Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 23 - Labor
§ 23-622 - Wages

23-622. Wages
A. " Wages" means all remuneration for services from whatever source, including commissions, bonuses and fringe benefits and the cash value of all remuneration in any medium other than cash. The reasonable cash value of remuneration in any medium other than cash shall be estimated and determined in accordance with rules prescribed by the department.
B. Wages do not include:
1. For the purpose of sections 23-604, 23-726 and 23-728, that part of the remuneration, other than remuneration referred to in paragraphs 3 through 16 of this subsection, in excess of:
(a) $7, 000 paid in 1983 or in a calendar year thereafter through December 31, 2022 to an individual by an employer or the employer's predecessor with respect to employment during the calendar year, unless that part of the excess remuneration is subject to a tax, under federal law, against which credit may be taken for contributions required to be paid into a state unemployment fund by employers subject to the federal law.
(b) $8, 000 paid in the 2023 calendar year or in a calendar year thereafter to an individual by an employer or the employer's predecessor with respect to employment during the calendar year, unless that part of the excess remuneration is subject to a tax, under federal law, against which credit may be taken for contributions required to be paid into a state unemployment fund by employers subject to the federal law.
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1 of this subsection, the remuneration paid to an individual by an employer with respect to employment in another state or states, on which contributions were required of and paid by such employer under an unemployment compensation law of such other state or states, shall be included as part of remuneration equal to the amounts prescribed in paragraph 1 of this subsection.
3. The amount of any payment, including monies paid by an employer for insurance or annuities or into a fund to provide payments for insurance or annuities, made to or on behalf of an employee or any of the employee's dependents under a plan or system established by an employer that makes provision for the employer's employees generally, for the employer's employees generally and their dependents, for a class of the employer's employees or for a class of the employer's employees and their dependents, on account of any of the following:
(a) Sickness or accident disability, except that in the case of payments made to an employee or any of the employee's dependents, this subdivision excludes from wages only payments that are received under a workers' compensation law.
(b) Medical or hospitalization expenses in connection with sickness or accident disability.
(c) Death.
4. The payment by an employer, without deduction from the remuneration of the employee, of the tax imposed on an employee under section 3101 of the internal revenue code relating to federal insurance contributions with respect to remuneration paid to an employee for domestic service in a private home or for agricultural labor.
5. Any payment on account of sickness or accident disability, or medical or hospitalization expenses in connection with sickness or accident disability, made by an employing unit to, or on behalf of, an employee after the expiration of six calendar months following the last calendar month in which the employee worked for such employing unit.
6. Any payment made to, or on behalf of, an employee or the employee's beneficiary:
(a) From or to a trust described in section 401(a) of the internal revenue code relating to qualified pension, profit sharing and stock bonus plans that is exempt from tax under section 501(a) of the internal revenue code at the time of the payment unless the payment is made to an employee of the trust as remuneration for services rendered as an employee and not as a beneficiary of the trust.
(b) Under or to an annuity plan that, at the time of such payment, is a plan described in section 403(a) of the internal revenue code relating to taxability of beneficiaries under qualified annuity plans.
(c) Under a simplified employee pension as defined in section 408(k)(1) of the internal revenue code other than contributions described in section 408(k)(6) of the internal revenue code relating to employee salary reduction arrangements.
(d) Under or to an annuity contract described in section 403(b) of the internal revenue code relating to taxation of beneficiaries under annuities purchased by certain tax exempt organizations, other than a payment for the purchase of the contract that is made by reason of a salary reduction agreement whether evidenced by a written instrument or otherwise.
(e) Under or to an exempt governmental deferred compensation plan as defined in section 3121(v)(3) of the internal revenue code.
(f) To supplement pension benefits under a plan or trust described in this paragraph to take into account some portion or all of the increase in the cost of living since retirement as determined by the United States secretary of labor, but only if the supplemental payments are under a plan that is treated as a welfare plan under section 3(2)(b)(ii) of the employee retirement income security act of 1974.
(g) Under a cafeteria plan within the meaning of section 125 of the internal revenue code if such payment would not be treated as wages without regard to such plan and it is reasonable to believe that, if section 125 of the internal revenue code applied for purposes of this section, section 125 of the internal revenue code would not treat any wages as constructively received.
7. Remuneration paid in any medium other than cash to an employee for service not in the course of the employing unit's trade or business.
8. Remuneration paid for agricultural labor performed in any medium other than cash.
9. Any tip, gratuity or service charge received by an employee except:
(a) Before January 1, 1986, if either of the following applies:
(i) It is specified and collected by the employing unit.
(ii) It is used by the employing unit in order to conform to the minimum wage requirements of federal or state law.
(b) From and after December 31, 1985, if it is reported by the employee in writing to the employer on or before the tenth day of the month following the month in which it was received.
10. Remuneration that the individual receives for drill, training or other national guard or reserve activity that occurs on not more than one weekend per month or in lieu of a weekend drill or the equivalent.
11. Remuneration paid to or on behalf of an employee if and to the extent that at the time of the payment of the remuneration it is reasonable to believe that a corresponding deduction is allowable under section 217 of the internal revenue code relating to moving expenses determined without regard to section 274(n) of the internal revenue code relating to the disallowance of certain meal and entertainment expenses.
12. Any contribution, payment or service provided by an employer that may be excluded from the gross income of any employee, the employee's spouse or the employee's dependents under the provisions of section 120 of the internal revenue code relating to amounts received under qualified group legal services plans.
13. Any payment made or benefit furnished to or for the benefit of an employee if at the time of the payment or furnishing it is reasonable to believe that the employee will be able to exclude the payment or benefit from income under section 127, relating to educational assistance, or section 129, relating to dependent care assistance, of the internal revenue code.
14. The value of any meals or lodging furnished by or on behalf of the employer if at the time of the furnishing it is reasonable to believe that the employee will be able to exclude these items from income under section 119 of the internal revenue code.
15. Any payment made by an employer to a survivor or the estate of a former employee after the calendar year in which the employee died.
16. Any benefit provided to or on behalf of an employee if at the time the benefit is provided it is reasonable to believe that the employee will be able to exclude the benefit from income under section 74(c) relating to employee achievement awards, section 117 relating to qualified scholarships or section 132 relating to certain fringe benefits of the internal revenue code.
C. Subsection B, paragraphs 3 through 16 of this section do not exclude from wages any of the following:
1. An employer contribution under a qualified cash or deferred arrangement as defined in section 401(k) of the internal revenue code to the extent the contribution is not included in gross income pursuant to section 402(a)(8) of the internal revenue code relating to cash or deferred arrangements.
2. An amount treated as an employer contribution under section 414(h)(2) of the internal revenue code, relating to tax treatment of contributions by government units, if the employer picks up the contribution pursuant to a written or unwritten salary reduction agreement.
3. An amount deferred under any plan or other arrangement for deferral of compensation other than a plan described in subsection B, paragraph 6 of this section. An amount considered as wages pursuant to this paragraph shall be taxed only once and after being taxed shall not be considered wages for the purposes of this chapter.
D. In applying subsection B of this section, any remuneration excluded from the definition of wages under 26 United States Code section 3306(b) shall not be wages.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 23 - Labor

