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Section 11320. - 11320. Any reference to the Greater Avenues for Independence program...
Section 11320.1. - 11320.1. Subsequent to the commencement of the receipt of aid...
Section 11320.15. - 11320.15. (a) After a participant has been removed from the...
Section 11320.16. - 11320.16. Employment services may be provided to a noncustodial parent...
Section 11320.3. - 11320.3. (a) (1) Except as provided in subdivision (b) or...
Section 11320.31. - 11320.31. (a) Sanctions shall not be applied for a failure...
Section 11320.32. - 11320.32. (a) The department shall administer a voluntary Temporary Assistance...
Section 11321. - 11321. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, sanctions shall not be...
Section 11321.6. - 11321.6. (a) A county plan may provide that the program...
Section 11322.2. - 11322.2. Counties shall continually monitor their program expenditures throughout the...
Section 11322.4. - 11322.4. It is the intent of the Legislature to fund...
Section 11322.5. - 11322.5. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to...
Section 11322.6. - 11322.6. The welfare-to-work plan developed by the county welfare department...
Section 11322.61. - 11322.61. (a) Except as provided in subdivisions (c) and (d)...
Section 11322.62. - 11322.62. Employers, sponsors of training activities, and contractors shall not...
Section 11322.64. - 11322.64. (a) (1) The department, in consultation with the County...
Section 11322.65. - 11322.65. (a) Unless otherwise specified in this chapter, assignment to...
Section 11322.67. - 11322.67. (a) If a pregnant woman is required to participate...
Section 11322.7. - 11322.7. (a) Every county shall provide an adequate range of...
Section 11322.8. - 11322.8. (a) An adult recipient required to participate in accordance...
Section 11322.8. - 11322.8. (a) An adult recipient required to participate in welfare-to-work...
Section 11322.81. - 11322.81. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, if an adult recipient...
Section 11322.82. - 11322.82. (a) For the purpose of calculating the number of...
Section 11322.83. - 11322.83. (a) A recipient who is making satisfactory progress in...
Section 11322.84. - 11322.84. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, a person who satisfies...
Section 11322.85. - 11322.85. (a) Unless otherwise exempt, an applicant or recipient shall...
Section 11322.86. - 11322.86. (a) (1) Each county may provide an extension of...
Section 11322.87. - 11322.87. (a) A recipient subject to the 24-month time limitation...
Section 11322.9. - 11322.9. (a) Community service activities shall meet all of the...
Section 11323.1. - 11323.1. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:...
Section 11323.2. - 11323.2. (a) Necessary supportive services shall be offered and available...
Section 11323.21. - 11323.21. (a) (1) A CalWORKs eligible individual who provides the...
Section 11323.25. - 11323.25. (a) In addition to its authority under subdivision (b)...
Section 11323.3. - 11323.3. (a) An applicant for, or a recipient of, CalWORKs...
Section 11323.4. - 11323.4. (a) Payments for supportive services, as described in Section...
Section 11323.6. - 11323.6. The department shall be responsible for supervising the provision...
Section 11323.8. - 11323.8. Counties shall manage the participant’s transition from stage one...
Section 11323.9. - 11323.9. Each county welfare department shall provide to the State...
Section 11324. - 11324. (a) If the county welfare department or a contractor...
Section 11324.4. - 11324.4. (a) The employer or sponsor of an employment or...
Section 11324.5. - 11324.5. The county shall ensure that the labor union is...
Section 11324.6. - 11324.6. Any employment or training program position described in subdivisions...
Section 11324.7. - 11324.7. (a) The department shall provide a grievance process for...
Section 11324.8. - 11324.8. (a) At the time an individual applies for aid...
Section 11325.1. - 11325.1. When child care services are provided by a program...
Section 11325.15. - 11325.15. (a) (1) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that...
Section 11325.2. - 11325.2. (a) At the time a recipient enters the welfare-to-work...
Section 11325.21. - 11325.21. (a) Any individual who is required to participate in...
Section 11325.22. - 11325.22. (a) (1) Following the appraisal required by Section 11325.2,...
Section 11325.23. - 11325.23. (a) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), any...
Section 11325.24. - 11325.24. (a) If, in the course of appraisal pursuant to...
Section 11325.25. - 11325.25. (a) A participant with a suspected learning or medical...
Section 11325.3. - 11325.3. (a) After a recipient has received services described in...
Section 11325.4. - 11325.4. (a) Upon referral to assessment, a participant shall work...
Section 11325.5. - 11325.5. (a) If, pursuant to the appraisal conducted pursuant to...
Section 11325.6. - 11325.6. Subject to the limitations of subdivision (f) of Section...
Section 11325.7. - 11325.7. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature in...
Section 11325.8. - 11325.8. (a) The county plan required by Section 10531 shall...
Section 11325.9. - 11325.9. (a) The department shall develop three-year pilot projects in...
Section 11325.91. - 11325.91. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for purposes of...
Section 11325.93. - 11325.93. (a) Team members may disclose to one another information...
Section 11325.95. - 11325.95. The department shall prepare a report, for submission to...
Section 11326. - 11326. (a) The county shall conduct a reappraisal of any...
Section 11327. - 11327. Any county which fails to provide services according to...
Section 11327.4. - 11327.4. (a) (1) Whenever an individual has failed or refused...
Section 11327.5. - 11327.5. (a) Sanctions shall be imposed in accordance with subdivision...
Section 11327.6. - 11327.6. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person who...
Section 11327.8. - 11327.8. (a) Except as specified in this section, whenever a...
Section 11327.9. - 11327.9. In determining whether good cause exists for a refusal...
Section 11328.2. - 11328.2. A participant under this article shall have all due...
Section 11328.8. - 11328.8. (a) The department, under the direction of the Health...
Section 11329. - 11329. (a) The department shall evaluate the program and shall...
Section 11329.2. - 11329.2. (a) The department shall seek any federal funds available...
Section 11329.4. - 11329.4. (a) No funds appropriated for purposes of this article...
Section 11329.5. - 11329.5. With respect to paragraph (7) of subdivision (b) of...