The Child Abuse Hotline shall accept a report of neglect as defined under § 12-18-103(14)(B) only if the reporter is one (1) of the following mandated reporters and the mandated reporter has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been subjected to neglect as defined under § 12-18-103(14)(B):
(1) A licensed nurse;
(2) Any medical personnel who may be engaged in the admission, examination, care, or treatment of persons;
(3) An osteopath;
(4) A physician;
(5) A resident intern;
(6) A surgeon; or
(7) A social worker in a hospital.
Structure Arkansas Code
Title 12 - Law Enforcement, Emergency Management, and Military Affairs
Subtitle 2 - Law Enforcement Agencies and Programs
Chapter 18 - Child Maltreatment Act
Subchapter 3 - Child Abuse Hotline
§ 12-18-302. Reports by mandated reporters
§ 12-18-303. Minimum requirements for a report to be accepted
§ 12-18-304. Qualifying reports of certain types of child maltreatment
§ 12-18-305. Garrett's Law reports
§ 12-18-306. Reports naming an adult as the victim
§ 12-18-307. Reports alleging Munchausen syndrome by proxy or factitious illness
§ 12-18-308. Reports of injury to a child's intellectual, emotional, or psychological development