§ 23-101 - Industrial commission; members; qualifications; appointment; terms; compensation; removal

§ 23-102 - Payment of salaries of commissioners

§ 23-103 - Organization; quorum

§ 23-104 - Seal; copies of orders or records as evidence

§ 23-105 - Sites of offices and sessions; business hours; sessions and records; voting

§ 23-106 - Capacity to sue and be sued; service of summons on commission

§ 23-107 - General powers

§ 23-108 - Director; employees; compensation and expenses

§ 23-108.01 - Powers and duties of director

§ 23-108.02 - Administrative law judges

§ 23-108.03 - Performance of certain powers and duties

§ 23-109 - Gifts and grants

§ 23-110 - Industrial commission ombudsman

§ 23-201 - Obtaining labor by false pretenses; civil liability; classification

§ 23-202 - Exaction of fee or gratuity as condition of employment prohibited; classification

§ 23-203 - Compulsion or coercion of employee or another to buy from a particular person; classification

§ 23-204 - Employee benefits; state preemption; exemption; definition

§ 23-205 - Employee scheduling; state preemption; exemptions

§ 23-206 - Employers; accommodations required

§ 23-211 - Definitions

§ 23-212 - Knowingly employing unauthorized aliens; prohibition; false and frivolous complaints; violation; classification; license suspension and revocation; affirmative defense

§ 23-212.01 - Intentionally employing unauthorized aliens; prohibition; false and frivolous complaints; violation; classification; license suspension and revocation; affirmative defense

§ 23-213 - Employer actions; federal or state law compliance

§ 23-214 - Verification of employment eligibility; e-verify program; economic development incentives; list of registered employers

§ 23-216 - Independent contractors; applicability

§ 23-230 - Definitions

§ 23-231 - Prohibited employments of persons under the age of eighteen

§ 23-232 - Prohibited employments of persons under the age of sixteen

§ 23-233 - Permissible hours of labor for persons under the age of sixteen; exceptions; definition

§ 23-234 - Minimum age of newspaper carriers

§ 23-235 - Exemptions

§ 23-236 - Cease and desist order; time for compliance; civil penalty

§ 23-237 - Hearings on cease and desist orders

§ 23-238 - Injunctive relief

§ 23-239 - Violation; classification

§ 23-240 - Rules and regulations

§ 23-241 - Application for variation; contents; notice; denial; hearing

§ 23-242 - Applicability of other laws

§ 23-281 - Operation of certain railroad employers on prescribed time

§ 23-282 - Underground mine employees and hoisting engineers; twelve hour day; exceptions; violation; classification

§ 23-284 - Laundry workers; exceptions; posting notice of hours of labor; arrangement of laundry rooms; violation; classification

