322.61.

Section 11322.62.

Section 11322.64.

Section 11322.65.

Section 11322.67.

Section 11322.7.

Section 11322.8.

Section 11322.8.

Section 11322.81.

Section 11322.82.

Section 11322.83.

Section 11322.84.

Section 11322.85.

Section 11322.86.

Section 11322.87.

Section 11322.9.

Section 11323.1.

Section 11323.2.

Section 11323.21.

Section 11323.25.

Section 11323.3.

Section 11323.4.

Section 11323.6.

Section 11323.8.

Section 11323.9.

Section 11324.

Section 11324.4.

Section 11324.5.

Section 11324.6.

Section 11324.7.

Section 11324.8.

Section 11325.1.

Section 11325.15.

Section 11325.2.

Section 11325.21.

Section 11325.21.

Section 11325.22.

Section 11325.23.

Section 11325.24.

Section 11325.24.

Section 11325.25.

Section 11325.3.

Section 11325.4.

Section 11325.5.

Section 11325.6.

Section 11325.7.

Section 11325.8.

Section 11325.9.

Section 11325.91.

Section 11325.93.

Section 11325.95.

Section 11326.

Section 11327.

Section 11327.4.

Section 11327.5.

Section 11327.6.

Section 11327.8.

Section 11327.9.

Section 11328.2.

Section 11328.8.

Section 11329.

Section 11329.2.

Section 11329.4.

Section 11329.5.