(a) There is created the Child Abuse Hotline.
(b) The Child Abuse Hotline is a unit established within the Department of Human Services and the Division of Arkansas State Police, or their designee, with the purpose of receiving and recording notifications and reports under this chapter.
(1) The Child Abuse Hotline shall be staffed twenty-four (24) hours per day and shall have statewide accessibility through a toll-free telephone number.
(2) The toll-free telephone number under this section shall be known as the “Child Abuse Hotline”.
(d) All persons whether a mandated reporter under this chapter or not may use the Child Abuse Hotline to report child maltreatment or suspected child maltreatment.
Structure Arkansas Code
Title 12 - Law Enforcement, Emergency Management, and Military Affairs
Subtitle 2 - Law Enforcement Agencies and Programs
Chapter 18 - Child Maltreatment Act
Subchapter 3 - Child Abuse Hotline
§ 12-18-302. Reports by mandated reporters
§ 12-18-303. Minimum requirements for a report to be accepted
§ 12-18-304. Qualifying reports of certain types of child maltreatment
§ 12-18-305. Garrett's Law reports
§ 12-18-306. Reports naming an adult as the victim
§ 12-18-307. Reports alleging Munchausen syndrome by proxy or factitious illness
§ 12-18-308. Reports of injury to a child's intellectual, emotional, or psychological development