§ 23-286.01 - Agricultural operations

§ 23-287 - Requiring railroad employee to work longer than sixteen consecutive hours; classification

§ 23-311 - Definitions

§ 23-312 - Powers and duties of commission

§ 23-313 - Investigation of wage rates

§ 23-314 - Wage board; membership; organization; quorum; compensation

§ 23-315 - Classification of employments by wage board

§ 23-316 - Establishment of minimum fair wage; procedure; criteria

§ 23-317 - Learner and apprentice wage rates

§ 23-318 - Power of wage board to administer oaths, issue subpoenas and take depositions

§ 23-319 - Notice of hearing on wage matters

§ 23-320 - Duty of commission to provide information to wage board

§ 23-321 - Report of wage board; action by commission

§ 23-322 - Directory orders

§ 23-323 - Posting of wage orders

§ 23-324 - Reconsideration of minimum wages in effect over a year

§ 23-325 - Judicial review of commission decisions; scope of review; appeal procedure; action of reviewing court

§ 23-326 - Special licenses to work for less than minimum wage

§ 23-327 - Action by employee for recovery of wages; amount of recovery

§ 23-328 - Contract or agreement for employment of minor at oppressive wage void

§ 23-329 - Violations; classification

§ 23-340 - Definitions

§ 23-341 - Equal wage rates; variations; penalties; enforcement

§ 23-350 - Definitions

§ 23-351 - Designation of paydays for employees; payment; exceptions; violation; classification; applicability; definition

§ 23-352 - Withholding of wages

§ 23-353 - Payment of wages of discharged employee; violation; classification

§ 23-354 - Preference of wages in insolvency proceedings or upon death of employer

§ 23-355 - Action by employee to recover wages; amount of recovery

§ 23-356 - Wage claims

§ 23-357 - Investigation of wage and nonwage compensation claims

§ 23-358 - Review of department determination

§ 23-359 - Effect of department determination

§ 23-360 - Penalty

§ 23-361 - Rules and regulations

§ 23-361.01 - Employer requirements; cash payments; unlawful practices; civil penalty

§ 23-361.02 - Paycheck deductions; authorization; civil penalty; definition

§ 23-362 - Minimum wage; prohibition

§ 23-362; Version 2 - Definitions

§ 23-363 - Minimum wage

§ 23-364 - Enforcement

§ 23-365 - Reliance on administrative rule or regulation

§ 23-371 - Definitions

§ 23-372 - Accrual of earned paid sick time

§ 23-373 - Use of earned paid sick time

§ 23-374 - Exercise of rights protected; retaliation prohibited

§ 23-375 - Notice

§ 23-376 - Regulations

§ 23-377 - Confidentiality and nondisclosure

§ 23-378 - Encouragement of more generous earned paid sick time policies; no effect on more generous policies or laws

§ 23-379 - Other legal requirements

§ 23-380 - Public education and outreach

§ 23-381 - Collective bargaining agreements

§ 23-391 - Overtime pay; workweek

§ 23-392 - Overtime compensation for certain law enforcement or probation officer activities; option; definitions

§ 23-401 - Definitions

§ 23-402 - Applicability

§ 23-403 - Employer's duty

§ 23-404 - Employee's duty

§ 23-405 - Duties and powers of the industrial commission relative to occupational safety and health

§ 23-406 - Division of occupational safety and health; director; appointment; qualifications; compensation

§ 23-407 - Duties and powers of the division

§ 23-408 - Inspection of places and practices of employment; closing conference; prohibitions; employee initiation of investigation; violation; classification; injunction

§ 23-409 - Advisory committees

§ 23-410 - Development of standards and rules

§ 23-411 - Temporary and experimental variances

§ 23-412 - Permanent variances

§ 23-413 - Protest of validity of order

§ 23-414 - Emergency temporary standards

§ 23-415 - Citations

§ 23-416 - De minimis violations

§ 23-417 - Enforcement procedure

§ 23-418 - Penalties; violation; classification

§ 23-418.01 - Additional penalty for wilful or repeated violation causing employee permanent disability or death covered by workers' compensation; payment to employee; enforcement

§ 23-419 - Imminent dangers

§ 23-420 - Hearing rights and procedures

§ 23-421 - Decisions of the administrative law judge; definition

§ 23-422 - Review board

§ 23-423 - Review board rights and procedures; definition

§ 23-425 - Employee discharge or discrimination

§ 23-426 - Confidentiality of trade secrets

§ 23-427 - Employer recordkeeping

§ 23-428 - State legal representation

§ 23-429 - Employer and employee representation

§ 23-430 - Political subdivision jurisdiction

§ 23-431 - Standards of competency

§ 23-432 - Voluntary protection and other model system implementation programs; exemption

§ 23-433 - Consulting program

§ 23-471 - Definitions

§ 23-472 - Administration

§ 23-473 - Owner's and operator's duty

§ 23-474 - Duties of commission

§ 23-475 - Duties of division

§ 23-476 - Safety standards and regulations

§ 23-477 - Notice requesting investigation

§ 23-478 - Enforcement

§ 23-479 - Hearing rights and procedures

§ 23-480 - Decisions of administrative law judge; contents; disposition and effect

