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ARTICLE 1 - Element Preparation
Section 41700. - 41700. Each county shall prepare a countywide siting element that...
Section 41701. - 41701. Each countywide siting element and revision thereto shall include,...
Section 41702. - 41702. An area is consistent with the city or county...
Section 41703. - 41703. If the county determines that existing capacity will be...
Section 41704. - 41704. Except as provided in subdivision (a) of Section 41710,...
ARTICLE 2 - Tentative Reservations
Section 41710. - 41710. (a) A county may tentatively reserve an area or...
Section 41711. - 41711. An area tentatively reserved for the establishment or expansion...
Section 41712. - 41712. The removal of a tentatively reserved area from the...
ARTICLE 3 - General Plan Consistency
Section 41720. - 41720. The countywide siting element submitted to the board, shall...
ARTICLE 4 - Local Agency Approval
Section 41721. - 41721. (a) The countywide siting element shall be approved by...
Section 41721.5. - 41721.5. (a) Any amendments to the countywide siting element shall...