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§ 12-18-301. Creation - (a) There is created the Child Abuse Hotline. (b) The...
§ 12-18-302. Reports by mandated reporters - (a) As prescribed under this section, a mandated reporter under...
§ 12-18-303. Minimum requirements for a report to be accepted - (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the Child...
§ 12-18-304. Qualifying reports of certain types of child maltreatment - (a) (1) The Child Abuse Hotline shall accept a report...
§ 12-18-305. Garrett's Law reports - The Child Abuse Hotline shall accept a report of neglect...
§ 12-18-306. Reports naming an adult as the victim - The Child Abuse Hotline shall accept a report of child...
§ 12-18-307. Reports alleging Munchausen syndrome by proxy or factitious illness - The Child Abuse Hotline shall accept a report of child...
§ 12-18-308. Reports of injury to a child's intellectual, emotional, or psychological development - The Child Abuse Hotline shall accept a report of injury...
§ 12-18-309. Reports alleging that a child is disrupting his or her adoption or is a dependent juvenile - The Child Abuse Hotline shall accept telephone calls or other...
§ 12-18-310. Referrals on children born with and affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder or prenatal drug exposure to an illegal drug or a legal substance - (a) All healthcare providers involved in the delivery or care...