§ 23-481 - Decision upon review

§ 23-482 - Time for compliance with order; extension of time; effect of orders

§ 23-483 - Petition for special action to review lawfulness of decision, order or decision upon review; procedure

§ 23-484 - Nonimpairment of other agencies

§ 23-485 - Special inspectors; civil liability

§ 23-486 - Boiler advisory board; members; terms; meetings

§ 23-487 - Political subdivision jurisdiction

§ 23-488 - Division inspection service

§ 23-491 - Definitions

§ 23-491.01 - Administration

§ 23-491.02 - Owner's and operator's duty

§ 23-491.03 - Existing conveyances

§ 23-491.04 - Commission powers and duties

§ 23-491.05 - Division powers

§ 23-491.06 - Development of standards and regulations

§ 23-491.07 - Certificate of inspection

§ 23-491.08 - Notice requesting investigation; confidentiality; determination of grounds

§ 23-491.09 - Enforcement

§ 23-491.10 - Hearing rights and procedures

§ 23-491.11 - Decisions of administrative law judge; contents; disposition and effect

§ 23-491.12 - Decision upon review

§ 23-491.13 - Effective date of orders; time for compliance; effect of orders

§ 23-491.14 - Petition for special action to review lawfulness of decision, order or decision upon review; procedure

§ 23-491.15 - Nonimpairment of other agencies

§ 23-491.16 - Private elevator inspector; qualifications; civil penalty; prohibited conduct; exemption from rule making

§ 23-493 - Definitions

§ 23-493.01 - Collection of samples

§ 23-493.02 - Scheduling of tests

§ 23-493.03 - Testing procedures

§ 23-493.04 - Testing policy requirements

§ 23-493.05 - Disciplinary procedures

§ 23-493.06 - Employer protection from litigation

§ 23-493.07 - Causes of action based on test results

§ 23-493.08 - Limits to causes of action

§ 23-493.09 - Confidentiality of results; access to records

§ 23-493.10 - Construction; collective bargaining

§ 23-493.11 - Effect of mandatory testing obligations

§ 23-493.12 - Severability

§ 23-494 - Noncompete clause prohibition; broadcast employees; definitions

§ 23-495 - Definitions

§ 23-495.01 - Voluntary veterans' performance employment policy; private employers; eligibility

§ 23-501 - Definitions

§ 23-502 - Rehabilitation services

§ 23-503 - Duties and powers

§ 23-503.01 - Coordination of vocational rehabilitation services

§ 23-504 - Merchandising businesses for the blind

§ 23-506 - Eligibility for assistance

§ 23-507 - Hearings

§ 23-508 - Administrative funds

§ 23-551 - Definitions

§ 23-552 - Exemptions

§ 23-553 - Day labor service agency; third party employer; duties

§ 23-561 - Definitions

§ 23-562 - Professional employer agreements; rights; notice

§ 23-563 - Registration requirements; confidentiality

§ 23-564 - Initial registration; fee

§ 23-565 - Renewal registration; fee

§ 23-566 - Group registration

§ 23-567 - Limited registration; fee

§ 23-568 - Alternative registration; fee

§ 23-569 - Financial capability; bonding; exception

§ 23-570 - Liability

§ 23-571 - Tax obligations and incentives

§ 23-572 - Services not insurance

§ 23-573 - Rights; duties

§ 23-574 - Covered employees; licensing

§ 23-575 - Violations; classification; civil penalties; rules

§ 23-576 - Professional employer organization fund; use; exemption

§ 23-601 - Declaration of policy

§ 23-602 - Definitions of words and phrases

§ 23-603 - Agricultural labor; definitions; exemption

§ 23-603.01 - American employer

§ 23-604 - Annual payroll and average annual payroll

§ 23-605 - Base period

§ 23-606 - Base-period employers

§ 23-607 - Base-period wages

§ 23-608 - Benefits

§ 23-609 - Benefit year

§ 23-609.01 - Hearing officers

§ 23-610 - Calendar quarter

§ 23-611 - Definition

§ 23-612 - Contributions

§ 23-612.01 - Crew leader

§ 23-613 - Employer

§ 23-613.01 - Employee; definition; exempt employment

§ 23-614 - Employing unit; temporary services employer; professional employer organization; definitions

§ 23-615 - Employment; definition

§ 23-615.01 - Political subdivision or instrumentality employment

§ 23-616 - Employment office

§ 23-617 - Exempt employment; definition

§ 23-618 - Fund

§ 23-618.01 - Hospital

§ 23-618.02 - Institution of higher education

§ 23-619 - Insured work

§ 23-619.01 - Misconduct connected with the employment; wilful misconduct; evaluation

§ 23-620 - State

§ 23-621 - Unemployed; definition

§ 23-621.01 - United States

§ 23-622 - Wages

§ 23-623 - Week

§ 23-624 - Plan maintained by an employer

§ 23-625 - Definition of levy

§ 23-625.01 - Definition of debtor

§ 23-625.02 - Definition of internal revenue code

§ 23-626 - Eligibility period

§ 23-627 - Exhaustee

§ 23-628 - Extended benefit period

§ 23-629 - Extended benefits

§ 23-630 - On and off indicators

§ 23-631 - Rate of insured unemployment; definition

§ 23-632 - Definition of regular benefits

§ 23-633 - Definition of state law

§ 23-634 - Eligibility requirements for extended benefits

§ 23-634.01 - Denial of benefits for failure to accept suitable work or actively seek work; definition

§ 23-635 - Weekly extended benefit amount

§ 23-636 - Total extended benefit amount; certain adjustments

§ 23-637 - Beginning and termination of extended benefit period

§ 23-638 - Credits and charges to employer accounts

§ 23-639 - Applicability of other articles

§ 23-642 - Compromise of claims for contributions

§ 23-643 - Extensions of time; regulations

§ 23-644 - Reciprocal arrangements

§ 23-645 - State-federal cooperation

§ 23-648 - Manpower services

§ 23-649 - Acquisition of lands and buildings

§ 23-652 - Publications by commission

§ 23-654 - Availability of records to foreign agency

§ 23-656 - Enforcement of chapter

§ 23-657 - Violations; classification

§ 23-921 - Administration of chapter

§ 23-926 - Inspection of employer records; noncompliance by employer; penalty

§ 23-927 - Power to enter places of employment

§ 23-928 - Investigation by agents

§ 23-929 - Enforcement of chapter

§ 23-930 - Unfair claim processing practices; bad faith; civil penalties

§ 23-932 - Violations; classification

§ 23-933 - Priority of judgment against assets of employer

§ 23-671 - Appeal tribunals

§ 23-672 - Appeals board

§ 23-672.01 - Effect of finding, judgment, conclusion or order in separate or subsequent action or proceeding; use as evidence

§ 23-673 - Determination of claim on unemployment due to labor dispute

§ 23-674 - Procedure in rendering decisions and orders; rights of parties; representation

§ 23-675 - Depositions; oaths; attendance of witnesses; production of papers

§ 23-676 - Failure to obey commission subpoena; classification

§ 23-677 - Contempt by contumacy or refusal to obey subpoena of commission

§ 23-679 - Fees of witnesses

§ 23-680 - Notices of hearings

§ 23-681 - Changing hearing date; good cause

§ 23-682 - Service of documents by electronic means

§ 23-683 - Exemption of claimant from fees; approval required for counsel or agent fee; violation; classification

§ 23-701 - Unemployment compensation fund; administration; composition

§ 23-702 - Custody of unemployment compensation fund

§ 23-703 - Accounts comprising unemployment compensation fund; deposits; refunds; commingling funds prohibited

§ 23-704 - Requisitions and withdrawals from accounts in unemployment compensation fund; conditions of expenditure for benefits, refunds and administration

§ 23-705 - Special administration fund

§ 23-706 - Use of special administration fund; transfer of monies

§ 23-707 - Employment security administration fund

§ 23-708 - Reimbursement of employment security administration fund

§ 23-709 - Employment service account

§ 23-721 - Work records kept by employing unit; inspection by commission

§ 23-722 - Reports of employing unit; information confidential; report of banking institution; disclosure of information; violation; classification

§ 23-722.01 - Employer reporting; exceptions; retention of records; unauthorized disclosure; civil penalty; new hire directory; definitions

§ 23-722.02 - Employer request; employee disclosure; violation; classification; requirements

§ 23-722.03 - Memorandum of understanding; retention; use; definition

§ 23-722.04 - Unemployment insurance information; disclosure; violation; classification

§ 23-723 - Penalties for failure to file timely or complete contribution and wage reports

§ 23-724 - Liability determinations; review; finality

§ 23-725 - Employer coverage; termination; election of coverage

§ 23-726 - Contributions; voluntary payment

§ 23-727 - Credits and charges to employer accounts

§ 23-728 - Standard rate of contribution

§ 23-729 - Change from the standard contribution rate

§ 23-730 - Variation and adjustment of contribution rates

§ 23-731 - Classification of employers by benefit experience to determine contribution rates; rate when report unavailable

§ 23-732 - Annual notice to employer of contribution rate; procedure for review and redetermination; quarterly notification; notification by electronic means

§ 23-733 - Transfer of employer experience rating accounts to successor employer; liability of successor

§ 23-733.01 - Assignments of rates; transfers of experience; violation; civil penalty; definitions

§ 23-734 - Agreement by employee to pay employer contribution void

§ 23-735 - Requiring or accepting payments from wages to finance employer's contribution; waiver of rights of employee; violation; classification

§ 23-736 - Interest on past due contributions; deposit of interest

§ 23-737 - Collection of contributions or interest; precedence of action

§ 23-737.01 - Collection of amounts due by certificate for judgment

§ 23-737.02 - Recovery of collection costs; fee for bad checks

§ 23-738 - Delinquency assessments; interest and penalties; petition for reassessment

§ 23-738.01 - Deficiency assessment; petition for reassessment

§ 23-739 - Jeopardy assessment; petition for reassessment

§ 23-740 - Procedure on petition for reassessment

§ 23-741 - Payment of amounts in dispute

§ 23-742 - Adjustment or refund of contribution; limitation

§ 23-743 - Limitations

§ 23-744 - Priority of claim for contributions due upon insolvency proceedings

§ 23-745 - Lien for unpaid contributions, interest and penalties

§ 23-746 - Superiority of lien; notice

§ 23-746.01 - Release or subordination of lien

§ 23-747 - Release of lien; bond; foreclosure and judgment against surety

§ 23-748 - Effect upon lien of transfer of assets by delinquent

§ 23-749 - Failure to make contributions or payments, furnish reports or produce or permit inspection of records; classification

§ 23-750 - Special provisions for nonprofit organizations and state and local governments

§ 23-751 - Authorizing certain state agencies and institutions of higher learning to elect to make payments in lieu of contributions

§ 23-751.01 - Employment by an Indian tribe; benefits; payments in lieu of contributions; definitions

§ 23-752 - Levy assessment and distraint

§ 23-753 - Surrender of property subject to levy; definition

§ 23-754 - Production of books

§ 23-755 - Property exempt from levy

§ 23-756 - Notice and sale of seized property

§ 23-757 - Authority to release levy and return property

§ 23-761 - Definitions

§ 23-762 - Requirements of shared work plan; approval

§ 23-763 - Shared work benefits; eligibility; requirements

§ 23-764 - Amount of benefits

§ 23-766 - Other provisions of this chapter; department regulations; applicability

§ 23-771 - Eligibility for benefits

§ 23-771.01 - Approved training; definitions

§ 23-771.02 - Training program

§ 23-772 - Claims for benefits; initial claim filing notice to employer; contents of notice; continued claim notice to employer; posting printed statements dealing with claims

§ 23-773 - Examination and determination of claims

§ 23-774 - Documentation of benefit eligibility

§ 23-775 - Disqualification from benefits

§ 23-776 - Disqualification from benefits for failure to accept suitable work or actively seek work; exceptions

§ 23-777 - Disqualification from benefits for unemployment resulting from labor dispute; exceptions; effect on contribution rate

§ 23-778 - Disqualification from benefits for fraud

§ 23-779 - Amount of benefits

§ 23-780 - Duration and amount of benefits; definition

§ 23-781 - Denial of benefits to certain athletes and aliens

§ 23-782 - Payment of benefits

§ 23-783 - Assignment or pledge of benefits void; exemption from attachment or execution; waiver of exemption void

§ 23-784 - Agreement for waiver of rights void

§ 23-785 - False statement, misrepresentation or nondisclosure of material fact to obtain benefits; classification

§ 23-786 - False statement, misrepresentation or nondisclosure of material fact to defraud claimant; classification

§ 23-787 - Repayment of and deductions for benefits obtained by claimants not entitled to benefits; collection; interest

§ 23-788 - Recovery of trade act overpayments

§ 23-789 - Recovery of child support obligations; definitions

§ 23-789.01 - Recovery of uncollected overissuance of food stamp coupons; definitions

§ 23-790 - Recovery on behalf of foreign agency of benefits paid through nondisclosure or misrepresentation of material fact

§ 23-791 - Benefits reduced by pension payment; definition

§ 23-792 - Voluntary withholding; income tax

§ 23-793 - Qualified transient lodging employment; definition

§ 23-794 - School bus contractors with educational institutions; definition

§ 23-795 - Contract educational providers; definition

§ 23-796 - Services for a charter school; benefits

§ 23-798 - Reservation of legislative authority; no vested rights

§ 23-799 - Severability

§ 23-799.01 - Fraud prevention; report

§ 23-801 - Liability of employer

§ 23-802 - Declaration of policy

§ 23-803 - Hazardous occupations

§ 23-804 - Posting of notices by employer

§ 23-805 - Right of action for damages; two-year limitation

§ 23-806 - Contributory negligence or assumption of risk as question of fact; effect of comparative negligence on damages

§ 23-807 - Agreement exempting employer from liability void; setoffs by employer

§ 23-808 - Limitation on attorney's fee; violation; classification

§ 23-901 - Definitions

§ 23-901.01 - Occupational disease; proximate causation; definition

§ 23-901.02 - Liability of last employer; exception

§ 23-901.03 - Appointment of committee of medical consultants for claims; qualifications, powers, duties and compensation

§ 23-901.04 - Compensation precluded by misconduct, self-exposure or disobedience of orders of commission; definition

§ 23-901.05 - Occupational disease aggravated by other disease or other disease aggravated by occupational disease; effect on compensation

§ 23-901.06 - Volunteer workers

§ 23-901.07 - Persons with disabilities in vocational training; definition

§ 23-901.08 - Professional employer organizations

§ 23-901.09 - Presumption; cancers; firefighters and fire investigators; applicability; definitions

§ 23-902 - Employers subject to chapter; exceptions

§ 23-903 - Application of chapter to persons engaged in interstate commerce; limitation

§ 23-904 - Arizona worker injuries in other state; injury to foreign worker in this state; evidence of insurance; judicial notice of other state's laws

§ 23-905 - Minor employees; limitation on payment of lump sum award; additional compensation

§ 23-906 - Liability under chapter or under common law of employer securing compensation; carriers; service representatives; right of employee to make election; procedure for making election

§ 23-907 - Liability of employer failing to secure compensation; defenses; presumption; right of employee to compensation under chapter; information exchange; civil penalties; settlement of disputed claim

§ 23-908 - Injury reports by employer and physician; schedule of fees; notification; public meeting; violation; classification

§ 23-909 - Motion picture exemption

§ 23-910 - Exemption for licensees

§ 23-941 - Hearing rights and procedure

§ 23-941.01 - Settlement of claims; full and final; exception; definitions

§ 23-941.02 - Vexatious litigants; designation; definitions

§ 23-941.03 - Settlement of claims; supportive medical maintenance benefits; definition

§ 23-942 - Awards of administrative law judge; contents; disposition and effect

§ 23-943 - Decision on review

§ 23-944 - Effective date of orders; time for compliance; effect of orders

§ 23-945 - Petition for hearing on validity of order; procedure; substitution of order

§ 23-946 - Action asserting invalidity of order; limitation; venue and procedure

§ 23-946.01 - Stay of court proceedings pending determination of issues by commission

§ 23-947 - Time within which hearing must be requested; definition

§ 23-948 - Jurisdiction of actions concerning orders or petitions for writ of mandamus; right of appeal

§ 23-949 - Effect of action concerning order; procedure to stay order

§ 23-950 - Priority of actions

§ 23-951 - Writ of certiorari to review lawfulness of award, order or decision upon review; procedure

§ 23-952 - Continuation of order or award pending hearing or appeal

§ 23-953 - Notice of award; effect of petition for hearing or appeal; overpayment

§ 23-954 - Payment of interest on awards

§ 23-961 - Methods of securing compensation by employers; deficit premium; civil penalty

§ 23-961.01 - Self-insurance pools

§ 23-962 - Insurance by governmental units; payment of premiums

§ 23-963 - Provisions of compensation insurance policy

§ 23-963.01 - Policies with deductible coverage; medical-only loss

§ 23-964 - Posting notice of compliance with compensation law

§ 23-966 - Failure of employer to pay claim or comply with commission order; reimbursement of funds

§ 23-967 - Deduction of premium from employee wage or salary; violation; classification

§ 23-968 - Notification to employer by carrier

§ 23-969 - Satisfaction of lien; release

§ 23-970 - Misrepresentation of payroll, job description, job function or loss history affecting premium payment; violation; classification; penalty; statute of limitations; civil action

§ 23-971 - Firefighter and fire investigator cancer claim information; data sharing; definitions

§ 23-1001 - Delivery of insurance contract or policy to employer

§ 23-1021 - Right of employee to compensation

§ 23-1021.01 - Peace officers; fire fighters; employment status

§ 23-1022 - Compensation as exclusive remedy for employees; definition; exceptions; public agency employees

§ 23-1023 - Liability of third person to injured employee; election of remedies

§ 23-1024 - Choice of remedy as waiver of alternate remedy

§ 23-1025 - Agreement by employee to waive compensation or to pay premium void; unlawful collection of premium; classification

§ 23-1026 - Periodic medical examination of employee; effect of refusal or obstruction of examination or treatment

§ 23-1027 - Compensation precluded by neglect or refusal of employee to submit to treatment

§ 23-1028 - False statements or representations to obtain compensation; forfeiture; violation; classification; sworn statement; definition

§ 23-1029 - Repeal of chapter; effect on rights of parties

§ 23-1030 - Effect on employers' liability law

§ 23-1031 - Persons incarcerated; suspension of benefits

§ 23-1041 - Basis for computing compensation; definition

§ 23-1042 - Basis for computing average monthly wage of minor permanently incapacitated

§ 23-1043 - Hernias classified for compensation purposes

§ 23-1043.01 - Heart-related and mental cases

§ 23-1043.02 - Human immunodeficiency virus; establishing exposure; definition

§ 23-1043.03 - Hepatitis C; establishing exposure; definition

§ 23-1043.04 - Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus; spinal meningitis; tuberculosis; establishing exposure; definitions

§ 23-1044 - Compensation for partial disability; computation

§ 23-1045 - Compensation for total disability; permanent total disability defined

§ 23-1046 - Death benefits

§ 23-1047 - Procedure for determining compensation for partial disability and permanent total disability in cases not enumerated; procedure for determining nonscheduled dependency and duration of compensation to partial dependents in death cases

§ 23-1048 - Reasonable accommodations; earning capacity determination; definitions

§ 23-1061 - Notice of accident; form of notice; claim for compensation; reopening; payment of compensation; notification of injury

§ 23-1061.01 - Treatment by prayer or spiritual means

§ 23-1062 - Medical, surgical, hospital benefits; translation services; travel expenses; commencement of compensation; method of compensation

§ 23-1062.01 - Timely payment of medical, surgical and hospital benefit billing; content of bills; contracts between providers and carriers; exceptions; definitions

§ 23-1062.02 - Use of controlled substances; prescription of schedule II controlled substances; reports; treatment plans; monitoring program inquiries; preauthorizations; definitions

§ 23-1062.03 - Evidence-based medical treatment guidelines

§ 23-1063 - Apportionment of compensation

§ 23-1064 - Presumptions of dependency; determination

§ 23-1065 - Special fund; purposes; investment committee

§ 23-1066 - Minor or incompetent claimant; appointment of guardian ad litem; procedure

§ 23-1067 - Commutation of compensation to lump sum payment

§ 23-1068 - Assignment of compensation; exemption from attachment or execution; payment to nonresident

§ 23-1069 - Attorney's fees; payment; time limitation

§ 23-1070 - Medical, surgical and hospital benefits provided by employer; pilot program

§ 23-1070.01 - Request for early hearing; stipulation; action of commission

§ 23-1071 - Notice by employees with disabilities of absence from locality or state; failure to give notice; change of doctor

§ 23-1072 - Autopsy in death claims; effect of refusal by claimant

§ 23-1073 - Processing of prior claims

§ 23-1081 - Administrative fund; purposes and administration

§ 23-1091 - Assigned risk plan

§ 23-1101 - Definition of report

§ 23-1102 - Workers' compensation presumptions of compensability; report

§ 23-1103 - Impact of presumptions; liability

§ 23-1104 - Report procedures and deadlines

§ 23-1105 - Heart-related, perivascular and pulmonary cases; firefighters; presumption; definition

§ 23-1301 - Definitions

§ 23-1302 - Prohibition of agreements denying employment because of nonmembership in labor organization

§ 23-1303 - Illegality of acts or agreements violating article; strike or picketing for illegal purpose

§ 23-1304 - Prohibition of threatened or actual interference with a person, his family or property to compel him to join labor organization, strike or leave employment

§ 23-1305 - Prohibition of conspiracy to induce persons to refuse to work with persons not members of labor organization

§ 23-1306 - Civil liability of person violating article

§ 23-1307 - Injunctive relief from injury resulting from violation of article

§ 23-1321 - Definitions

§ 23-1322 - Unlawful picketing

§ 23-1323 - Injunctive relief; damages

§ 23-1324 - Violations; classification

§ 23-1325 - Defamation; damages

§ 23-1327 - Unlawful mass assembly

§ 23-1328 - Trespassory assembly

§ 23-1329 - Publicizing enjoined picketing or assembly; prohibition

§ 23-1341 - Invalidity of employment agreement not to join, become or remain member of labor or employers' organization

§ 23-1342 - Compelling or coercing another not to join labor union as requisite to employment; classification

§ 23-1361 - Blacklist; definition; exceptions; privileged communications; immunity

§ 23-1362 - Blacklisting; classification

§ 23-1381 - Declaration of policy

§ 23-1382 - Definitions

§ 23-1383 - Rights of employees

§ 23-1384 - Rights of employer

§ 23-1385 - Unfair labor practices; definition

§ 23-1386 - Agricultural employment relations board; members; terms; appointment

§ 23-1387 - Powers and duties

§ 23-1388 - Officers and employees of the board

§ 23-1389 - Representatives and elections

§ 23-1390 - Prevention of unfair labor practices

§ 23-1391 - Investigatory powers

§ 23-1392 - Violation; classification

§ 23-1393 - Court jurisdiction

§ 23-1394 - Scope of article

§ 23-1395 - Limitations

§ 23-1411 - Public safety employee organizational rights; definition

§ 23-1421 - Third-party benefits organizations; damages; exemptions; exclusive remedy; statute of limitations; applicability; definitions

§ 23-1431 - Public employers; public monies; contracts; union activities; standing; state preemption; definitions

§ 23-1501 - Severability of employment relationships; protection from retaliatory discharges; exclusivity of statutory remedies in employment

§ 23-1502 - Constructive discharge

§ 23-1601 - Declaration of independent business status

§ 23-1602 - Determination of employment relationship; prohibition

§ 23-1603 - Qualified marketplace contractors; definitions

§ 23-1604 - Franchisor and franchisee; owner of a mark and licensee; employment relationship; definitions

§ 23-1605 - Motor carriers; employment status; safety improvement; definitions

§ 23-1701 - Definitions

§ 23-1702 - Municipal firefighter cancer reimbursement fund; exemption; rulemaking; annual report

§ 23-1703 - Assessment